Samuel Pearce - Recent changes

Started by Private User on Tuesday, August 27, 2019
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Duncan Gordon Hodder, could you please provide a source for change of birth date 1790 to 1804

He died in 1857 aged 68 years which would make him born c1789 so I don't think he is the same person as the convict on the Ocean.

I have found a coroners record of Samuel Pearce's death in Parramatta while felling trees; 1857.
I also have a record from the 1828 Census of a 'Samuel Pearce' stating he was 34 at the time, hence DOB 1794. He was aboard the "Indefatigable" 1815; stntenced to 'Life' and was a sawyer, which circumstantially links him to the above.
However, I am yet to find his name in the list of convicts aboard this ship.
There is a 'Samuel Peers', on this ship, from Cheshire, but no Pearce, or Pierce.

Are there any other details available?

I'm now interested to 'settle' this intrigue, so I'll keep looking.
Having said that the 1804 date requires confirmation too!

I don;t think the death in 1857 is the same person as the convict on "Indefatigable" - he died in 1866

Here is some information on Samuel PEARCE - Convict on "Indefatigable"

Samuel PEERS
married Margaret HALPIN on 28/1/1854 (5 children between 1839 and 1847)

married Margaret McALPINE
died 1866 aged 85 years


Here is a link to Samuel on the "Indefatigable"
Samuel Peers / Pearce / Pierce, Convict "Indefatigable" 1815

Yes, I'd arrived at the same view on the 'Indefatigable' soon after my previous post.

There are four Samuel Pearce's I've located, the first two below remain of interest:
* One was the convict aboard the "Ocean 3" which arrived in 1823. The latest is a record I found that gave his age at time of arrival in 1823 as 30 y.o.; presuming DOB in 1793. In this instance I am relying on original NSW Gov't doc's NOT Australian Royalty!!
Pearce was granted pardon on 16 July 1838. and may explain his later marriage to Ann Pincham

* The second Samuel Pearce is mentioned in the Colonial Secretary's papers as following:
"PEARCE, Samuel. of Parramatta Road 1824 Jun 3
On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.42)"
Thre's no further details on this Samuel as yet.
It appears that this Samuel was a free settler

The 'others' are:
* Samuel Pearce living in Petersham at the time of the 1841 Census. He, his wife & 5 of the 7 children were born outside of the Colony. From the Census info., Samuel would be born 1797 or thereafter.
* Samuel Pearce living in St George @ the time of the 1841 Census. The women mentioned in the Census were born between 1797 @ 1820, in the Colony. This would all predate any marriage to Ann Patfield in 1853.
In this record 2 of the men were stated as 'Other Free Persons'; i.e. did not arrive free nor born in the Colony. It is possible this may be the Samuel Pearce ex the 'Ocean 3" who was pardoned in 1838?

Below are the two Census records

PEARCE,Samuel,,,47,"Bollind Hall, Parish St George, County Cumberland, District Sydney",[X950],131,2223,
PEARCE,Samuel,,,259,"Petersham, Parish Petersham, County Cumberland, District Sydney",[X950],121,2223,

You mention Samual was 68 at the time of death? Is there a record of this?

More on this later

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