King David of Israel - My 100th GGF?

Started by Suzan Martin on Friday, September 6, 2019
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Hilarious, , don't think this is so, but interesting,

Actually with my research....more likely than not 😊

Yes Is also my 102 th. G.G.F.
Is incredible.!.

King David is my 102nd GGF and a quick lookup ....
Gustavo Adolfo Rojas Calvo ... you are my 23rd cousin once removed...

Coralie Kay Mattson your my 18th cousin.
Suzan Martin your my 14th cousin thrice removed.
Kimberly Danielle Cook your my 16th cousin four times removed.
Gustavo Adolfo Rojas Calvo your my 22nd cousin.

Hello cousins

Seems we share the same GGF...among other folk...

There are many conversations started, most recent here:

There is a bit more about this subject.

If interested, you can check profile and see the other discussions also.

Greetings to you all,


En Noviembre 2016, en mi pagina publique la siguientr

Ley de Genealogia

Quillota, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

Si A=2^n representa el numero de ancestros directos, siendo n=numero de generaciones iniciando con 0 (cero), entonces en 30 generaciones tendríamos 1.073.741.824 ascendientes directos. Luego es muy probable que todos estemos relacionados y solo desconocemos la ruta de parentesco. Raúl Castro Chacón.

En el caso del rey David
King David of Israel is Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio's 92nd great grandfather!

Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio 


Elba Chacón Silva 
your mother



Mostrar 91 parientes →


King Solomon 
his father



King David of Israel 
his father

Saluda a Ud.
Raul Castro Chacón
Capitán de Navío

The number of ancestors increases in power of two, so we have four grandparents, eight grandparents etc .

In forty generations, the number of ancestors would increase to 1,000,000,000,000, or one trillion. Then, of course, half of them are male.

But in the time of Charlemagne, the European population is estimated to be around 15 million men. So those half a trillion men could never be different persons.

Thus, there has been a great deal of "loss of ancestors"; meaning the same family is often found in different lineages. And as we travel back in time 3000 years ago, this pedigree collapse is seen even more strongly, because there hasn't been that many people existing in the world.

There should be definitely more then 100 generations to reach Kind Davids time. Even if he was our ancestor, names and people have disappeared behind the veil of time

El número de antepasados aumenta en poder de dos, por lo que tenemos cuatro abuelos, ocho abuelos, etc.

En cuarenta generaciones, el número de antepasados aumentaría a 1,000,000,000,000, o un billón. Entonces, por supuesto, la mitad de ellos son hombres.

Pero en los tiempos de Carlomagno, la población europea se estima en alrededor de 15 millones de hombres. Así que esos medio billón de hombres nunca podrían ser personas diferentes.

Por lo tanto, ha habido una gran cantidad de "pérdida de antepasados"; lo que significa que la misma familia a menudo se encuentra en diferentes linajes. Y a medida que viajamos en el tiempo hace 3000 años, este colapso de pedigrí se ve aún más fuertemente, porque no ha habido tanta gente en el mundo.

Definitivamente debería haber más de 100 generaciones para llegar al tiempo de Kind Davids. Incluso si él fuera nuestro antepasado, los nombres y las personas han desaparecido detrás del velo del tiempo.

Very interesting, and it very well may be true we are all cousins of some number , are sharing many of the same ancestors in the process ,I notice . A hundred give or take a few is most likely correct

King David of Israel
King David of Israel is your 102nd great grandfather.
Si esto fuera así sería fabuloso saber que nuestros genes provienen de Reyes Reinas Sabios Príncipes ect
Herod the Great, King of Judea is your 69th great grandfather.
Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea is your 72nd great grandmother.
Pero todo se debilita al llegar a
N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni
a lo largo del tiempo a habido 3 discusiones al respecto y nadie lo supo resolver y al ser NN no es una fuente confiable.

Juan Carlos,

arbol de Raul no pasa via N.N son of Arscruni, él tiene un camino completamente diferente via familias judias de portugal, pero el árbol es muy corto.

Raul es mi primo n° 20 y compartimos familias de Portugal

Saga lo planteado en esta discusión citada por Kimberly-Cook es lo que manifiesto 46-N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni
his father igual a mi arbol

Primos somos todos. El es mi primo n*18. Pero su arbol no se va via N.N son of Moustakon Arscuni :)

We are all cousins but Rauls tree does not go via N.N son of Moustakon Arscruni as we can see here:

Se han corregido casi todos los caminos, pero es bueno comprobarlo. Es decir, de ese árbol genealógico faltan algunas generaciones. (N.N son of Arscruni ha comenzado su propia discusión, porque es un poco sospechoso.)

Saga tienes razón pero si te fijas mas arriba de la discusión citabas lo manifestado por Kinmberly -There are many conversations started, most recent here:

There is a bit more about this subject.

If interested, you can check profile and see the other discussions also.

Greetings to you all

Sí, también hemos hablado de estas cosas allí, es posible que no entienda lo que quieres decir. Ninguno de los dos idiomas es mi lengua materna, pero estoy tratando de explicar.

Geni intenta proporcionar el pedigrí más confiable y ha delimitado algunas líneas. Una de ellas es que el antepasado en cuestión, King David, no tiene descendencia probada.

Es decir, cada vez que se encuentra una nueva línea, tratamos de encontrar un posible enlace que sea débil o que no haya evidencia sólida. cada antepasado en la línea debe pasar uno por uno y buscar su historia.

Esa línea de N.N son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni ya está bajo investigación,

Pero ahora tenemos una línea completamente nueva (con Raul), lo que debería verificarse, hay muy pocas personas, debería haber mucho más de cien.. (y todavía no se ha probado ninguna línea de verdad) es decir, algunos de estos perfiles tienen un error o faltan generaciones:

King David of Israel
→ King Solomon
his son → Rehoboam son of Solomon
his son → Abias, 2nd King of Judah
his son → Kuningas Aasa
his son → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his son → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his son → King Ahaziah .
his son → Jehoash .
his son → Amaziah
his son → Isaiah The Prophet
his son → Hephzi-bah .
his daughter → Menasseh .
her son → Pediah of Rumah
his son → Zebidah .
his daughter → Jehoiakim
her son → Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18
his son → Shealtiel
his son → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his son → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his son → Yeshaiah ben Hananya
his son → Refaya Ben Chananya
his son → Arnan Ben Rafaya
his son → Ovadya Ben Amay (Aranan
his son → Shechanya Ben Ovadya
his son → Shemaya Ben Shechanya
his son → Bariah Ben Shemaya
his son → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch, Dayan,
his son → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch
his son → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya
his daughter → Da'ud ibn Akkub
her son → Shlomo III ibn Da'ud Exilarch
his son → Shemaya I ben Shlomo
his son → Da'ud ben Shemaya
his son → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch
his son → Hizkiya ben Shehanya
his son → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
his son → Exhilarch Nathan ben Shalom
his son → Hunya ben Nathan
his son → Shlomo ben Hunya
his son → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch
his son → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty
his son → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya
his son → Khamma ben Nachum II
his son → Yosef bar Khamma
his son → Yosef bar Yosef
his son → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef
his son → Mar Sutra
his son → Kahana ben Abba Mari
his son → Zutra ben Kahana
his son → Mar Mari ben Mar Zutra I
his son → Haninaï ben Mar Mari
his son → Ahunai ben Haninai
his son → Hophni Haninai ben Ahunai
his son → Ḥananya 'Ḥanan of Isḳiya' bar Adoi ben Hophni
his son → Hananya "Bustenai" ben Haninai
his son → Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai
his son → Hananya ben Haninai haKohen al-Nahr Paqod
his son → Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah haKohen al-Nahr Peḳod
his son → Hillel "Hilai" ben "Mari"
his son → Mar Yitzhak Sadoq
his son → Mar Rab Mishoi Sheshna ben Yitzhak Sedeq, ha Sofer b'Pumbeditha
his son → 2nd bat Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' haSofer b'Pumbeditha
his daughter → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
her son → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
his son → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon
his daughter → Sisnando Davidiz
her son → Elvira "Unisco" Núñes Sisnandiz
his daughter → Sisnandiz Moniz
her daughter → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā
her son → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his son → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his son → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his son → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his son → Gedalia ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
his son → יונתי
his daughter → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla
her son → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza
his son → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
his daughter → Leonor de Acuña y Enríquez
her daughter → Leonor Guzmán y Acuña
her daughter → Pedro de Córdoba y Guzmán
her son → Isabel Córdoba y Avendaño
his daughter → Luis Jacinto de Carvajal Vargas y Córdoba
her son → José de Carvajal Vargas y Arbildo
his son → Juan de Carvajal Vargas y Quesada Sotomayor
his son → Úrsula Carvajal-Vargas y Roa
his daughter → Carlos Bustos y Carvajal Vargas
her son → Matías Bustos de Lara y Baeza
his son → Ángela Bustos Sanhueza
his daughter → Maria de la Concepción Barrios Bustos
her daughter → Pedro Chacón Barrios
her son → Luis Alberto Chacón Navea
his son → Elba Chacón Silva
his daughter → Raúl Castro Chacón
her son

Creo que se debe analizar este perfil por cuanto es la unión de razas diferentes
Paloma ha-Leví Benveniste
She is variously described as a Moor or a baptized Jew. Paloma presents a sticky genealogical problem. There are a host of references online that claim that her father was Gedaliah, a descendant of the Jewish Exilarchs of Babylon, who furthermore claimed descent from King David.
However, many, if not most of the connections in this string come from the research of David Hughes, who claims to be a professional genealogist, and also claims that the "First King of America" was descended from Neptune.
Publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2018

Hijos malditos de la España Imperial. Los judeoconversos (s X...
Publicado el 4 de octubre de 2018

Hablamos de Genealogia y de literatura,en mi país no existe la monarquía pero la respetamos y la Reina de Holanda es Argentina Y el Papa Francisco es Argentino y existe la libertad de Culto y somos libres porque un 9 de julio de 1810 nos independizamos de España y rechazamos todo tipo de discriminación y Colonialismo

Opal? Geni is not America.

This discussion is not about kings and queens. This has to do with King David of Israel, who is traditionally placed around 1000 BCE.

Did you mean to write that to some other discussion?

I see a problem with the line that connects me to King David. It goes through the prophet Isaiah but it shows him as the song of King Amaziah. This is incorrect. According to Isaiah 1:1 and 2 Chronicles 26:22, Isaiah was the son of Amoz. Someone has entered his father incorrectly so this changes the whole line from this point. Has anyone else noticed this? Isaías, hijo de Amoz, envió a Ezequías, diciendo: "Así ha dicho Jehová, Dios de Israel: Considerando que me has rezado contra Senaquerib, rey de Asiria
Fue hijo del profeta menor Amós. 1Visión de Isaías hijo de Amoz, la cual vio acerca de Judá y Jerusalén en días de Uzías
La línea mía también pasa por isaias.

Yes, that is weird. According to the rabbinic literature, Isaiah was a descendant of the royal house of Judah and Tamar (Sotah 10b). He was the son of Amoz (not to be confused with Prophet Amos), who was the brother of King Amaziah of Judah.

Though it is mentioned frequently as the patronymic title of Isaiah, the name Amoz appears nowhere else in the Bible. The rabbis of the Talmud declared, based upon a rabbinic tradition, that Amoz was the brother of Amaziah (אמציה), the king of Judah at that time (and, as a result, that Isaiah himself was a member of the royal family). According to some traditions, Amoz is the "man of God" in 2 Chronicles 25:7–9 (Seder Olam Rabbah 20), who cautioned Amaziah to release the Israelite mercenaries that he had hired.

Isaiah The Prophet it seem he has wrong parents?

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן

Isaiah The Prophet is your 92nd great grandfather.
Amaziah, 8th King of Judah is your 64th great uncle's partner's 7th great grandfather's wife's second cousin four times removed.
Amaziah, 8th King of Judah is your 93rd great grandfather.
Amoz . is your 93rd great uncle.

I had merged some profiles in that tree....they just got unmerged or disconnected right back....I am a bit confused, as they appear to be the same people...was done by Shmuel

Azariah 2 ., High Priest

Look at the tree and surrounding profiles.

Hello Saga.

I did it just to ramble on. To exercise my brain.
I made a small comparison with the Raúl's tree. Just as a curiosity to show the passage of the Jews to the Iberian Peninsula in some branches and through the Roman empire and Eastern European in other branches.

I don't know why my tree reaches King David through his daughter Tamar instead of Solomon.
The path is not the shortest, since the steps from Abijah to King David, passing through both Solomon and Tamar, are the same.

Abias (Abijah), 2nd King of Judah, was Son of Rehoboam and Maacha. Rehoboam and Maacha were cousins. Because:
- Rehoboam was son of King Solomon.
- Maacha was daughter of Tamar.

And King Solomon and Tamar were half brothers.

So if you are descended from Abias (Abijah), you are descended from both Solomon and Tamar.

The trees (of Raúl and mine) are equal from King David to "Alonso Enríquez de Castilla". In shortest path.

The tree of Raúl follow Alonso Enríquez's son, "Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza" and remains Hispanic:

Alonso Enríquez de Castilla
her son → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza
his son → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
his daughter → Leonor de Acuña y Enríquez
her daughter → Leonor Guzmán y Acuña
her daughter → Pedro de Córdoba y Guzmán
her son → Isabel Córdoba y Avendaño
his daughter → Luis Jacinto de Carvajal Vargas y Córdoba
her son → José de Carvajal Vargas y Arbildo
his son → Juan de Carvajal Vargas y Quesada Sotomayor
his son → Úrsula Carvajal-Vargas y Roa
his daughter → Carlos Bustos y Carvajal Vargas
her son → Matías Bustos de Lara y Baeza
his son → Ángela Bustos Sanhueza
his daughter → Maria de la Concepción Barrios Bustos
her daughter → Pedro Chacón Barrios
her son → Luis Alberto Chacón Navea
his son → Elba Chacón Silva
his daughter → Raúl Castro Chacón
her son

My tree follow Alonso Enríquez's daughter, "Leonor Enríquez".
Juan Alfonso Pimentel Quiñones (Leonor's grandson) enters Portugal, generating Beatriz Affonso:

Alonso Enríquez de Castilla
her son → Leonor Enríquez
his daughter → Alonso de Pimentel y Enríquez, III Conde de Benavente
her son → Juan Alfonso Pimentel Quiñones, o das Grotas Fundas
his son → Beatriz Affonso
his daughter → Isabel Castanho
her daughter → Francisca Claudina de Viveiros de Sousa
her daughter → Sebastião da Costa Arruda
her son → Ana da Costa de Arruda
his daughter → Ana da Costa de Arruda
her daughter → Francisco de Arruda e Sá
her son → Maria de Arruda
his daughter → Inácia Pires de Arruda
her daughter → Inácia de Arruda Pires
her daughter → José Caetano Rodrigues Horta
her son → Bárbara Rodrigues Horta (Pires Lemos de Oliveira Horta)
his daughter → Luiz Augusto Soares de Gouvea Horta
her son → Luiz Augusto Soares de Gouvea Horta
his son → Adauto de Salles Soares
his son → Clélia Maria Soares de Aguiar (Martins Soares)
his daughter → My mother
her daughter → I
her son

In other branch, regarding José Severiano de Aguiar (my great grandfather):
It is just like Raúl Castro Chacón's tree only between King David and Hananya, 5th Exilarch.
Raúl Castro Chacón descends from Yeshaiah ben Hananya. While my great grandfather descends from Hananiah
My great grandfather's branch seems to enter a "Roman branch" and Eastern European countries.
Then enters other Portugal branch with Branca Manoel de Vilhena (Different from that previous Portuguese branch, above):

his son → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his son → Hananiah?
his son → Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his son → Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his son → Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his son → Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his son → Zeredah ben Antigone
his son → Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah
his son → Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar
his son → Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan
his son → Setah Bar Yosse
his son → Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his daughter → Aristobulus II Hasmonean, King and High Priest
her son → Alexander II Hasmonean, High Priest
his son → Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean), I, King Herod 2nd wife
his daughter → Alexander, III, Prince of Judaea
her son → Caius Julius Alexander ., II, of Judaea
his son → Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his son → Gaius Julius Alexander ., King of Cetis
his son → Julia Iotapa
his daughter → Julia Quadratilla Bassa
her daughter → Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her son → Julia Quadratilla
his daughter → Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
her son → Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
his son → Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his daughter → Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
her son → Amnius Anicius Julianus
his son → Anicia Demetrias
his daughter → Petronius Probinus
her son → Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus
his son → Anicius Probinus
his son → Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
his son → Maria
his daughter → Flavia Magna (Sabiniani)
her daughter → Flavius Probus (Sabianus), Consul of Byzantium
her son → Anastasius, Roman Consul
his son → Flavius Anastasius
his son → Placidia
his daughter → N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni (Mystakon)
her son → Manuel Arshakuni
his son → Arshakuni
his daughter → Prince Vasak of Armenia
her son → Prince Ashot III "the Blind" of Armenia
his son → Prince Smbat VII of Armenia
his son → Prince Ashot IV "Msaker" of Armenia
his son → Prince Smbat VIII "the Confessor" of Armenia
his son → Ashot I "the Great", King of Armenia
his son → Smbat I "the Martyr" King of Armenia
his son → Ashot II "the Iron"
his son → Ripsime Kometopouloi / Cometopuli
his daughter → Aron Komitopulos
her son → Ivan Vladislav, Tsar of Bulgaria
his son → Trayan / Troianus of Bulgaria
his son → Maria of Bulgaria, Protovestiaria
his daughter → Irene Augusta Doukaina
her daughter → Theodora Komnene
her daughter → General Andronikos Doukas Angelos
her son → Isaac II Angelos, Byzantine Emperor
his son → Irene Maria Angelina
his daughter → Elizabeth of Swabia
her daughter → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
her son → Juan Manuel de Castilla-Villena, el Escritor, príncipe de Villena
his son → Henrique Manoel de Vilhena, conde de Seia
his son → Branca Manoel de Vilhena
his daughter → Maria da Cunha, 3ª senhora de Basto
her daughter → Vasco Fernandes Coutinho
her son → Branca Coutinho
his daughter → Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, 1° Donatário de Espírito Santo
her son → Catarina de Melo Coutinho
his daughter → Maria Coutinho de Melo
her daughter → Isabel de Azeredo Coutinho
her daughter → Cap. Antônio Pacheco Calheiros
her son → Cecília de Oliveira
his daughter → Teresa de Jesus Vasconcelos
her daughter → Francisca Josefa da Maia
her daughter → João Hipólito de Lima
her son → Eufrasia Carolina de Lima
his daughter → Maria Sophia D'Almeida
her daughter → Pedro Severiano de Aguiar
her son → José Severiano de Aguiar
his son

Why should there be more than about 100 generations in the shortest path to David? That is about 30 years per generation, which does seem a bit long, but hardly impossible. Longer paths, based on the GENI profiles, go easily up to 140, reducing the generational average immensely. I do not understand why we are talking about the need for "many more."

In my case is my GGF 90, I am 56 years old, I was born on May 8th, 1965 by Maria Raque Ramos Mejia and Tim Holway

→ Maria Raquel Ramos Mejia
your mother → Maria Raquel Higinia Justina Cañas Castañeda y Lynch de Ramos Mejia
her mother → Juan Manuel Cañás
her father → Higinia Cáceres Texeira
his mother → Juan Cruz Cáceres y Carranza Vélez
her father → José Estanislao Cáceres Toledo Pimentel y Villagómez
his father → Ursula de Toledo Pimentel y Ladrón de Guevara
his mother → Estanislao de Toledo Pimentel
her father → Diego Álvarez de Toledo Pimentel y Sarmiento
his father → Francisco Álvarez de Toledo Pimentel y Blázquez, Maestre de Campo General
his father → Capitán Fernando Álvarez de Toledo Pimentel
his father → Juana Luisa de Pimentel Enríquez, condesa
his mother → María Luisa Téllez Girón y Enríquez, I duquesa de Huéscar
her mother → Fernando Enriquez y Valesco, V Almirante de Castilla
her father → Alonso II Enríquez y Fernández de Quiñones, III Almirante de Castilla
his father → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
his father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Sisnandiz Moniz
his mother → Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz
her mother → Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra
her father → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon
his mother → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
her father → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → 2nd dau. Of Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna'
his mother → Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' ben Yitzhak Sedeq, haSofer b'Pumbeditha
her father → Mar Yitzhak Sadoq
his father → Hillel Yishai "Hilal" ben "Mari", Gaon of Sura
his father → Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah al-Nahr Peḳod, Gaon of Sura
his father → Hananya "Dayan of the Gate" ben Haninai al-Nahr Paqod, Gaon of Sura
his father → Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura
his father → Hananya "Bustenai" ben Haninai, Exilarch & Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → Ḥananya 'Ḥanan of Isḳiya' bar Adoi ben Hophni, 33rd Exiliarch & Gaon Pumbeditha
his father → Hophni Haninai ben Ahunai, 32nd Exilarch Mar Hophni I
his father → Ahunai ben Haninai, 31st Exilarch Huna Mar II
his father → Haninaï ben Mar Mari, Grandson of Exilarch Mar Zutra I
his father → Mar Mari ben Mar Zutra I
his father → Zutra "the Pious" ben Kahana, 25th Exilarch Mar Zutra I
his father → Kahana ben Abba Mari, 23rd Exilarch Mar Kahana I
his father → Mar Sutra
his mother → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora
her father → Yosef bar Yosef
his father → Yosef bar Khamma
his father → Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I
his father → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II
his father → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty
his father → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch
his father → Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom
his father → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hizkiya Rosh Golah of Judah ben Shehanya, 33rd Exilarch Hizkiya III
his father → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch
his father → Shemaya I ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo III ben David Exilarch
his father → David ben Akkub
his father → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya
his mother → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch
her father → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch
his father → Bariah Ben Shemaya
his father → Semaya Ben Shechanya
his father → Shechanya Ben Ovadya
his father → Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan
his father → Arnan Ben Rafaya
his father → Refaya (e Ben Chananya
his father → Yeshaiah ben Hananya
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father → Salathial ., 2nd Exilarch
his father → King Jechoniah, 18th King of Judah
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Josiah, 15th King of Judah
his father → Amon ., 14th King of Judah
his father → Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah The Prophet
her father → Amoz .
his father → Jehoaddan .
his mother → Jehosheba .
her mother → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
her father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah
his father → Abijah ., 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his father → Rehoboam ., 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel
his father

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