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Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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I've made the merge, Claudia Bullock, but there's a bit of a mix-up here; does the source describe his second marriage (after the tragic death of his first wife and their daughter)? She may be his first wife's first cousin, which would explain where the wrong set of parents for Sara Blima (his first wife) came from.

Private User,

Thank you for completing the merge and resolving the conflict with the parents. What you have ended up with is consistent with the source. I was originally working off of Sarah Blima's entry, which is G18.4 in Chapter 12, page 617, and that entry did not mention her husband's 2nd wife. However, she is listed on that page as the daughter of G17.4 R. David Meisels, ABD Satmar Congregation Yita Lev in Montreal, and Bracha Sima, daughter of R. Moses Teitelbaum, Admur Satmar.

Digging a little deeper now, I was able to find the entry for her husband in Chapter 14, page 151, and his entry does list both wives and reads as follows:

G19.3 R. Yoel Halberstam, Satmar Dayan, Blooming Grove, Orange County, NY, married 1) Sarah Blima, born in 1980 and perished in a fire in Williamsburg on the first day of Shavuot, 2002, daughter of R. David Meisels, Admur Satmar-Montreal (son-in-law of R. Moses Teitelbaum, the Beirach Moshe), son of R. Zvi Hirsch Meisels, Admur Weitzen Chicago (see Volume Four- Chapter XII- Meisels Chassidic Dynasty of Lask) and 2) Channah Rachel, daughter of R. David DovBerish Meisels (also a son-in-law of R. Moses Teitelbaum, the Beirach Moshe (see Chapter XVII- Teitelbaum Dynasty), son of R. Eleazer Meisels, ABD Ihel (see Volume Four-Chapter XII- Meisels Chassidic Dynasty of Lask).

From his first wife:

G20. Chaya Esther, perished in a fire together with her mother.


Claudia Bullock, that makes sense. I see from current wedding announcements that (his first wife's uncle) Rabbi David Berish Meisels of Satmar-Borough Park (son of R. Elazar of Ihel) is his current father-in-law.

The date of the fire is wrong; it was Shavuot 2000 (as I wrote), you can still find articles about the fire online (which match the mother-and-child joint headstone, also available online):

Private User,

In the source, Sarah Blima's entry in Chapter 12, gives the correct year of 2000 for the fire, while the entry for her husband in Chapter 14 says 2002, so the latter must have been a typo.

I've now added Channah Rachel as the 2nd wife of Yoel Halberstam, and have put the two wives in the correct order. Also, I was able to identify and attach Channah Rachel to her correct parents, after having noted that her father, David DovBerish Meisels was both a son-in-law of R. Moses Teitelbaum, the Beirach Moshe, AND a son of R. Eleazar Meisels, ABD Ihel.


Yes, thanks!

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.2 Chaim Yosef Meisels and his wife, from Chapter 12, page 617:

G18.2 Chaim Yosef Meisels



Wife of Chaim Yosef Meisels



Please merge.


Private also has a duplicate as a "brother"

Specifically, this is he:

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Can you help us merge all 3 of the duplicative profiles for G18.2 Chaim Yosef Meisels, from Chapter 12, page 617? :






Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G17.15 Eleazer Menachem Mendel Meisels, ABD Neumark, from Chapter 12, page 617;


Please un-duplicate his children.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.3 Yoel Meisel's father-in-law, R. Moshe Tenenbaum, from Chapter 12, page 618:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.11 Zalmen Leib Meisels father-in-law, R. Chaim Eleazar Weiss, ABD Chmelnik from Chapter 12, page 618:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G19.2 Yoel Meisels father-in-law, Yosef Paneth, from Chaper 12, page 619:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.4 R. Zalman Leib (Yekutiel Judah) Meisels, Dayan of Satmar-Boro Park, NY, from Chapter 12, page 619:



He is also listed on the same page as the father-in-law of G19.4 Shimon Meisels.

Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

In follow-up to my most recent request, these are duplicate profiles for G18.4 R. Zalman Leib (Yekutiel Judah) Meisels' wife:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.7 Yoel Meisels, and his wife, from Chapter 12, page 620:

G18.7 Yoel Meisels



Wife of Yoel Meisels



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G17.4 Yechezkel Meisels, ABD Ihel (Uhely)- Williamsburg, from Chapter 12, page 620:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G18.1 Wife of Chaim Meir Hager, from Chapter 12, page 620:


Please merge her duplicate husbands.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.2 David Yosef Meisels and his wife:

G18.2 David Yosef Meisels



Wife of David Yosef Meisels



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.3's husband, Yehuda Kohn, from Chapter 12, page 621:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profile for G18.4 R. Haim David Dov Lebovits, from Chapter 12, page 621:


Please merge the duplicate parents.



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.5 Shraga Shmuel Schmelke Lebovits, from Chapter 12, page 621:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

These are duplicate profiles for G18.2 Sura Miriam's husband, Meir Yosef Rottenberg:



Please merge.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit

This is the profile for G16.5 R. Ezekiel Shraga Meisel's wife, from Chapter 12, page 622:

Alta Chaya? Meisels

She was the daughter of Moses Rubinstein, son of Rebbetzin Chana Teitelbaum and R' Avraham Abale Rubinstein of Sieniawa (see footnote at the bottom of page 622). The problem is that in Geni, we have 2 "brothers" both named Moses who are sons of Channah and R. Abraham Abba Rubinstein, and they are married to different wives, and have different sets of children. I don't know if they are really the same person (i.e. married twice), and if not, then one of them must be connected to the wrong parents.

I can't attach the Wife of R. Ezekiel Shraga Meisels to her father until this is sorted out. Let me know what you think.


Claudia Bullock:
Moshe Zev Rubenstein is much too old to have been Chana's son, and isn't consistent with the Ashkenazi-Teitelbaum family tradition. It looks like the product of a bad merge or shoddy research.

Moshe Rubinstein is, without a doubt, the correct son of Chana and Abba. (Incidentally, his birth record on JRI gives his year of birth as 1870.)

This thread has both Moshe's and his father Abale's headstones in Vienna:

Moshe's headstone refers to him dying "in half of his days" in 1910, meaning he was still young, so 1870 is plausible, 1845 is not. (The headstone explicitly identifies him as the grandson of R. Yoel Ashkenazi).

Abale died in 1882. (Note that from the forum I got that from - populated by a fair number of Rubinstein descendants - it seems that it isn't clear whether Chana's first marriage ended in divorce or with Abale's death.)

On that last point, I see further in the thread that they definitely divorced, though Abale died soon after. Chana is said to have been his second wife, incidentally; he was a widower, with children from his first wife as well.

Private User

Thanks for settling this issue, and finding the record for the birth year of Moshe. It appears that back in 2020 someone added Chana and Abraham Abba Rubinstein as the parents of Moshe Zev Rubinstein (born 1845). That is why when the duplicate parents were merged, as they should be, we ended up having both a Moshe Zev and a Moshe as children. Clearly, if Moshe Zev was born in 1845, he could not be the same person as Moshe, so I will go ahead and disconnect Moshe Zev from these parents.

BTW, "The Unbroken Chain" does not specifically mention a first wife of Abraham Abba Rubinstein, however, it does say that Channah was remarried to the Kedushas Yom Tov, and that she had 6 additional children with him. It also says that R' Joel Teitelbaum of Satmar was a stepbrother to R' Moses Rubenstein, so presumably this would mean that R' Joel Teitelbaum was the son of the Kedusha Yom Tov and his first wife. If I'm reading correctly, it was R' Joel Teitelbaum who performed the marriage of R' Ezekiel Shraga Meisels to the daughter of R' Moses Rubinstein. R. Ezekiel Shraga Meisels died in 1931, a year after the marriage, so the marriage must have been around 1930.


Claudia Bullock No, that's a mistake on The Unbroken Chain's part. They were half-brothers, not step-brothers. The Rebbe of Satmar, famously, was named for his maternal grandfather, R. Yoel Ashkenazi. I don't think R. Lipa Teitelbaum (the Kedushas Yom Tov) had any children (who survived to adulthood) by his first wife, Ratza.

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