King David of Israel - My 100th GGF?

Started by Suzan Martin on Friday, September 6, 2019
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Shoshana how come is this MP profile without any sources?

Private User I removed the MP and you are free to edit or delete the profile if you wish.

Randy Schoenberg

Consistency is important.

such a task cannot be left to the responsibility of a geni member, we are constantly reminded not to touch medieval or older profiles and for good reason. This is curators job. Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert what is your opinion about the profile?

In some cases, for example, Christian Settipani’s studies are accepted, in some cases they are not. The only difference is what is on the agenda. N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni for example this person has been studied together and is now even on the "invented" list.

Ioannes Mystacon Johannes Mystakon was married to Placida (* about 560), Anastasius (grandson of Empress Theodora I, wife of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (527-565) from their previous marriage) and With Juliana's daughter. This Juliana was the mother of the fifth generation of the Roman emperor Valentinian III through Proba. (Flavius ​​Placidus Valentinianus) (425-455) [2]


Johannes Mystakon had at least the following children:

Valentinos (* about 590, † 644), a pretender to the Byzantine Crown, received the title of Caesar in 641 and was the de facto regent of the Byzantine Empire in 642/43.
Manuel (* 585, † 651), 651 "Magistros"

Even Valentinus is without parents here. So it is important to find sources or profile has to be cut.

Muslims and Jewish older lines are mixed lines in Geni with each other in relation to their famous ancestors, but links are cut and tree is cleaned mostly only from Jewish lines, on the Muslim side the situation is completely wild wild west and contains hundreds of profiles without sources and profiles named only "generation 1-22". I have written about this before to some curators but the language barrier seems to be one reason, why situacion is what it is.

Geni contains several profiles of living persons that lead directly to bible tree, Jewish prophets and at the same time Muslim holy ancestors and vice versa. They are detached from the world tree in such a way that the offspring are selected to be only a few dozen or hundreds, which, of course, is not mathematically true. There seem to be lack of curation and that is inconsistent.

So for many profiles, we have spent hours, days, weeks, and months studying medieval or ancient texts, studies.

There are 17 different discussions under King David.

Also, the following people have sparked a lot of discussion and shared working hours for months.

Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

Also, this person Oria / Awria have come up with two different profiles, although most likely the same person:
Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

Awriya binti Musa

In other words, a lot of effort, decision making and work has been done here to find sources and make decisions, that is why a profile like
Shoshana is by no means not acceptable. It undermines credibility and to leave the profile connected would be very inconsistent in every way.

Kind regards, Saga

( I am using translator nowadays and voice service first from my language, hope the text is understandable enough)

This shameful profile dhould be removed also

Missing Gap Traditionally 20/21 generations

I agree. I deleted "Missing Gap". I had severed him last week and got some push-back, but it doesn't belong on these lengthy connectors don't belong on the tree.

As for the other issues, I don 't feel I am the most qualified to handle them, but maybe there is no one else? Until we have a curator who is competent in this field, we just have to do the best we can.

Disconnected Shoshana from parents.

Ive followed the Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi vs Awriya binti Musa discussions and am not persuaded they are the same. However theres a scholar mentioned whose work should be added to profile.

Post profiles that need attention.


Seems to be a huge gap between

Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

Says; Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela y Huesca y Zaragoza is my 36th great uncle.

But his fayther jumps to my;
Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela is my 62nd cousin 51 times removed.

I know I usually can relate in at least 3 ways to some connections up to 4 ways.Geni cannot show me all the connections. Usually I have run the lines from either of my parents to the profile itself and that can give me a clue of how the Ancestors mixed and mingled. In some cases I'm double or triple related.
The disconnecting of Shoshana parents shows no blood relationship now but is still my;
Shoshana is your 22nd great aunt's second great uncle's wife's grandmother. Seems King David of Iseral(107 GGF) and Azariah-High-Priest(103 GGF) seems fine but the huge gap is in question for me. Please advise. I'll post the lines as maybe you all can see what I'm missing.

@Erica I agree NOT the same persons. 1 is a 1st cousin 36 times removed and Oria my 34 G-GM. I posted the inlaw relationship yo to each other if that helps. Just trying to understand these lines better.

Erica Howton The point was > I tried to explain with my best english taht: there has been a lot of effort, decision making and work has been done here to find sources and make decisions to these other profiles, those profiles I mentioned are not the problems, they are example of working together and trying to solve where to cut, and supporting the decision making. It would be inconsistent to leave profile like the shoshanna like that without sources. Thank you Randy Schoenberg

There are still lot of work to be done especially to those muslim trees that connects only some families without any sources to ancient jewish profiles and muslim prophet. Is there any curator At the medieval muslim tree?

Re: Is there any curator At the medieval muslim tree?

Not currently. I think there’s several of us that would take a stab at helping out researchers however, just post links that need attention with recommendations for action, based on ... Xxx.

I am not sure if these are any help, these profiles lead towards some main characters and are without any sources, just generation mentioned in general information. If there are sources, would be good to add from the maker of these profiles. There are much more profiles, also private ones from year 1000 and so on.

If someone can take a look.

607 - Seyyed Hassan

608 - Seyyed Hossein fils de Mahmoud

609 - Seyyed Mahmoud fils de Najmeddin - Chef de tribu du Khorassan

612 - Seyyed Fathollah fils de Rouhollah

613 - Seyyed Rouhollah

614 - Nikeddin - Mobarak Shah - مبارک شاه resident de Merv - fils de Abdollah, *

615 -Abdollah fils de Samad

616 - Samad fils de Abdolmajid

Hi Private User do you have some sources to add to those profiles?

Private User,
I cleared up the issues with private (and living) profiles in this part of the tree.

Do you know what the numbers (600...) on these profiles refers to?

Thank you Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן So those profiles from medieval times that I wrote in a post, has to be cut or removed, if sources good enough are not added. Geni policy has been very strict with those medieval or after 1700, profiles and trees. For a good reason. No old profiles without any sources. (Also many parts of my own tree are cut at the moment from some parts, even though we know from what "family" we are from, but the source good enough is missing)

Those numbers (600) are Geni users own generation tree that leads from her to the Prophet Mohammad of Islam (PBUH). I tagged her in this discussion here before asking if she could add some sources to empty profiles that has marked only generation in general information. It might be better to use other system or maybe MH to build personal trees without sources, as Geni can not have separated rules for these profiles. Internet is full of these family trees to religious figures, without sources good enough.

Kaunista kesää ystävät, Saga

There is NO POLICY to cut such profiles or branches from the tree.

If we did the tree would be a huge mess. There are many THOUSANDS of such profiles, because that is how they were initially entered. These profiles probably DO have sources, just not on Geni. There are many Geni users (and Curators) that try going through these all, but that is a LOT of work.

English is not my language so I try to explain this best as I can. I have participated on many medieval projects where we have been specifically looking for that kind of profiles, specially medieval ones what are lacking sources to make a cut. I have spent hours, months and years for searching medieval sources from old archieves and books to make Geni a better place. I have also been told that it is not ok to build in Geni empty profiles of "generation x/y" that connects only one (alive) family to religious figures. Those kind of trees has been cut before. Many people have copy-pasted bad GEDCOM files found online, into their tree, and to Geni. Many of those lines that connects to ancient muslim figures, connects also to bible tree. Usually the Spanish lines to the Family of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family ( including Abbasid and Umayyad lines) have been systematically cut. So some consistency is lacking here.

These lines are CUT but typically not removed.

The reason they are cut is precisely because they are too SHORT. So we look for where we think the gaps are, cut them, and typically put a comment in the "About Me" section with a link to the other side of the cut.

I thought the kings were related to king David I'm a grandson of all of them But for some reason on this site Geni it doesn't link to king David why ?

Matthew Ray Peck - because no one knows the exact way to get from him to us.

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