I've already found another problematic profile that I need to ask you about. There is an Eidel Chajes who is a daughter of Abraham (Joseph Jacob) Ashkenazi:
Eidel Chajes
Now, the problems are as follows:
1) The dates of birth and death can't be right for this Eidel since it says she died in 1587, and the person she was actually married to died 100 years later in 1687.
2) This profile isn't linked to the correct person that Abraham (Joseph Jacob) Ashkenazi's daughter was married to. Thie profile below is the correct person who was actually married to Abraham's daughter Eidel, as per page 333 of Chapter 8, which says his name was R Jacob Isaac Chajes who died in 1687 in Prague, and was the son of R. Eliezer Chajes of Krakow, who died in 1623:
Yitzhak Chajes, ABD Prague, Prossnitz
3) The Eidel Chajes profile that is currently attached to R. Abraham also has some children, whereas Chapter 8 doesn't mention any children at all. Do I assume that none of these are her kids? My thinking is that if it is the wrong husband, then whose kids are these? The fact that the Unbroken Chain doesn't mention them makes me wonder.
So, what do you think the best strategy is for editing this information? I'm sorry that I have to ask so many questions right now. I really do want to get better at this so that I can act more independently and be a help rather than a bother! Thanks!