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Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Showing 181-210 of 2537 posts

Claudia Bullock,

All done

Claudia Bullock,

If you have set up a merge request, I only need a link to one of the two profiles involved in the merge to locate it.

I had some trouble with page 485 and 486 because it is mostly private people, so you might want to take a look and see if it looks okay to you. Also, some of the names are in Hebrew.

I've got a question about a couple of profiles. The first one is G14 Helene, from page 489:

Helene (Chaya Shifra) Wolpert

Jenny (Wolpert) Schur is listed as her child, but according to the book, Jenny was
the daughter of Zvi Wolpert's first wife, Johanna Stutzan, who died in childbirth.

I'm a bit hesitant to assume the book is correct, considering that the person who added Helen Wolpert's profile is Jeffrey Schur, who is her great-grandson.

Similarly, there is also an issue for the 2nd wife's profile, which is this one that was added by you:

Khase (Joanna) Rive Wolpert

This one's name should be changed to Johanna Stutzan, but the other problem is that according to "The Unbroken Chain", the 3 kids listed for her should all belong to G14 Helene, who was the 2nd wife!

So... there seems to be a disagreement here about which kids belong to which wife. Either the book has it backwards, or Geni does. Let me know what you think. I was considering writing to the profile managers of Helen Wolperts profile to ask about this. Let me know what you think.


Claudia Bullock,

Based on Helene's birth and death dates, they all belong to her. I have moved them all over to her and corrected the name of the second wife.

You also have the right to correct the information on any of the profiles that I manage and have not locked.


Claudia Bullock,

Got them done on page 485 and 486.

Thanks, Kevin,

I can see now that there was an error on G15.1 Jenny's birth date, as she could not have been born in 1902, and been married in 1907. I found a Cape Town cemetery record for her (Jenny Esther Schur, died 1945) which indicates that she was born about 1887. This is consistent with her being the child of the first wife and having lost her mother in childbirth, as indicated in "The Unbroken Chain". So, I will move Jenny over to her correct mother.

Also, I did know that I could correct the information on the profiles that you manage, and have been doing that. In fact, I was about to edit the name of the 2nd wife when I noticed that her children still weren't going to match what was in the book, so I got a little tripped up and distracted at that point.


Claudia Bullock,

It looks like Neil may be wrong. I think that she belongs back with the rest of her siblings under her father's other wife. So, I'm going to move her there.


Claudia Bullock,

Can you please put a note in the About stating something similar to what I have put as the curator note. Also please not that I have locked the Date of Birth field.


I'm not sure what you meant when you said that the 4 children belong to Helene, based on her birth and death dates. The timeline we have now is that Jenny was born around 1887, and the marriage to the 2nd wife wasn't until 1890. Neil says that Jenny belonged to the first wife, and that Jenny lost her mother in childbirth. Is there something I'm missing that makes you think that Jenny belongs with the 2nd wife, Helene?

Incidentally, Neil wrote that after Jenny's husband Joe Schur died in 1944, that their son sold the hotel and the family went to live in Plumstead, a suburb of Capetown, which is where Jenny died in 1945. I would attach the record here if I could, but the Capetown Cemetery record I found is for a Jenny Esther Schur who died in Capetown in 1945, and was born 'about 1887', and the person who ordered her cremation was L.H. Schur, which must be her son, G16.2 Lionel Hirsch Schur. This is where I saw that 'about 1887' birth date for Jenny, which is currently in the record now, which of course makes total sense, since there was no way she could have been born in 1902.


Claudia Bullock,

What you have in your reply is correct and what should be put in the About Section of her profile.


So then can I move Jenny back to the first wife in accordance with the timeline that we have?

It would seem that Neil was right about which children belonged with each wife, and that the only thing he had obviously wrong was Jenny's date of birth, which has now been corrected to 'abt 1887'.



On page 489, G17.2 Margaret had 3 sons, all listed on page 90. All of these profiles are private, so I can't tell which son is which, but one of them is G18.2 Adam who should have two sons who are missing. I also think that one of the 3 sons is missing a wife as well.


Above should have said 'page 490', NOT 'page 90'. Sorry about the typo.

Just to clarify about the children of G14's husband, Zvi (Herman, Harry) Wolpert:

Right above G15.1 Jenny, the book says "Issue from his first wife Johanna", so that is why I'm confused about why you moved her back to the 2nd wife (Helene), especially since based on the timeline, she does appear to belong to the 1st wife Johanna, while the 3 younger children should belong to Helene. Consequently, I'm having trouble understanding the meaning of the curator note that you put on Jenny's profile. It seems to be saying that it wouldn't make sense for Helene to be Jenny's mother, but I don't think Neil said that she was, and so I'm scratching my head wondering why we still have Helene on the profile as her mother.

I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just confused.


Note: The 3 younger children were all born after Zvi Wolpert's 1890 marriage to Helene, but Jenny was born earlier.

Claudia Bullock,

Yes move her back.

Margaret's descendants have all been added.

Thanks, Kevin,

I have moved her back, and have added the 'About' section to Jenny Schur's profile.


Thanks Claudia.

These 2 private profiles are for the same person, and need to have their trees merged:



I actually created one of the two profiles, and tried to drop the one I created on top of the other, thinking I could do a move and say it was the same person, but the system wouldn't allow me to do the drop.





This private profile appears to be for G18.2 Dr. Gabrielle (Rothman) Pessin from the bottom of page 498, and if so, she is missing her husband and 3 children, who need to be added:


I'm also seeing an extra half-sibling in Geni, and don't know who that is. Perhaps a duplicate?


Claudia Bullock,

Done and cleaned up.

Thanks, Kevin.

Here is another one. G18.1 Tanya Zena (Dubb) Ephron needs to have her
two children added to this private profile:




This is the profile for G17.2 Harold Michael Dubb from the bottom of page 497:

Harold Mark Dubb

He has 2 sons with private profiles. Both of them are missing their wives, and one of them (G18.2 Michael Dubb) is also missing his children.


I think these two private profiles are for the same person and need to have the trees merged:

Ilana Dubb




This one was a tree match identified by Geni, which I have confirmed, but it looks like the merge still needs to be completed:



I've just discovered that I have a whole list of requested merges, mostly recent ones that are from this project, which are still pending, and I'm not really sure why that is:


Claudia Bullock,

I can't see your list of requested by. You will need to send me the links directly by Geni message as I don't want to clog this discussion up with them.


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