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Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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I think I've found a mention of one of the children of Abale (a name related to, but distinct from, Abba) by *his* first wife, but I can't be sure it's him.

Private User,

Thanks for clarifying that they were half-brothers, who shared the same mother, but had different fathers. If I've got this right now, the book was correct in saying that the Kedushas Yom Tov was the stepfather of R' Moses Rubinstein, but was incorrect in saying that R. Joel Teitelbaum was the stepbrother of R' Moses Rubinstein (since they are actually half brothers).

It does seem fairly common for people to confuse half-siblings and step-siblings. Since I have step-siblings myself, I never make that mistake.


Yes, and I agree with you about it being common, especially as in some languages the term for "step-siblings" can refer to half-siblings too.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I found a couple of bad merges that need to be undone. See Chapter 12, page 625 for both:

First off, someone merged together G11.6 Wife of R. Aaron Simeon ABD Jampol and G11.7 Wife of R. Gedaliah Jonah:

Secondly, they also merged together 11.6 Wife of R. Aaron Simeon ABD Jampol and G11.8 Wife of R. Haim Zvi Berenstein of Kremenetz.

Please un-do both of these.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G19.2 Eleazer Meisels father-in-law, Yehoshua Klagsbrun, from Chapter 12, page 620:

Private User

Private User

Please merge.


Claudia Bullock,

Looks like I got everything.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I've run into some problems with the branch of G8.3 Leah, from Chapter 13, page 650, and need your assistance with sorting out the confusion (which happens to involve a couple of profiles that you curate). This is Leah's profile:

Leah Rokeach-Gelernter, ch#7

According to Ch.13, page 650, her first marriage, after the 1718 death of her father, was to a son of Reb Haim Reb Lazers, and from this marriage, she had a grandson, i.e. G10 Abraham Lazarus: R' Abraham Lazarus (Biha) Banet (Ashkenazi) I think that perhaps there was a numbering issue, and that Abraham should actually have been listed as a son, and not a grandson of Leah, because of the reference that is given in the entry for G10 Abraham Lazarus, which refers us to Volume 1, page 194, for the descendants of his father-in-law, i.e. Rabbi Avraham Aberl (Eberl) Banet Following this branch, to page 200, is the entry for his daughter G9.3 Fradel Jaffe Banet Ashkenazi who was married to R' Abraham Lazarus (Biha) Banet (Ashkenazi)?through=6000000007051588633. In this passage, it says that Abraham's grandfather was Reb Haim Reb Lazers, and it also says that Abraham's mother was Leah, daughter of the Chacham Zvi.

Further, there are problems with the dates on the Geni profile for G10 Abraham Lazarus, which indicate that he was born in 1712 and died in 1758. First off, since Leah was not even married to her first husband until at least 1718, it isn't possible for her to have had a son (let alone a grandson) who was born in 1712. Also, according to UC, Fradel and Abraham had 2 daughters born in 1760 and 1763, and a son (R. Isaiah Banet), who was born in 1768/9. Clearly, if this is the case, he could not have died in 1758. Perhaps he has been confused with his father-in-law, Avraham Aberl Banet, who may have died in 1758??

Currently, the profile for G10 Abraham Lazarus (aka Abraham Bihaly or Bia, i.e. the Abraham who was married to Fradel, daughter of Abraham Aberl Banet), does not have him connected to Leah, as his mother. In fact, it does not have him connected to any mother at all. I also do not see him connected to any Reb Haim Reb Lazers as a grandfather. I see that he is currently listed as being a son of R' Judah Ashkenazi whose father was Nathan (Moshe) Ashkenazi (s#8) Rav in Brodi Yeshiva which contradicts the information found in U.C. The book indicates (in Ch 2, page 200, entry G9.3) that Abraham Lazarus's grandfather was the Katzin (officer) Reb Haim Reb Lazer's, mechuten to R. Zvi Hirsch Ashkenazi, the Chacham Zvi, and that Abraham's mother was Leah, daughter of the Chacham Zvi. So... as far as I can tell, there is no indication that Abraham Lazarus himself was an Ashkenazi, only that his grandfather, Reb Haim Reb Lazers has an in-law to the Chacham Zvi. Is it possible that there was a bad merge at some point, where Abraham Lazarus got confused with a different Abraham, who was an Ashkenazi?

According to U.C., Leah was married 4 times, but in the relationship section of her profile, the marriages are ordered with only marriage #2 and marriage #3 being present. So, it seems that she is not currently connected to her 1st husband, i.e. the one who was the son of Reb Haim Reb Lazers, and presumably the father of G10 Abraham Lazarus.

Let me know how you would like to handle this, and what modifications you think should be made to correct these problems.



I am not familiar with the details, but I know the Binet-Ashkenazi family connection to be an area of active debate/research.

(One of the problems with The Unbroken Chain... much of the information is not certain, and the consensus is not static!)

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G11 Zvia, from Chapter 13, page 652:

Cwia Horowitz

According to the book, she was the 2nd wife of R. Tzvi Joshua Horowitz of Prossnitz

We have her married to his son, and I don't know which is correct.

Please advise.


I'm fairly sure R. Tzvi Joshua Horowitz of Prossnitz was married only once, and the primary sources say that Cwia Horowitz was married to his son.

Private User,

The profile does not list a source. Could you clarify what the primary source is that you are referring to?

In "The Unbroken Chain", it says that Zvia is mentioned in the introduction to Nezir HaShem veSimchat Moshe, published by R. Samuel Shmelke Horowitz of Sanok in Lvov in 1869.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G9.1 R. Nathan Ashkenazi from Chapter 13, page 652:

Nathan (Moshe) Ashkenazi (s#8) Rav in Brodi Yeshiva

and these are his duplicate fathers:

Chacham Tzvi Hirsch Ashkenazi

צבי אשכנזי

I did not merge them because the MP says 'do not merge'.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I'd like you to take a look at the profile for G11.2 R. (Meshullam Zalman Ashkenazi-Frankel:

Rabbi Meshullam Zalman Frankel

First off, I'm not sure if he has been placed correctly, as according to the book, it seems that he should be a brother to R. Moses Efraim Ashkenazi, rather than a son. Secondly, he currently has a conflict involving 2 mothers, which may possibly be duplicates.


Claudia Bullock I was indeed referring to the introduction to Nezir HaShem uSmichat Moshe

Claudia Bullock the R. Moses Efraim Ashkenazi family is plagued with different versions in different primary sources and probably can't be resolved.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I've run into an internal server error, which is something I haven't seen before. The problem involves the 4th wife of G10.2 R. Jacob Lorbeerbaum, from Chapter 13, page 656:

Wife 4 of Jacob Lorbeerbaum

She is supposed to be a daughter of his 1st cousin, Sheindel, who married R. Joseph Teomim:

Sheindel Frankel-Teomim

I get the error when I try to connect Jacob Lorbeerbaum's 4th wife to her parents.

Also, I've noticed that we actually have 5 wives in Geni for Jacob Lorbeerbaum, which is more than the 4 that are shown in Geni. The extra wife that we have is this one, who is apparently a sister to wife #2: Chaya Yentel Ashkenazi and I am wondering whether or not she was really a wife.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I'm having some confusion about the wives and children of G11.3 R. Mordecai (Markus) Aryey Judah Leib Lorberbaum, from Chapter 13, page 659:

R' Mordechai Aryey Judah Leib Lorbeerbaum of Kalisz

The main text of the book only mentions a wife named Leah, born in 1805 or 1811, who was daughter of R' Aaron of Tarnopol, followed by a list of children who I had initially presumed would have been children of this wife, but in Geni, some of these children are attributed to Eidel Rifka, (who is also currently listed in Geni as a daughter of R' Aaron of Tarnopol), and some are attributed to Rachel Elka, b.1811, but none are attributed to Leah.

The footnote at the bottom of the page is very confusing because it seems to be saying that there was a wife named Eidel Rivka Frankel, born in 1826, who was the mother of R' Meshullam Zalman, but that this same person was recorded by the family as Elke, daughter of Zvi (i.e. NOT daughter of Aaron Frankel). So... I do not really understand which wives were the same, how many there were, and which ones were sisters, and which were not.

I'm not changing anything but just wanted to bring this to your attention.


Claudia Bullock,

I am now happy with the layout of the tree.

All requests have been looked at and taken care of.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G16.1 Talya Shoshana's husband Yigal Rachamim, from Chapter 13, page 667:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G16.2 Amir Bilu's wife Lital, from Chapter 13, page 667:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G15.2 Lipman David Lorbeerbaum, from Chapter 13, page 668:

Lipman Dovid Lorbeerbaum

Please un-duplicate his wives.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for Moshe Weinstock, who is referenced in the entry for G15.6 Rifka, from Chapter 13, page 669:

Rabbi Moshe Weinstock

Rabbi Moshe Weinstock

Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I'd like you to un-do this merge:



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I have a conflict on the profile of G15.1 Jacob Lorbeerbaum, from Chapter 13, page 672:

Yaakov Yisrael Shaul, Jacob, Israel Lorbeerbaum

There are two father's both named Moshe/Moses Lorberbaum, both having the same wife, however, their father's don't match. According to the book, the father of G14.1 Moses Lorbeerbaum was G13.5 Yitzchak Lorbeerbaum of Safed, who lived 1859-1912, and was married to Deborah Heller (1856-1917): R' Isaac Lorbeerbaum of Safed and NOT Yaakov Israel Shaul Luberbaum (1839-1888) who was married to Sara Olbaum (b1849): Rabbi Yaakov Israel Shaul Luberbaum, Of Safed

Please advise.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G16.2 R. David Warman's 2nd wife, Bella, from Chapter 13, page 677:

Private User

Private User


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G8.10 R. Jacob Israel Emden, from Chapter 13, page 688:

Yaakov Israel Emden, s#5

The profile is locked, so I am unable to edit his date of birth (DOB) to reflect the exact date of 6/4/1697, which is shown in the 'about' section, as well as in the text on page 688 of the book. I would like you to please edit the DOB.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G9.14 Channah, from Chapter 13, page 690:

Chane Heschel Lewenstam, [of Amsterdam]

According to the book, she was married to R. Wolf Hollander, but I could not add him since the profile is locked.


Claudia Bullock,

All done. I'm not adding in Chane's husband as listed by Neil, as I'm not sure which one is correct.


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