King David of Israel - 101 GG?

Started by Kimberly Danielle Cook on Sunday, July 28, 2019
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Private User ich bin sprechen ein klein deutsch lol
But if anoyne knows to read and could translate for us... the germans and british were whom the most studied the writings of Moses Chorenatski
Here is a link in german with some info about Johannes Mystakon


Probably this could help to spot some light on this

It seems there are more descentants to Johannes Mystakons sons, then written now in Geni. Gracias señor Oliveira, muy interesante!

The German Wikipedia link has Johannes as the father of Valentinus and another son named Manuel (c. 585-651). It doesn't have sources for this unfortunately. The page for Valentinius states that his wife's name and origin is unknown so that doesn't help.
The main problem here is the mother of Prince Vasak of Armenia. Currently she's linked as the great-grandaughter of N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni. But Prince Vasak of Armenia's mother’s name is unknown so I’m not sure where these relationships are coming from. Can anyone find a good source for Vasak’s ancestry, especially his mother’s family?

Johannes Moustakon Arscruni links several lines to the quite curated lines to King David


Valentinus is in Geni without parents, in wikipedia are sources that should have few looks, the German page has more info and sources then english one.

He is sourced to be son of Johannes Moustakon. (are we sure Noah that this NN is not Valentinus? and if not, there might be more info in all these sources that are listed in german wikipedia)

and so much more sources in german wiki then english one

Dear Cheley, we all have these same lines and connections, through several people, multiple times. I do not understand why you post these to under conversation about King David. Please do not "troll" the conversation with youtube or Trump videos. I have answered you, but it seems you do not understand what Geni is about. There is a better place to comparing lines for people who are interested about that, I have shared that place here. This discussion is about King David, kindly, Saga.

Sorry for the choice of words, but youtube videos of political characters do not belong here, that can be seen as "trolling" - nor any other videos that has nothing to do with the subject. I have offered you a Geni group, where there are people comparing lines, it might be more pleasent place because in this discussion it wont happen. Discussions are for talking about one person at the time and finding out if the line is correct, where are links that are weak and doing cleaning with research. Keeping the discussion in context, just that, nothing more.

Cheley, i come from a Jewish family in which our descent from Kings David and Solomon was openly spoken of, as were many intervening generations of religious people of considerable repute in our faith. I found nothing too surprising at Geni. These lines were already known to me.

If you are not Jewish and this is why you find such an ancestor "unbelievable" or "astonishing," let me assure you that Jews did marry out of the Jewish faith, and some converted to Christianity or to Islam, and you may descend from such a family.

Good luck, and peace be with you.

Peace. Nothing personal here Cheley, I understand that seeing all old lines is exciting, it is great that there are so many profiles from ancient times here. (and there are places for Geni users as exited to compare the lines, have you checked the place?) In many of these old lines has still huge errors and gaps, and it will take time to check all those thousands of profiles here.

Genealogy is doing research to our more recent family, then we can participate in world tree and try to make the big tree better when noticing errors. I am interested in this through DNA by having plenty of Ashkenazi Jew in me, having some ideas but not quite placing the source.

We can have direct lines to many of these old profiles, probably most of us are descendants to most of them, but "proven" lines are totally different thing and - harder to prove. The only thing we can do is do research and contribute like that. There are thousands of links that connects these old lines, so they cannot be added in to one subject in one discussion. And seriously, youtube links of Trump has no business in this discussion, it can be called "trolling". It does not make you a troll :) I hope this answers to your questions. Kindly Saga

I tried to Google and not clear, how is King David related or connected to Abraham? Sorry I'm just starting the long process of learning the Bible 😊

King David of Israel
→ Isaï (Jesse) .
his father → Obed .
his father → Boaz .
his father → Salmon .
his father → Nahshon ben Aminadav
his father → Thehara .
his mother → Phozib .
her mother → Shelah .
her father → Judah .
his father → Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
his father → Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
his father → Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
his father

You can read about Bible project in Geni, it is very complicated but interesting. Have a good day.

Private User You´re welcome, meanwhile in my free time (which is sparse) I´ll keep searching for more clues and data that could link better with the project... I´m glad to help. But just to add, I´m brazilian and a truly one (proudly), my ancestors were the first to arrive here in the beggining and are founders of cities like São Paulo, Santos, Paranaguá and many others cities mostly in the State of São Paulo, and I´m also descendent from Bandeirantes [] [] it´s important to know about this because mostly of americans or europeans doesn´t know about it, even a huge portion of brazilians
Have you all a great day

Also my 101 GGF. I am also related through my mother’s side of the family through the Hasmonean’s.

→ Maxie Calvin Pauley
your father → McPherson Wayne Pauley
his father → Lafayette Wayne Pauley
his father → George Washington Pauley
his father → Daniel Polley Pauley
his father → Joseph A. Pauley
his father → Agnes Polly
his mother → William Adkins
her father → Elizabeth Adkins
his mother → Richard Parker, of Henrico
her father → Dr. Richard Parker
his father → Katherine Parker
his mother → Sir Richard Buller, MP
her father → Francis Buller, of Pelynt
his father → Margaret Buller
his mother → Thomas Trethurffe, Esq.
her father → Elizabeth Trethurffe
his mother → Sir Hugh Courtenay, Knight, of Boconnoc
her father → Matilda Maude de Courtenay
his mother → Eleanor of Lancaster, Countess of Arundel and Warenne
her mother → Henry of Lancaster
her father → Blanche of Artois
his mother → Mathilde van Brabant
her mother → Maria von Hohenstaufen
her mother → Irini Maria Angelina
her mother → Isaac II Angelos, Byzantine Emperor
her father → General Andronikos Doukas Angelos
his father → Theodora Komnene
his mother → Irene Augusta Doukaina
her mother → Maria of Bulgaria
her mother → Troian, Tsar of Bulgaria
her father → Ivan Vladislav, Tsar of Bulgaria
his father → Aron Komitopulos
his father → Hrippsimija Komitopulo
his mother → Ashot II "the Iron"
her father → Smbat I "the Martyr" King of Armenia
his father → Ashot I "the Great", King of Armenia
his father → Prince Smbat VIII "the Confessor" of Armenia
his father → Prince Ashot IV "Msaker" of Armenia
his father → Prince Smbat VII of Armenia
his father → Prince Ashot III "the Blind" of Armenia
his father → Prince Vasak of Armenia
his father → Arshakuni
his mother → Manuel Arshakuni
her father → N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni
his father → Placidia
his mother → Flavia Juliana
her mother → Flavia Proba
her mother → Eirene
her mother → Flavia Magna
her mother → Maria
her mother → Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
her father → Anicius Probinus
his father → Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus
his father → Petronius Probinus
his father → Anicia Demetrias
his mother → Amnius Anicius Julianus
her father → Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
his father → Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother → Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father → Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father → Julia Quadratilla
his mother → Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her father → Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother → Julia Iotapa
her mother → Gaius Julius Alexander ., King of Cetis
her father → Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father → Caius Julius Alexander ., II, of Judaea
his father → Alexander, III, Prince of Judaea
his father → Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean), I, King Herod 2nd wife
his mother → Alexander II Hasmonean, High Priest
her father → Aristobulus II Hasmonean, King and High Priest
his father → Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his mother → Setah Bar Yosse
her father → Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan
his father → Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar
his father → Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah
his father → Zeredah ben Antigone
his father → Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father → Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father → Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father → Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his father → Hananiah?
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father → Salathial Ben Jechaniah, 2nd Exilarch
his father → Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Josiah ., 15th King of Judah
his father → Amon - אמון מלך יהודה 14
his father → Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah The Prophet
her father → Amaziah, 8th King of Judah
his father → Jehoash ., 7th King of Judah
his father → King Ahaziah ., 6th King of Judah
his father → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah
his father → Abijah son of Rehobam, 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his father → Rehoboam son of Solomon, 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel
his father

Have y'all discovered a few, or lots of connections as far as notable people as cousins? My Ancestry path this last year to find my father has been significant, from not knowing anything on my moms side, lineage wise, to finding my father and much more....opened a new level of passion, so grateful. Thank you all for the discussion. I would love to get paid to spend my days with Genealogy and deticate more time to it 😊 but is impressive what I did accomplish in just one year lol xoxo

Resounding applause ....... Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski

"It is not always popular to speak and write truth."

Anastasia and Drizella come to mind.

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