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Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Showing 2491-2520 of 2537 posts

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Please take a look at the profile for G17.1 R. Israel Joseph Finkler's wife Chava, from Chapter 16, page 22:

Chawa Finkler

According to UC, she was the daughter of Yechezkel Aryey Finkler and Kreindel, daughter of Yechiel Aryey Tenenwurczel, but in Geni we have her as the daughter of Chil Lejb Tenenwurcel son of Jankiel Fajwel Tenenwurcel and Krajndla Tenenwurcel daughter of Symcha Binem Goldberg

I do not know which is correct. Please advise.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

According to UC, Chapter 16, page 27, G18.1 Alter Yerachmiel Finkler was a child of G17.1 R' Pinchas Yissachar Ber Finkler, Pinczower Rebbe however, it looks like you added his wife as one of the children instead (apparently back in 2018). Here is her profile:

Unknown wife of R' Alter Jerachmeel ?

Was the original placement in error? Would you like to update to reflect what is in UC?



Claudia Bullock The parentage of Chawa FINKLER (TENENWORCEL) in the Geni tree is correct.


1) page of testimony for Chawa by her son Abraham J. FINKLER (attached to her profile here:, gives her parents as Chil (Yekhiel Arie) TENENWORCEL and Kreindel.

2) Video testimony by Chawa's nephew Joseph TAUBER (indexed here: has Chawa TENENWURCEL as his aunt and Israel FINKLER as his uncle. His grandparents are Yekhiel TENENWURCEL and Kreindel GOLDBERG.

The marriage record of Chil Lejb TENENWERCEL (from Krasnik, son of Jankel and Fajga) and Krendla GOLDBERG (daughter of Benjamin Simcha and Chaja Laia) is indexed by JRI-Poland (Kock, 1868), as are many birth and marriage records of their children (not those for Chawa though).

Noam Finger,



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G10.8 Zvi Hirsch Horowitz, ABD Czortkow, from Chapter 16, page 28:

Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz of Chorkiv

According to UC, he had 2 wives, and 3 children were with the first wife, while the remaining 8 children were with the 2nd wife. The book does not indicate who the 2nd wife was. I cannot add the 2nd wife, or reassign any children since the profile is locked, and I am not really sure which of the children belong to which of the wives.

I'm tagging Malka Mysels since she is curator for this profile.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G14.1 R. Pinchas Horowitz's wife, from Chapter 16, page 32:

Malka Devorah Berliner

We have hier in Geni as the daughter of R' Abraham Joel Horowitz but I think maybe she should be his sister.

According to UC, it appears that she was the daughter of R. Tzvi Joshua Horowitz of Prossnitz



Kevin Lawrence Hanit

I have found some conflicting information regarding Channah, the mother of G16.2 Toba (Toni) Blum from Chapter 16, page 34, which I have asked Private User to weigh in on, since he was the person who originally added her profile.

According to Chapter 16, pages 33-34 of "The Unbroken Chain", Channah was the daughter of R' Pinchas Frankel and Elke Ettinger. Here are the relevant entries:

G14.1 R. Pinchas Frankel, born in 1807 and died in Rzeszow in 1882, married Elke Ettinger, born in 1809 and died in Rzeszow in 1866.

G15.3 Channah, married Jacob Horowitz.

G16.2 Taube, born in 1863, married in Rzeszow in 1889 to Abraham Salomon Blum, born in 1862, son of Mirl and Munish Blum.

Conversely, in Geni, a different Channah has been assigned as the mother of Taube, namely Channah, the daughter of and Pearl Babad I found an entry for her in Chapter 11 of "The Unbroken Chain", on page 211, which reads as follows:

G13.5 Channah, married her first cousin, R. Jacob Horowitz, son of R. Jonathan Horowitz (a son-in-law of R. Zvi Hirsch Teomim of Borstein, mentioned above). Their grandchildren include the Mermelstein family of Brooklyn, NY, Professor Simon Yawetz of Haifa, and David Blum of Tel Aviv.

Now, I might infer that Channah Babad's grandson David Blum mentioned above would be a son of Taube, since she was married to a Blum. But the problem is that both Channah's can't be the mother of Taube Blum. And as explained earlier, Chapter 16 clearly says that Taube Blum's mother was Channah Frankel.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G19.2 Yitzchak Mordechai (Motti) Eisner's wife Shoshana Chaya, from Chapter 16, page 38:



These are the duplicates for G19.2 Yitzchak Mordechai (Motti) Eisner, from Chapter 16, page 38:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G20.1 Zvi Eisner's wife, Michal, from Chapter 16, page 38:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G20.5 Sarah's husband Zvi Hirsch Bichman, from Chapter 16, page 39:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G21.1 Mushka Leah, from Chapter 16, page 42:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G20.4 Mara Meta, from Chapter 16, page 43:


One of her 8 children is missing from Geni, but I can't tell which one. Can you check to see which one is missing and add him or her?


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G20.6 Shayna Sarah Raizel's husband Menachem Shannon Landau of Jerusalem, from Chapter 16, page 52:


Please attach him to his father,


and his mother.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G20.7 Chaya Mirel's husband Yoel Brief, from Chapter 16, page 52:

Private User

Private User

And these are duplicate profiles for G20.7 Chaya Mirel:

Private User

Private User

Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.2 R. Henzel Aryey (Henry) Francis, from Chapter 16, page 53:



And these are duplicate profiles for his son, G19.1 R. Shalom Francis:

R' Shalom Francis

R' Shalom Francis

Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I've created a new branch for G21.2 Orit, from Chapter 16, page 56, in order to add her children. Here is the pending merge:


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G21.1 Roi Shavit from Chapter 16, page 57:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G19.1 David Ben-David's wife, Tzipora, from Chapter 16, page 58:



Please merge,


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G21.2 Elina, from Chapter 16, page 61:



And these are duplicate profiles for her husband, Yevgeny Gelman:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles G20.2 Zahna from Chapter 16, page 61:



And these are duplicate profiles for her husband, Michael Aizenberg:




Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G17.1 Yosef Rozonyi, from Chapter 16, page 68:


Joseph Rozgonyi

Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

FYI: In Chapter 16, I have to skip the families of G17.1 Judith (bottom of page 80) and G17.2 Anne (top of page 81), because I don't know who their parents were.

All I really know at this point is that they were both born Grunberger, because I found their England marriage records. Specifically, Judith Grunberger was married to Russell Abrahams in England in 1971, and Anne Grunberger was married to Roger Cowen in England. I can't tell which Grunberger was their father.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I created a new branch for G17.1 Shmuel (Shmuelik) Ben Chaim from Chapter 16, page 82, in order to add his descendants. These are the duplicate profiles:


Shmuelik Ben Chaim

Please initiate the merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.1 David Planer, from Chapter 16, page 85:



Please merge,


Claudia Bullock,

All merges have been done above the following message:

I have no clue as to what is correct in regards to that family.


Claudia Bullock,

I don't have any clue as to what's correct in regards to:


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,



Claudia Bullock
I believe that I still have this page left to complete.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I am having problems with a couple of profiles that are both for G13 Moses Samuel Shmelke Horowitz of Cracow, from Chapter 16, page 97:

Moses Schmelke Horowitz, of Krakow

Moses Schmelke Horowitz, of Krakow

In the 1st one, he is a son of G12.1 Jacob Yokel Horowitz, as shown in the main text of UC. However, the footnote at the bottom of the page seems to be saying that his father was actually Schachna Horowitz.

If you look at the 2nd link, there is a conflict on 2 different fathers, i.e. Schachne and Schewa Gelli, however, neither of them are old enough to have been the father of Moses Samuel Shmelke. So, if Schachne was the father, this must be the wrong Schachne.

Could you take a look at these two profiles, and let me know what you think needs to be done?


Showing 2491-2520 of 2537 posts

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