Continuing With This Work

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Showing 301-330 of 2543 posts

These two private profiles are both for David Reich, the husband of G17.1 Sarah, from page 569 and need to be merged:




Also, from page 569, for G17.1 Sarah, one of her 5 children is missing, but I can't tell which one because they are all private:

Sara Reich


This is the private profile for G18.2 Avrum (Abraham) Glass from page 569. He needs his wife and 2 kids added:



Claudia Bullock,

All done.

Private had his wife added by mistake as his sister. I have moved her to be his wife and fixed her profile to disconnect her from her inlaws as well as remove her likely incorrect surname.


Last night, I made changes to a profile in order to update it with corrections that have been made in the 3rd editon of UC, and today I'm finding that all of my changes have been un-done!

The changes relate to R' David Rabbinowitz, who was the husband of G13 Rebecca Miriam. Specifically, the 3rd edition makes it clear that Batsheva, who was R' David's 2nd wife, had 3 children from a prior marriage, named Sarah (Serke), Yefroike (Efraim), and Shlemke (Sol or Shlomo), and that R' David did not have any children with his 2nd wife. The book specifically says that all of David's children were from his first wife (Rebecca Miriam).

So, last night I created a profile for Batsheva's unknown 1st husband, and moved the 3 children to reflect the fact that they were the children of Batsheva and her first husband, and not the children of Batsheva and R' David.

But today, as far as I can tell, it appears that someone has merged Batsheva's unknown 1st husband into R' David as though they were the same person, even though they were 2 different people, and now the 3 children mentioned previously are showing up as being children of R' David, which they are not.

How can we fix this so that it is correct, and the changes don't get undone? Thanks!:

David Rabinowitz

p.s. - I did take the trouble to add an about section, which documents the source of the changes that I was making.

On the above, I meant to tell you that G13 Rebecca Miriam is on page 566.


This is the profile for G18.1 Richard Fox, from page 570. The book shows him with only 2 children, but there are 3 children on his profile. They are all private, so I can't tell if one might be a duplicate:

Private User


This is the profile for G17.1 Avril, from the top of page 570. She is missing her daughter, G18.3 Susanna:



Here is the profile for G17.1 Janet Karen (Dixon) Rogol from page 570. She is missing her husband Max Dixon, but also she died in 1991, so I think her profile should be changed from private to public:



Here is the profile for G15,3 David Sheinbaum from page 570. Both he and his wife are deceased, and their profiles need to be public. Also, their daughter G16.1's husband died in 1991 as well and should be public. If you make them all public I can check to make sure that the profiles have been updated with the DOBs and DODs:

David Sheinbaum


Here is the private profile for G16.1 Mildred, from page 570. She is supposed to have 1 daughter and 2 sons, but there is an extra son. One of the sons should be G17.2 Mitchell Allen Schoenbrun, who seems to be missing his wife Elva Granat:



Also, on page 570, G16.1 Mildred's other son, G17.3 Lewis Andrew Schoenbrun should have a son G18.4, who I believe is missing as well. All 3 of the sons (the two shown in UC, plus the extra son) are private, so I can't tell which is which.


This is G19.1 Rina, from page 571. She is missing her son G20 Rafi Baron:



This is G19.1 Shoshana, from page 571. She needs to have her daughter, G20 Esther added:



Here is the profile for G18.2 Jeremy Lebrett, from page 571. All of his children are private, but one of them should be G19.4 Deena, who needs to have her husband and child G20 Chaya Hinda (page 572) added.

Private User


This private profile is for Debbie, wife of G18.3 Gerald Leberett. She needs to have her parents, Jonny Myers and Judith added. Also, 2 of the 5 children of G18.3 and his wife are missing and need to be added. They are all private, so I can't tell which ones are missing:



The last one was from page 572, and so is this one.
It is the profile for G19.1 Mark (Menachem) Wieder. He is missing 1 of his 2 daughters,
and I can't tell which one.




These are both private profiles for G19.2 Simon (Shimmie) Weider that need to be merged:




p.s. The wives attached to them will be duplicates as well, and it is possible they may still be missing one of their 2 children after the merge.

(The last post was for page 572 still).

These are both profiles for G19.4 Malka from page 572 which need to be merged:




The is the private profile for G19.1 Malka from page 572. She needs to have her 2 children added:



All done


It doesn't look like the problem with the R' David Rabbinowitz profile has been fixed yet. Did you see that one way up above? It was the first one I posted about today.


The problem is that I could fix it again myself, but that's what I did last night, and my corrections were 'un-done'. I don't know how to stop that from happening again.


I'm not sure what happened, but it looks like a bunch of the changes didn't get made.


This private profile is for the first wife of G16.1 Lewis (Lou) Agar (Ajgengold) from page 575, who died in 1962. Can you change it to public? Thanks!

Audrey Agar


This is G16.2 Renee, from page 575. She married Moshe Kaplan, and their seems to be a mixup with the surnames being used for their children. Could you take a look? Thanks!

Private User


Claudia Bullock,

Should all be done.

Can you please recreate the entire branch of Mary Ajgengold, as I think that there are parts missing, but I can't locate them. It will be much easier for your to create the entire branch again rather than look for missing parts.

This is all of page 575 and the part of page 576 above Tzippe G14.8.


Claudia Bullock,

Once that is done, I will merge them in.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit

I have recreated the entire branch for Mary Ajgengold. Here is the link to Mary Ajgengold in the new branch, which needs to be merged.

Mary Ajgengold


p.s. Trying to figure out how to using the name tagging like you are doing. Hope it worked!

Showing 301-330 of 2543 posts

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