Erica, respectfully, have you taken the the time to read the entirety of my blog to learn about the other side of the argument; to weigh the facts objectively? I haven't received any acknowledgement, questions or comments from you.
My family and I have been trying for years -- some even before the blog was posted -- to point out errors and inconsistencies to that blog owner. Numerous comments have been made by my family members and I to her blog that she chooses not to publish...or, as I experienced, post(s) a(n) inquiring comment(s) which she later removed. The same has happened on other websites. I have documented some of these in the "Recent Developments" section of my blog:
I must ask, have you or others working on my family's profiles had outside communications with the owner of the Parker & Blue Sky blog? If you have, undoubtedly, she'll claim that I am trying to discredit her or I am being "irrational." It is not true. She has used this tactic on other blog sites. (Please see the "Recent Developments" section of my blog for my response to this allegation.) If you or others managing my family's profiles on Geni are having communications with the owner of that other blog outside the public forum, that creates the impression of bias. If you are, please stop. Please let her answer the questions in the public forum for all to see. What I am requesting is not unreasonable or "irrational." We are asking for transparency.
Further, my family and I would like to know what are your and your fellow curator/profile managers' qualifications to make these decisions about our family? Are you professional historians? Are you professional geneticists? What are your qualifications to make decisions about DNA or DNA companies? Are you/they up to speed with the current DNA developments in the scientific/academic literature? (I'm not talking about FTDNA. I'm talking about other resources.) What are your qualifications to pass judgement as to who is and who is not Native American or part Native American or any other ethnicity for that matter? Are you a member of our Adkins and the intertwined families? Do you have an in-depth knowledge of our family, their relationships and our traditions? Have you interviewed members of my family?
Speaking of family, the owner of the blog claims her husband is a member of my Adkins family. He is not. She has admitted that fact in the public forum on the Adkins Family History Group -- to members of my family -- and there are many witnesses -- yet she leaves the incorrect information in the public domain on her blog. She goes so far to call herself "Parker Adkins" on her blog. Do you understand how offensive that is to MY Adkins family?
She will not post nor answer detailed questions about the test results she obtained. What about the other matches besides "one of the matches" that was "mostly English and Irish" she claims? I'll bet not one of you have asked her that question. Did you ask if that result was from the mitochondrial test results or if she went further and had autosomal test results run? What is the extent of the populations database of the testing company that she used? How is this any kind of peer review? You are making big decisions that affect an incredibly large number of people's lives and how they and their families identify. These are real people. YOU are affecting OUR lives.
You insist on seeing documentation -- well, where's her documentation? In fact, don't you find it IRONIC that you won't accept my family's unchanged, 250-year-old oral tradition that Bluesky was the daughter of Chief Cornstalk and the mother of Charity and Littleberry Adkins with Parker Adkins -- and yet you accept the ORAL test results conveyed by of the owner of the blog? (Well, she writes about them, but no one has seen them. We have to take her at her "word.") Don't YOU think it's time to start asking some questions?
In fact, I did go to the trouble to do my due diligence. I had a lengthy discussion with the Charity test subject about that test. The fact of the matter is that THE CHARITY TEST SUBJECT HAS NEVER SEEN HER OWN TEST RESULTS nor has she been given the log-in information to access her own DNA test results on FTDNA!!! What's up with that??? Don't you find that troubling? In my opinion, it is definitely not "appropriate."
When the Charity test subject agreed to test, it was her and the members of the Adkins Family History Groups' understanding that the Charity test subject would take the FTDNA mitochondrial test, the actual, FULL and COMPLETE test results would be published on the Adkins Family History Group and other forums and that those test results would also be discussed in the public forum. THERE IS NO PRIVACY ISSUE HERE.
How can you, the representatives of Geni, make the demand that I and my family prove and provide DNA; and, yet, you do not hold the owner of the Parker Adkins & Blue Sky blog to the same standard? The tester's privacy IS NOT being protected. Again, the test subject gave permission for her DNA results to be posted and discussed at the time on Adkins Family History Group before the blog was created.