Charles, Prince of Wales - Diana and Charles are related!

Started by private on Thursday, July 4, 2019
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How about this one....

Sir Edward Dallingrigge, MP

My 1st cousin, 20x removed .... and he is my husband's 20th great grandfather.

Diana is my 12th cousin and Kate Middleton is my 18th cousin ... they are still marrying cousins like they always have.

I Am related to both Lady Diana and Prince Charles.

I do not know anybody from North Europe, who would _not be_ related to any of these people, and through many different lines, some closer some more far away, it has been calculated actually that every european at the moment are about 15th cousins at least and closer. My 3 greatgrandfather with his brother visited windsors, who were their 5th cousins. We have some pictures in the family left and some funny artifacts and written memories of it.

But in my country nobelty has not been a thing in more then 150 years and even then it has never been like in Britain with their dfferent classes, that are quite horrible system. Titles has been left to history long long time ago. 90% of republic countries thinks monarchy should be moved to history in peaceful ways, so do I with all the kindness, it has no use in modern times. The abolition of monarchy involves the ending of monarchical elements in the government of a country. Such abolition may also eliminate aristocratic systems and "hereditary government" features in constitutional practice. That happened here long time ago. I do love all inherited things, furnitures and things that have been passed down in the family but could not agree more :) Genealogy is a bliss anyway and roots are interesting, noble or farmer - I do not care, beloved ancestors with their stories.

Dear Saga. Your name is Swedish for «Fairytale “. As lively and unique as your name, I find the Royal houses of the world. And a blend of young and old, as your love of antiques and your age, suits the future as well. This is not the place for political quests, rather a live for all and whom we are -family.

Did you just find that out? as someone already said I'm also related somehow to both of them. I'm related to Charles and his family trough his late grandmother, the Queen Mother, she was related to the O'Brien clan which I'm also closely related... go figure..

Dear cousin Tone. Thanks for your elegant beautiful message.

Actually properly, my name saga is a narrative composition of Iceland or Norway in the Middle Ages, or one that has their characteristics. Meaning "long, convoluted story" also this etymology is only from 1857 but it use mean more serious "report and review" of seriously and well chosen skald by kings.

Skald, is generally a term used for poets who composed at the courts of Scandinavian leaders during the Viking Age and into the Middle Ages. .

The subject is usually historical and encomiastic, detailing the deeds of the skald's patron. So it has been giving people false ideas modern times of history, when some people confuse to think actual "history" are just fairytales :) and there has been lots of conversations about sagas here. I just goy my Snorri Sturluson in my own language, it is more easy to read as in original language.

I agree with you, this is not a place for any kind of politics (sadly that has been happening a lot, sadly specially about Trump, ouch ), actually it was just observation when living in a country where monarchy hasn't existed in a long long time, my note also was meant for some other persons and including more other conversations and being a bit gentle sarcastic, seems that some people give value to ancestors (not in this thread) only through nobelty, forgetting the thousands of our other ancestors who would be left in the dark without some proper investigation of archives. Geni world tree need more doers to the trees that are in the dark - the rest are quite covered. This conversation pops up because there are profile that I follow. I just gave my view ;) with doing genealogy for 30 years. Now it is a fulltime.

Related to the original subject: Charles and Diana and cousins at least 10 times, probably more, as are also most of us. Have a good day all - Saga

Dear Saga.
Thank you for your historical information. It was written with a dash of passion and knowledge of your story. I simply loved reading it ! The reason that I started to look into my family, was because of my Great Grandparents. They raised me as a child, under humble circumstances. Little did I know of their glorious past. Everything is connected, some of us more than others, and I believe genealogy can be the greatest roman of your life. All depending on what you find and evaluate as. Lovely to have found you in this conversation, dear, new, old, cousin ! Kind greetings, Tone.

Tone <3 it is lovely to meet you, 7th cousin, it is more rare to bump to cousin from my mothers mothers side who we share ancestors from 1700-1800 Lappland Norway/Finland. Think all of their wisdom, all costumes and way of life there in beautiful blue turquaise rivers, sea, mountains, family - they had huge respect and love for their ancestors. That has been given to us in genes:)

Hello all.
Interestingly, I also share a common ancestry with @Diana, Princess of Wales for we belong to the same mtDNA haplogroup R.

This was revealed in


yeah, I read that a few years ago lol a lot of these royals are.
Prince of Wales is my 14th cousin and Diana is my 11th cousin.

Lyhin verisukulaisuuspolku
Diana, Princess of Wales is your 16th cousin once removed ja Lyhin sukulaisuuspolku avioliittojen kautta
Diana, Princess of Wales is your 17th cousin once removed's ex-wife

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