Raoul II de Vexin, comte de Valois - Old info, some of it probably bad

Started by Private User on Saturday, August 17, 2019
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Private User
8/17/2019 at 6:26 PM

Including some from MedLands(!).

Since the info was posted in the Master Profile, MedLands has overhauled and disambiguated the Valois/Vernamdois section, separating them out by themselves. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfravalver.htm

Raoul II de Mantes has been disambiguated from his son Raoul III, his de Breteuil wife no longer has a first name (no documentation), and he is given credit for only the one son. No other sons, no daughters.

RAOUL de Mantes, son of GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc" Comte d’Amiens et du Vexin, Comte de Mantes & his wife Adela --- (-1060). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[1]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Rodulfum" as son of "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla"[2]. Robert II King of France confirmed to the abbot of Saint-Germain and Saint-Vincent that he had forced “noster comes Drogo...cum duobus fratribus Fulcone...et Rodulfo necnon uxore cum filiis supramemorati Drogonis” to renounce rights to revenue from “in villa...Domni Martini...” to Saint-Germain-des-Prés by charter dated [1 Jan/1 Mar]1031[3]. Comte de Valois et d'Amiens.

m [--- de Breteuil, daughter of HILDUIN [Gilduin] de Breteuil Vicomte de Chartres & his wife Emmeline de [Châteaudun] (-11 Sep 1051). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. Du Chesne states that "Raoul frere de Dreux Comte de Vexin" married “la fille de Gelduin ou Hilduin Comte de Breteuil et de Clermont en Beauvoisin” who brought “la terre de Nanteuil surnommée de là Nanteuil le Hildouin en mémoire du Comte Hilduin son pere” but does not cite the corresponding primary source[4]. Du Chesne does not name her.]

Comte Raoul & his wife had *one* child:

1. RAOUL [III] “le Grand” de Valois (-Péronne 23 Feb or 8 Sep 1074, bur Montdidier, later transferred to Crépy-en-Valois, église collégiale Saint-Arnoul). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Rodulfum" as son of "Rodulfum [filii Gauteri Albus de Albamarla]"[5]. He succeeded [1030/35] as Comte de Valois (etc)



"Adele" de Breteuil has been mis-merged with Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube, who married 1) Renaud de Semur-en-Brionnais, 2) Renard Comte de Joigny, 3) Roger de Vignory, and 4) Raoul [III] de Valois, SON OF Raoul II and Mme de Breteuil. (Her second and third marriages were failures and ended in separation.)


The Guise-Vermandois-Vexin connection appears to be bogus:

4. [ELEONORE . According to the Histoire de Guise, "Gauthier de Saint-Aubert avait épousé vers 986 une sœur du comte de Vermandois…Eleonore", the author speculating on the possibility of a relationship between Gauthier de Saint-Aubert and the later Seigneurs de Guise[278]. No other reference has been found to this couple. m ([986]) GAUTHIER de Saint-Aubert, son of ---.]
https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfravalver.htm#AlbertIdied987B (She has been placed as a daughter of Adalbert/Albert I de Vermandois, but with the above cautionary note.)

Note that there is no primary documentation of parentage for Gauthier de Saint-Aubert!

8/19/2019 at 3:05 AM

That seems to be a very long profile

9/14/2019 at 10:39 PM

Thank you, Private User! I've updated the information on the profiles for the de Mantes/Valois family for several generations. I appreciate you calling this to my attention. Since I don't read the discussions regularly, you may also send me an inbox message in the future just to be sure I see it if one of my curated profiles needs updating.

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