It's time to compare John Dudley Y DNA to His son Ambrose and Robert Dudley 1532 my 2nd cousins x 15 removed

Started by Dale C. Rice on Saturday, August 31, 2019
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The Thomas Price who arrived in Virginia in 1652 and had his passage paid by Rice Hughes (or possibly Rice Hooe) - one of *eight* Thomas Prices of whom we have arrival records - was not and could not have been Thomas Price of "Liether".

* Thomas ap Rice, of Llether, sued in the Great Sessions of 1655 [Pembrokeshire, Wales] by Roger Williams, mercer, for a debt of 56 shillings. *

Thank you for clarifying these names.

John Price the Emigrant to James Town 1620 and his wife Mary emigrated on the Starr 1620 and as you read he had 100 acres pf land near the falls on the James River . The Name John RICE or Price is therefore established. Was he Perrot's Cavalier Brother? I don't know. We could try to work that out but since we have the History of Jamestown mentioning him I think we should keep track of John and Mary and see how my father's story may cross this one. You all think I sould be able to spoon feed you answers. I just came to the full understanding of these names and dual names within the past 2 or three years while you were ignoring me. So: Just because Thomas of Liether sued in 1655 does not exclude Thomas Price of Perrot ap Rice. As to liabiling Perrot ap Rice. I told you all in the beginning my father described him as a scoundrel/ bigamist is a newer word but certainly applies as he went about his business. Once again you are not trying to get to the truth of who these persons were. John Price and Mary on the James River is the earliest I can find of anyone with my ap Rice /Price family name and all of them Hail from Wales. You site the Great Sessions of 1655 and he Thomas arrived in 1652 are not mutually exclusive as is father has a ship called the Sparrow. He was likely conducting business for his father on the trading post and got sued. Once again you are trying to make this evil and hard. The Truth is neither Evil but it can be hard to unravel. DCR

Sorry: Ms Erica my comment was directed to M. B. Helms above you. Too tired to typ[e anymore good night.

Oh yes: Thomas Price of Liether was married to Pughe/Atkins Native Lines and that is work done by the Cheraw DNA is a match to them so Thomas of Liether has to be Perrot ap Rices son born ca 1630. DCR

Dale C. Rice If you’re going to go accusing people we will need to have a chat.

A best practice for genealogy: the person making the claim supplies the evidence.

Looks to me like this site is pretty comprehensive & authoritative.

I do not see any emigrants to the New World on it.

I’m not going to repeat the profiles for John Perrot the Quaker (born say 1620 “of” Ireland) and John Perrot of Virginia (born say 1590 “of” Ireland).

I’ll just point out that one cannot have been the parent of the other; and these profiles are not invented by anyone. The sources used are in the Geni profiles.

You will need to supply a link to the Thomas of Liether you’re talking about. He’s news to me.

Also to the Perrot ap Rice. Don’t know who you can think that is.

Kindly go to my page D. Charles Rice and click on Perrot ap Rice related to John Rice Ancent planter of Virginia I just posted it on the news portion here on Geni. Turns out according to GENI John Price Anceient Planter had 100 acres at the Rapids on the James RIVER 1620....Perrot ap Rice and his Native woman went there in 1639 to set up trade with native peoples as my father SAID. Now you have the Story converging with GENI History. If I had not linked Ancient Planter to Perrot ap Rice Husband of Pricilla Littleton we have never known why they ended up on the James River. Because his cousin was already there. DCR

Pembrookshire Journals on line years 1600- 1650 should pop up for you Perrot ap Rice and pricilla/ Margaret Littleton were exchangable names years back when I began my search. As you can see by the linkage to Perrot ap Rice and Ancient Planter John Perrot we have cousins now proved by GENI. If one is patient and looks without regard to 20th century ideals...pregnancy is just a fact of life. Not right or wrong, just some cannot inherit. I have been doing this alone for a very long time and I will not be faulted not having all the pieces sorted for everyone. DCR

You need to give me an actual link to an external site, Dale. It is unfair to make anyone search, particularly when all this research has been done before and should be in Geni profiles.

If I can figure out what you refer to I can retrieve the Geni profile for you. But not Facebook and not searching within journals etc.

There is no ancient planter called Perrot.

You do not have “cousins proved by Geni” from any sort of Perrot (variation) because it’s not in your Geni tree, as it shouldn’t be. You do have plenty of Rice cousins of course; your Rice line went from Massachusetts > Connecticut > New York > Nebraska. It (probably) originated in the East Anglia area of England - the other side from Wales.

By the way, this whole thread started with yet another attempt by Dale to claim that Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester "is" his "9th great-grandfather", despite the fact that there are no surviving male-line descendants of the Earl and haven't been since the early 17th century.

(Since it is impossible to edit comments once posted, I have to keep adding posts.)

Dale seems to think that attempting to match Y-DNA on various Dudley lines to various Perrots, Rices, Prices and Hughes will "prove" something or other, despite admitting that his claimed descent is on the distaff side (NO Y-DNA).

The entire smashing together of disparate people causes me high sorrow, but I want to add a contextual point.

The “Price” and “ap Rice” names that are showing up here have Welsh roots, and were originally the patronymic “ap Rhys,” that is, “son of Rhys.”

I see over and over users attempting to connect people who are not the same because they have the same first name in Welsh. Aaaaaugg.

Since the Welsh were not forced to use the English surname system until the 16th century, there are relatively few surnames in use in Wales even today.

One of the popular ways of creating a surname was to take a dad’s or granddad’s patronymic.

So ap Rhys became ap Rhys, ap Rice, Price, Pryse, etc. in various families.

And probably all those names point back to some early ancestor named Rhys.

Rhys. Was. One. Of. The. Most. Popular. Mens’. Names. In. Wales.

This means that many many many many many families, bunches of whom came to the American colonies, used the surname Price. Or ap Rhys.

But I would be so very careful not to connect the colonists from Wales unless I had very clear evidence.

Which frankly is seldom there.

And mostly never would have been.

I’ve mentioned before that I have a Rice Ancestor. He died in Concord MA around 1692 ... and he’s not the only (unrelated to each other) Rice family also, the most famous & prolific is Deacon Edmund Rice

In fact, Dale’s Ancestor was thought, until DNA testing, to have descended from him, and the Y DNA is quite similar.

Edmund Rice’s Origins are not yet found, but it’s East Anglia, like most Great Migration arrivers.

JOHN PRICE 1620 Ancient Planter on the James River is Perrot ap Rice's 4th cousin.

Thank you for finding error about Thomas ap Rice, of Llether - i’ve disconnected from parents. There is no evidence supporting any.

Deacon Edmund Rice is a Maternal 6th or 7th cousin through the Button line to my mother. That's Geni. It is precisely because of that DNA we know that the story of my 6th great grandfathe being left behind is true. 1638 it cost too much money for Edmund to bring the boy with him and Thomasine Frost Rice. We are not talking about that part of this story right now. We are proving that Thomas Price of Liether was on board a ship capable of crossing the ocean in 1652 and back again by 1655 in The trading vessel sold to the Hooe family 1656 to be sued in Wales for trade no doubt. Once date does not exclude the other Ms. Maven when we have seamen verified by the Admiralty running around on the open seas trained by Sir John Perrot English Admiral by Edward VI.

I am not discussing anything further without a link to see the profile.

Thomas Price of Liether is now disconnected from Perrot ap Rice? You have now crossed into the line of Poisoning what history says happened. Thomas Price met by RICE Hughes his father in Virginia March 2, 1652 receiving land on the York River for his son's transport. You cannot wipe this story off the face of the EARTH. It's more likely true than not true and saying there is no proof in writing is like the Church saying a thousand angels can fit on the head of PIN. This is not the Inquisiton and you are behaving in ways not helpful to solving a true mystery in my view.

It's on my page. If you can't google the name Perrot ap Rice on Geni which is everyone gets there I can't get it for you. I have listed that Perrot ap Rice is the 4th cousin of John Price Ancient Planter on the Home section of Geni last night. Good luck. DCR

Who do you think is Thomas Price of Virginia? You need to supply a link.

Sorry - I got confused and put Thomas ap Rice, of Llether back where he belongs.

When you make a case, it’s up to you to supply to evidence. If you think there’s something about Thomas Price and you, start with what Geni’s profile is.

Thomas Price of Virginia is not the same person as Thomas ap Rice. That is easy to see from reading the profile.

There are no links to profiles on your Geni page - just your known and pretty well vetted Geni tree.

Are you talking about John Price or Thomas Price of Virginia?

Cousin Links don’t mean a lot. I know a lot of people like them, but if you have early arrivers to America, as you do, you have a lot of cousins.

I still can’t find Thomas Price.

Here’s Rice Hughes, of New Kent County

No known parents.

John Price of Virginia: Ancient Planter is 4th cousin of Thomas ap Rice of Liether son of Perrot ap Rice. They are cousins. Which means that my father's recitation of Perrot and Thomas ap Rice going to Virginia are fully plausable as John Price arrived on the James River 1620. Perrot ap Rice and native woman arrived 1638-39 and had his cousin to help them set up the trading post on the James River near Otter lake exactly as the Virginia Historical Society found the remants of the old trading post in 2013. Published. John Rice Hughes would have to be Perrot's Brother: John Rice the Cavalier of Wales was used by Perrot in the back woods of Virginia while co habiting with native woman who had sons Jesse Hughes 37/37 and his son Robert the Quaker 23/25 on Y chromosome. Thoams Price of Liether arrived in 1652 and Perrot ap Rice using the traders name got 50 acres on the York River for bringing over his son Thomas Price 1530 ca . Perrot was trading with the Natives on the James river and traded copper from Wales and Thomas Price the son was no doubt sent back to Wales on the trading vessel. He there fore under LOGIC is not excluded from being the Thomas Price brought over in 1652. Thomas Price of Liether is the man in both cases you already have him and Perrot ap Rice .

Ms. Maven: you continue to poke fun at GENI and my relationship to Sir Robert Dudley 1532: My mother's first cousin x 12 removed is Robert Dudley 1532 and my father's family has been marrying into her cousin line since about 1300. So it is fully possible that my Howard descendat mother and Dudley's family crossed each other's path escpecially since the Male Line cousins of Dudley H1957 on Family tree and I have a 60/67 match on Y Chromosome. Kindly curb the snide remarks or I will have to report your continuing harassment on this important subject. Kindly see my Howard Connection who was the father in law of the Kings Son Fitzroy.

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