Albert Albertse Terhune - Two different last names

Started by Renee wright on Thursday, September 12, 2019
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9/12/2019 at 8:20 AM

I have been researching Albert Albertse Terhune Albertse Terhune and also the last name Koning. I have found that people are saying Annetje isn't a Terhune but an Albert Koning (Koening/Cuijnen) I am trying to find where Koning comes from, are these the same person. Any records that prove Annetje Albertse Van Tassel Annetje real maiden name? Terhune or Koning? Or how these two last names are linked together.
Thank you for any help,

9/25/2019 at 12:14 PM

They were Quakers and can be found in the Quaker or Friends records in the NY and NJ area.

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