King David of Israel - 101 GG?

Started by Kimberly Danielle Cook on Sunday, July 28, 2019
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I was now looking at the shortest connection between King David and me, there may be no mistake here, someone connected the 22 generations profiles to Johann hasandlar and if so, then King David is my great grandfather 110+
If a curator specializing in the biblical tree will look and see if everything is correct

Private User

Are you now getting the same result as me?


Is this your 46th great grandfather? ....

Imam Assad bin Imaam Hashim

If so, the tree needs to be worked on. Look at his parents....birth dates, death dates...

Haim, in that line I see that King David would be your 92th GG.

There are weird profiles only saying "son of xx" "Greatgranson of xx", lines should be cut at least there.

Descendant of David Hamelech Yisrael Uzziah
Son of Yokhanan Ha Sandlerr
Grandson of Yokhanan Ha Sandler
22nd Gen. Progeny Of Yokhanan Ha Sandler

So there are generation after generation built just "son of xx, greatgreatgreatgreatson of xx" Geni can not work like that. Those seem to be added from same person.

I noticed that someone from Sweden built tree like that also and left 1600 year gap to one few persons before King Davind, I immediately wrote to curator when I noticed there was a line where King David were 87th GG to me.

Diana Collins
According to the geni algorithm: Yes

Private User
Until the wrong merger made last week, King David was my great grandfather 98 (I have other branches that I am a direct descendant of him , but they are far more than 100 generations)
After the merger it now appears that he is my great grandfather 92 but it is wrong, someone has composed 22 generations in four profiles, meaning that in this branch King David should be my great grandfather around 110 generations

Private User

If it turns out this way is true, I have no problem with it. From what I know Joshua Zimri has been 22 generations from yohanan hasandlar.If this is a certain thing, only the names are unknown, in my opinion this is not a reason not to link, the question is whether the tree as it is right now is true.
And another question is for Rashi. Joshua Zimri is Rashi's ancestor, so why not in the same way Rashi and King David are not connected?

Yes Haim, I remember that we have had blue line few years ago. I have also so called "proven" lines for him (I am quite sceptical) through Hungarian, Armenian, German jewish lines and of course descendants are then also all the women who has married who ever they have through hundreds and thousands years as well all the men :), but as there are descentants who are muslims, christians, jewish, atheists or who ever, it is definately hard to prove anything that old line to be ancestor.

Also in all the religions and monarchist systems, where there has been a lot of pressure to produce a male offspring, there is also a greater risk that the father is not always the biologically correct father. Only DNA would tell all the secrets, but we have to trust genealogy, in its best, at least it tells who our families has been connected to and raised by :).

Private User
I understand how I have Muslim grandparents (through Bustanai Ben Haninai), I do not understand how I have Christian grandparents, but my relative (who is also descended) told me that it is true
As for King David, I knew even when I was a little boy, anyone who specializes in rabbinic families and rabbinic lineages knows well who I am a direct descendant.
In my father's family, there were very many marriages between relatives and cousins, and there are people I have descended from from different children (for example: hamaharshal, horowitcz, rashi, .The Maharal from Prague, and more

I understand Haim, Many times some of our second great grandparents=16 individuals are not known. And even more, many times depending the culture, only male ancestors are more known. That is also why genealogy is a bliss. And Geni gathering all cultures together, it is quite beautiful. Also DNA has given me exciting new knowlegde. Today I visit ed graves of my ancestors who lived at 1400's, it was a great feeling.

I’m taking apart the 22 gens line, we cannot do it that way on Geni.

Private User thank you for posting links, I’m helpless without them.

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski Please post links and tag curators for the locking / cleanup effort.

Unknown Profile We should not have direct descent from King David. Haim will work with rabbinical experts to help improve the lines through the Exilarchs, but they would be different from the spurious lines through European nobility.

Can we get curator help for this profile ?

* Yehoshua Zimri, Earliest recorded ancestor of RASHI

Atalya Buskila Levy I’ve been looking for a place for you to jump in and help - maybe this is it? Enormously important and needs a Hebrew speaker who is also an outgoing and analytical person, so you came to mind. I know there’s an ongoing effort for the Rashi tree.

133 million profiles in Geni, people do what they like.

Follow the curated trees, point out errors, document with source citations, and all will be fine. We’re all connected.

Erica Howton
Thank you so much!!, it's all back to normal: King David is my great-grandfather 98
And I read again: Please lock all King David profiles, and Kings of Judah and Israel, this will prevent any future damage to their profile
For my friends, the profile managers, please, do not approve, and do not merge profiles into the biblical tree, this will prevent future mistakes and forgeries
If a curator specializing in rabbinic families and dynasties and the biblical tree wants to make order and needs my help, I would love to help him,

When you click on King Davids profile, you can see that there are several conversations found. Cleaning this tree as so many others, has been on going project for a long time, but there always comes new person interested and this happens. So nothing new here. Happens all the time. And same explanations again and again.

If you are interested about comparing lines, there is excellent page in Facebook for Geni users, much better to go there - there are conversations, comparisons just for fun, of all the old profiles, celebraties you can imagine. Yes, also King Salomon, Chinese empires, Attila the Hun - you name it. You can found it there and if it is not there yet, you can add it. Much better use that page that is meant for it, then to tag profiles here.

Nobody is taking any trees down. I do not understand where you get that idea. It is different to correct bad information, then take trees down.

Also hardly any serious researcher can claim Jesus as a fictional figure. From historical sources it seems clear that about 2000 years ago there was a man named Jesus. There are several texts that support this notion. Their authors are known, and not all writings are related to the Bible.

The denial of Jesus' history is often justified by the contradiction of the canonical gospels. However, the inconsistency and incompleteness of historical evidence does not necessarily mean that the underlying event is not true. For example, Alexander the Great's two complete biographies, written by Arrianos and Plutarch, were written more than four hundred years after Alexander's death, and yet these writings are considered reliable. On the other hand, no one has questioned Alexander's existence as he was left with physical evidence such as coins.

It is probable that Alexander the Great is dead. Causes of death include malaria, poisoning, pancreatitis, or brain fever. Behind the poisoning theory is, for example, Curtius' claim that Cassandros, the son of Antipatros, had brought poison from Europe, and that the king was poisoned by Alexander's drink-dispenser. However, other historians like Arrianos claim that Alexander was not poisoned. Although the information about Alexander the Great's death is different, he may still be dead. Similarly, there are two completely different versions of Hannibal's Alpine Crossing, but still no one has questioned the historical nature of the event itself.

Although the reliability of canonical gospels is questionable to some degree, it is difficult to explain the birth of the Jesus tradition they contain without assuming the true person behind the tradition.

I recommend that you read those other discussions so you get the idea, what is going on with "cleaning up" these old lines. Cleaning up errors, not tearing trees down.

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski I’ve tagged a curator to take a look at the Rashi ancestor.

Please join the Biblical Tree project and offer your assistance to curator Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן

Probably Yigal Burstein is good for rabbinical trees: tag him with specifics.

On Geni we cannot have 22 generation jumps, so I disconnected those lines.

I theoretically descend from a Chief Rabbi of Prague but I cannot add “unknown person” profiles to Geni and try to link it that way. I have to content myself, for now, with a note in profile and a hyperlink to his Geni profile. Hopefully the day will come that we have the evidence to build the tree. But until we do - no connection.

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski,
we have discussed this before. There are NO LINES, even among rabbinical families, that go back to King David.

Unknown Profile,
I'm sorry to say, that both of those lines are bogus. I recognize a NUMBER of names in each line, for whom we have NO significant genealogical information. Considering that the "source" for some of these profiles is a book about the anti-Christ, yeah. I'm going to put that down as bullshit.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן, do you have specific info regarding some of the incorrect linkages from the rabbinic families to King David?

I know that the only sources regarding Rashi's ancestry trace him back to the Kalonymous family.

I have seen several other places where supposed linkages of many generations are glossed over.

However, I am aware of families with very specific genealogical claims (that predate the internet). One of them specifically claims descent from the Exilarchs.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן If you post links you know are unsourced / probably bogus I’ll be happy to disconnect / curate / further research & explain.

Erica Howton hi Erica, thanks for thinking about me but I am definitely not experienced in rabbinical genealogy, especially not that old. Not sure any of us Israeli curators can help with this. I was told there might be duplicates but I could not find them... If there are, we can go ahead and separate this branch,

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
Erica Howton
If you read the information about me (on my profile page), the information in Hebrew is more detailed, it will well explain who I am and to whom I am a direct descendant. In order to preserve the rabbinic lineage almost all of my father's family (on both sides) have married, between cousins And similarly, there are families that I direct descend from a number of different children and branches (for example: the Maharal of Prague- , of his older brother, his younger brother, and his sister, the Horowitz family, the Maharashal, and many other ), for which the direct connection to King David is And definitely
If you turn to Naftali Aaron Wakstein, he can tell you in more detail who I am and who I am a direct descendant of
But I have another problem: The tree for my grandmother is almost perfect, but for my grandfather I have problems, his grandmother was a direct descendant of the kroll lineage (and well known to who the family members direct descendants) but I lack two generations to connect him, his mother, is a descendant of the maharal of Prague through the fogel family and probably through the daughter of Maharal: Vogla katz, but I am missing several generations to connect him - I would be very happy and very grateful for all your help


please take a look at this sight

It is for comparing lines.
Have you read posts of others here ;)

There is nothing bad to be exited about genealogy but
when you tag these profiles, that are out of context, people who follow them, get email. So that page for Geni users for comparing lines is better for tagging them.

The most recent scientific articles shows that there propably has been several "Adams and Eves" and the lineage could not be only 100+ generations from whom we all descended :) Bible and the Bible tree Geni project is very interesting though. There are several books in Biblia, that have been chosed to be left in current one, and all of those books has been through translations many times.

Have a good week.


Atalya Buskila Levy

Rabbi Aharon Naftali Wakstein is considered one of the greatest experts today. I can give you his phone number, as well as his email (he does not speak English), .
He told me that I am a direct descendant through a number of branches, but warned me not to refer to the names written in geni because of the many mistakes and forgeries made in the biblical tree, so I asked many months ago to lock all the profiles of the kings of Israel
And if all the issues are raised, then here's another one: I also asked at the time to look at the profile managers of important people in the history of Israel
In my opinion, it is not possible for a foreign person who has no family relationship to get profile management, and a real descendant needs the approval of profile managers for (for example: attach a great grandfather to a certain project)
Enough if you look at my great-grandfather's profile (the kozker rebbe) how many profile managers he has who have nothing to do with our family

Diana's descended from two governors of Mass. Bay Colony, and Anne Bradstreet!

Yes ma'am.

It seems like one of the problems with the non-Jewish lines of descent occurs with N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon Arscruni . All the paths here go through him and his mother. There are no sources on their profiles and I'm having trouble finding a reliable source for their relationship.

It does surprise me that neither Justin nor Alex have added any info onto NN's profile. But I do not think either of them would magically make him appear....they are well known here on geni.

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