Continuing With This Work

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Showing 2461-2490 of 2537 posts

Claudia Bullock,

Merge has been requested.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,


I've also created a new branch for his brother, G18.3 Jeffrey Michael (Moshe Yechiel) Morgenstern, to add missing children. Here is a pending merge on his profile that needs to be completed:


Claudia Bullock,

Merge has been requestd.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,


These are duplicate profiles for g17.2 R. Tanchum Binyamin Becker's wife Feiga Devora (Feigy), from Chapter 16, page 15:



Please merge.


Claudia Bullock,

Merge requested.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,


These are duplicate profiles of G18.2 Yuta Channah (Yitty) from Chapter 16, page 15:



And these are duplicate profiles for her husband, Pinchas Eliyahu Rabinowitz:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Actually, I'm not sure if the last set I gave you are actually duplicates of the same husband, since the father's don't seem to match. Both are shown as husbands of Ita Chana, daughter of Grand Rabbi Tanchum Becker. The first one is Pinchas Eliyahu Rabinowitz, but the 2nd one is private to me. Is that one also Pinchas Eliyahu Rabinowitz, or a different Rabinowitz?


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.1 Yechiel Eliezer Lieber Becker's wife Devorah, from Chapter 16, page 15:



Please merge.


Claudia Bullock,

Last request has been requested.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I've created a new branch for G18.3 Arye Yehuda Becker, from Chapter 16, page 15. Here is the new profile:


Please merge with this one:



Claudia Bullock,

I haven't forgot about the missed one. I just don't have the books in front of me to deal with it. I have also requested your last request.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,


I've created a new branch for G18.4 Sarah Esther, from Chapter 16, page 15. Here is her new profile:


Please merge with this one:



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

In follow up to,

There are actually 3 copies of the same wife. This is the 3rd one that needs to be merged in:


Please request the merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I've created a new branch for G18.7 Sheindel, from Chapter 16, page 16. Here is her new profile:


Please merge with this one:



Claudia Bullock,

All have been requested.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,


These are duplicate profiles for G18.8 David Becker's father-in-law Aharon Mendelsson, from Chapter 16, page 16:



And these are duplicates for David Becker's mother-in-law, Esther Nechama:



Please merge.


Claudia Bullock,

Merges have been requested.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

There are multiple edits that need to be made to the following profile, which I cannot take care of, because it is locked:

G15.1 Eliezer Yerucham Baron from Chapter 16, page 20.

Here are the edits that need to be made:

1) The dates of birth and death need to be added.
2) His 2nd wife is missing, and needs to be added.
3) He is attached to the wrong mother. According to UC, he was the son of Cyril/Tzirl, who was his father's first wife. He was born about 10 years before his father was married to the 2nd wife.

Initially I wrote to the profile managers and requested that Yigal move the profile to the correct mother (I copied you on the message), however, now I realize that more editing is necessary to add the relevant dates from UC, as well as to associate with the correct wife.

Do you want to take care of the edits, or can the profile be un-locked so that I can do them?


Claudia Bullock,

Looks like Ygal removed the MP on the profile and you have updated it with the dates. Does anything else need to be done with it?


Benzion Yitzchok Rieger,

Both requests have been taken care of.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

In addition to adding the dates of birth and death, the profile has also been updated to add the 2 missing wives, and to move him to the correct mother.

There is however, one thing that I would like you to take a look at on this profile. In Chapter 16, page 21, he has 5 children listed, but in Geni we only have 2 of them (G16.1 R. Menachem Mendel and G16.3 Daughter, married R. Pesach David Miller). The last one in UC is 16.5 Mindel, who I don't think could be his daughter (because her husband is older than her father), and we currently have her in Geni as a sister instead, which seems reasonable, and I have no reason to question it. What I'm not sure about is what to do with G16.2 (Daughter, married R. Mordechai Jacob Horowitz, ABD Ulanow), and G16.4 (Daughter, married R. Eleazar Meir Kleinman of Teschin).

In other words, I can't really be sure if these two are his children (like G16.1 and G16.3), or if they are actually his sisters (like G16.5 Mindel).

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Please, please, please - include a comment on the profile letting folks know you are updating it from the Unbroken Chain, with proper citation and relevant info quoted or summarized.
This Discussion has a gazillion posts, so even where you tagged the profile in it, so it shows in the Profile's Discussion Tab, folks will not be able to find the relevant post.

I know it is an extra step that will likely slow things down. But it also greatly increases the chances that all this work will not be for nothing.

Private User,

About section of profile has now been updated, indicating source of information. Also, I previously added the profile to "The Unbroken Chain" Project.



Hopefully you understood I did not just mean this one, but any Profile you change based on The Unbroken Chain.

Are you aware, if you click on the Date / Time stamp, the URL will then be a link to that specific post in the Discussion (as long as the full URL copies).

So possibly, sometimes you can post the URL to a specific Post in the Profile's overview.

Thanks Lois,

That is a good idea. It had not occurred to me that I could use that type of link sometimes in the about section. I am familiar with that feature, as I have sometimes used it in this thread to refer back to a previous request that might have been missed.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

According to UC, the father-in-law of G15.13 Mindel Lipschutz from Chapter 16 page 22 was R' Chaim Dov Lipschutz, A.B.D. Tomaszow and Janow but in Geni, we show his brother R' Meshullam Zalman Yonasan Lipschutz, A.B.D. Brigel as her father-in-law.

I don't know which is correct.


Showing 2461-2490 of 2537 posts

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