Continuing With This Work

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Showing 331-360 of 2543 posts

Claudia Bullock,

All merged.

Thanks Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Here is one of the ones I asked about previously:


G17.1 Janet Karen (Dixon) Rogol from page 570 is still missing her husband Max Dixon, and still needs to be made public because she died in 1991.

I posted a lot here yesterday, so I think that probably made it easy to miss a couple of them. I'll re-post a couple more that I think are still outstanding from yesterday.


Claudia Bullock,

Those profiles are all staying private as they are too close to a Geni user and I will not make them public.


Here are the profiles for G15,3 David Sheinbaum and his wife Freida, and his daughter, G16.1 Mildred's husband Gerald. All 3 of them are on page 570, and all 3 are deceased and still need to have their profiles made public:

David Sheinbaum




Claudia Bullock,

For those three, please ask Yehiel Disatnik to make them public for you.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Okay, I'll do that. How about G19.1 Mark (Menachem) Wieder from page 572. He still seems to be missing 1 of his 2 daughters, and I can't tell which one:



Kevin Lawrence Hanit, Thanks,

Here is another one with 1 of their 2 daughters missing. This is G19.2 Simon (Shimmie) Wieder from page 572, and his 2 daughters should be Naomi and Rachel:



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the private profile for G17.3 Lewis Andrew Schoenbrun from page 570. He needs to have his son G18.4 Harry Manuel Schoenbrun added:



Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Okay, I think this is my last follow-up:

This private profile is for Debbie, wife of G18.3 Gerald Leberett from the top of page 572. She still needs to have her parents, Jonny Myers and Judith added. Also, 2 of the 5 children of G18.3 and his wife are still missing and need to be added. They are all private, so I can't tell which 3 are missing:



Claudia Bullock,

Shimmy's missing daughter has been added.

Harry Manuel Schoenbrun is Lewis Andrew Schoenbrun's brother, not son and he has been added.


Claudia Bullock,

Debra's parents have now been added.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Thanks, it sounds like you've covered it all now except for Debra and Gerald's missing children (should be 5 all together). Thanks again!


Claudia Bullock,

All done

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Excellent! Thanks.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit

Here are the profiles for G14.11 Chaike (Chaya) and her husband Isaac Meyer Liberman from page 576. I've added 'Perished in the Holocaust" as the cause of death for both as indicated in the book, however, I'm unable to add them to the "Vicitims of Nazi Holocaust' project, because I don't have the proper rights. One of the managers is Yehiel Disatnik, but he hasn't responded yet to my request to collaborate:

Chaia Lieberman

Isaac Meyer Lieberman

The book indicates that Chaike and Isaac Myer Liberman both perished in the Holocaust, but in Geni I'm seeing Chaike with a 2nd husband after Isaac Meyer, named Samuel Gershonek who is not mentioned at all in UC. I think this may be a mistake in Geni. Here is the profile, so let you know what you think about this:

Samuel Gershonek


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

FYI: Couldn't really make sense of the numbering for the last 3 lines at the bottom of page 576. Also, mean't to tag you on the above post.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

I need you to take a look at the private profile for G16.1 Eileen from page 577, as her family doesn't seem to match up with the book, i.e. 2 children instead of 3, and both belonging to a different husband than the one shown in the book.



Claudia Bullock,

You should just enter the last 3 on page 577 as siblings.

Everything else has been taken care of.


Thanks Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

My last post had an error on the page number. It was the last 3 lines of page 576 where the numbering didn't make sense. I'm not sure where those 3 people belong. I was seeing a lot of private people in the tree and couldn't figure out if they were in there or where they were. Seem to be a lot of extra private people that aren't in the book but I just wasn't able to decipher what I was looking at.


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

This is the profie for G14.1 Chaya Leah from page 579. She had 9 children who were all born more than 100 years ago, and are all private. The are G15.1-G15.9 from page 579-581. I'm bringing this to your attention so that you can decide whethr or not they should be public. I've checked G14.1's tree and as far as I can tell, the people and relationships are correctly placed for her descendants, however, I can't really check for content since they are all private.

Chaya Leah Katzenellenbogen (Dishatsky)


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Here is another profile that needs to be added to the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust project. This is G14.4 from page 581:

Israel Katzenellenbogen


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Here are 2 more that need to be added to the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust project:

Rebecca Lewin

Nathan Alter Lewin


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Something seems to be a bit off with this profile for G15 Sonya, from page 582. The book says that she was married to an Edelstein, a Hale, and an unknown 3rd husband, but the Geni profile has her married to a Stern and a Strajen, with no mention of an Edelstein or a Hale:

Sofia (Sonia) Stern-Strajen (Uzanska)


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Here is the profile for G13 Asher Meir Ditkowski's wife Masha, from page 583-584. She perished in Auschwitz, and I'm unable to add her to any projects:

Masha Ditkofsky


Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Geni identified a tree match for G18.2 Michael Joseph Leonard, from page 587. I've requested the following merge that needs to be completed:


Claudia Bullock,

Everything should be completed.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit,



Kevin Lawrence Hanit,

Geni has now identified a tree meach for G17.1 David Leonard, from page 587. Here is the merge that needs to be completed:


Claudia Bullock,


Showing 331-360 of 2543 posts

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