Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - Were you once connected to Donald J. Trump and now you're not?

Started by private on Monday, June 24, 2019
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead. Public domain. Via
  • From pages 250-251 of the History of the Macleods, which you will find the full text as a PDF in the media section. It indicates Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times. Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times as follows: Wife #1: Anne. Page 250 reads, "Donald married, first, when only 18 years of age, Anne, daughter of Roderick Macleod, XVII. of Macleod, by his wife Isabel, daughter of Kenneth, third Earl of Seaforth, by his wife, also Isabel, sister of George, first Earl of Cromarty." Wife #2: Margaret Macdonald. Page 253 reads" "He married, secondly, Margaret Macdonald, described as "a daughter of John Macdonald Gorm Macdonald of Sleat." They lived together for nineteen years, without issue." Wife #3: Margaret, daughter of Rev. Donald Macloed, III, Of Greshornish. Page 253 reads: "Donald Macleod of Bernera married, thirdly, in the 75th year of his age, Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod, III. of Greshornish, and minister of Duirinish. She was then only sixteen years of age. By this marriage Donald had issue, in his old age—three sons and six daughters.
  • Geni member

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Angus Macleod

A MyHeritage tree has:

Angus Roy MacLeod
MyHeritage Family Trees
matheson7 in matheson Web Site, managed by Alan Matheson (Contact)
Birth: 1752 - Stornoway, Ross-shire, Scotland
Death: Circa 1850 - Cromarty, Cromartyshire, Scotland
Father: John Uallach Mcleod
Wife: Catherine Macleod (born Maclean)
Wife: Margaret Macleod (born Maclean)
Children: Margaret Macleod, Donald Macleod, Angus Drumbaig Mckenzie Mcleod, Margaret Macleod, Captain John Mcleod, Murdock Macleod, Annabella Murray (born Macleod)


Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert

As mentioned above I know that it is exciting to have interesting genealogical connections and disappointing when they disappear. But, if those connections are not based on factual evidence or in many of these cases are the result of mistakes or outright fabrications then we should not be so sad to see them go because they never had any validity in the first place and only befuddle the truth.

Tamas Caldwell-Gilbert

These words are beautiful and true.
I have had "relationships" FABRICATED" in my immediate tree repeatedly.

I have had "relationships" FABRICATED in my immediate tree repeatedly.

James Frederick Maclean

This man is my maternal uncle. He was married to one woman Patricia Jane (Stanley) McLean his whole life. This woman is my biological father's 1/2 sister. I had a relationship with her my whole life. I was appointed her personal representative and handled her final affairs.
My uncle "Fred" was an early Timothy Leary follower. You know, "turn on, tune in and drop out." He was also polyamorous ........against his wife's wishes, of course. He fathered two daughter's with a woman he had an extramarital affair with in the early seventies. The oldest daughter is now asserting herself as his LEGAL (Fred and her mother were never married) descendant. I have seen several My Heritage matches pop up that are claiming that uncle Fred and Private were a married couple. THEY WERE NEVER MARRIED! It is my assertion that folks who press these false stories are looking to "wipe clean" the undesirable behaviors and connections between people. In this particular case in point the first "concubine's" mother Grace Alma Stewart married into the peerage (second husband) David Stewart.
Any thoughts on this people?

Why is the background color of my comments pink?

Why are Geni participants allowed to be so politically polarized?

Ora Cunningham Petersen is the daughter of A MARRIED MAN and his first "girlfriend" or extramarital affair with her mother. Private

James Frederick Maclean and his wife Patricia Jane (Stanley) McLean were married in Skagit County in December of 1961. See the marriage certificate attached to these profiles.

Heather, your comments are highlighted for you so you can easily find them in threads. Same with comments where you're tagged. Geni does this for all users.

Please create a separate thread re: your family, so that we can better help you.

My question to Ashley regarding "fabrications" in which Heather may have an interest:
What is the procedure for disproving a profile if you feel a profile has been fabricated to link to a famous person? If there is no documentation on the individual, then there is also no way to disprove it and the "fabricated" theory stands.

Please provide a resource so that we can better understand the proper procedures.
M. Foss. N.

M Foss N google the "Genealogical Proof Standard" (GPS) was created by the Board for Certification of Genealogists. That is what you should use. It boils down to evidence and if the evidence identifies facts relating to an individual or connection between individuals and is consistent with the other facts and not contradicted by any other facts you go with it or the best logical analysis available stating any doubts, lore, etc as notes. If there is no evidence to begin with the fact or person or connection has no place being on GENI period - full stop. Nowhere is the scientific method, the basic methods of western philosophy or GPS do you ever try to prove a negative. The burden of proof is always on the person claiming a fact is true. So use citations for each fact. What heather is saying is there are no facts and she is calling profiles or relationships not based on no evidence as "fabricated." That's not a bad word. Said otherwise it doesn't hold up to GPS. Reading GPS and getting a copy of the book Evidence Explained would be a good start. I hope this doesn't sound testy because I don't have any charge with these statements. I'm simply answering your question and saying yes, we have standards to follow and they are basically similar to the scientific method. At the end of the day the GENI tree should represent only what can be supported by evidence and logic and everything else should be ejected into GENI-space never to be heard from again. Experienced genealogists will not tolerate a single relationship or fact in their tree that can't meet these standards. So they often end up doing more pruning here than anything else.

Roland, your information is very helpful and yet I'm aware of GPS. Thank you!

It just seems that around here that profile entries are made routinely without documentation ~ or with what I call "fuzzy" documentation. A poorly captured image where you can not read the "proof."

I have found instances also where there are Danish church records and the data is used with "selective reasoning." Church records are omitted or discounted when convenient by individuals (labeled as a secondary source), and later used as "proof" when "convenient (labeled as a primary source). It's an inconsistent use of the same set of church records!

M Foss N I couldn't agree more. I forgive the unwitting and those who are new to genealogy and only known "tree copying" they picked up on who make such entries here. I am less forgiving for those who purposely goal seek, use unfair sportsmanship and / or keep one eye blind so they can conjure up something on GENI for personal self-aggrandizement or simply because they can't stand to look at a blank maiden name or a large empty void beyond a particular ancestor when they know better. And even I have entered relationships here that aren't backed up by solid evidence - in error but still - I'm not blameless. But I keep on reviewing and re-reviewing trying to find evidence for each fact and link. When I can't I snip and cut GENI ruthlessly. And I've found the curators here to be extremely supportive to this end. I think the whole GENI tree should be like this but we do have a mix of users here from full time certified experts to week-end GENI-warriors. And we all make mistakes and assumptions. All I can say is try to keep cleaning it up and clipping and by all means if you see something bogus ask a curator to clip it and lock it up with a key so it doesn't come back. I have the curators do a lot of locking. I think the curator/locking system here is the best thing since warm milk :) Documentation here is a big problem as I've said for years. GENI has got to enable inline and fact citation in their software. Then every one can see the basis of every fact. They do it successfully on why no here? And it is especially helpful to everyone. Sometimes I have searched for years to prove something and I know the process is unlikely to be replicated so I would like to simply enter the evidence so that it can be preserved. I still do a lot of citation work here but without proper wikicode to support it... ack.

Dear Roland, Great advice.

Working to clip right now!
Margaret Macdonald

And then just ping Erica the curator and she'll lock relationships or use the "ATTENTION Curators, please assist" thread and a curator there will lock relationship up for you so no one reconnect it. That will make sure you don't come back two years from now and find her connected again.

Reckless of you Roland to suggest a beginner to start clipping around in the tree. She should start off by learning the very basic of genealogy, focus on her immediate tree, before jumping on the big train to cut medieval profiles.

Book ordered. Thank-you for your response Roland Henry Baker, III

Thank-you Private User

The solution to an uncited profile is not to start disconnecting relationships; it is to start researching. Before you disconnect anything, find the actual facts about the person and add them, with citations, to the profile.

Clipping without citations can be just as destructive as adding without citations.

Thank you Roland for the valuable information and Heather for bringing up a good point.

At the risk of being highly redundant I will have to say that I did start a thread about this subject a while back. What I have found on the Geni Discussion Boards is that it is best to tie in your topic with a discussion already in progress or you will not be bothered with.
I hear crickets singing very, very loudly.

For the record, Ashley & Ulf, I'm not clipping; however, I'm building consensus. There are no facts or sources listed in the media to the profile. Absent of any citations, the profile Janet MacLeod (McDonald) is a candidate for disconnecting from unsourced relations. You are free to chime in on the discussion over there.
Margaret Macdonald

Incidentally, Donald J. Trump has connections to the Mcleod family ~ some have been clipped by others and I'm in the process of reviewing. It's a rather large clan.

Here it is Tuesday, 04 Jun 2019 and not a chirp from anyone. My first cousin Ora Cunningham Petersen was able to find a way to "remove me as manager" from her profile that I added to our shared family tree. She is very angry that she cannot FORCE her "FABRICATED" marriage between her biological father and her mother. Her biological father was married and he stayed married to my father's 1/2 sister. He was not available for marriage. They did not divorce. My uncle Fred was somewhat of a guru and had many lovers, two baby mamas and one wife.

Back to the original topic: Recheck your connection to Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA.!

Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert may have "disconnected" profiles which affect your family tree. He has made changes to:

#1: Donald MacLeod
Donald Macleod, Min. of Glenelg

Donald MacLeod was merged into Donald Macleod, Min. of Glenelg by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. Jun 13 at 9:20 AM ·

The two Donald's had different dates of birth and death
Donald Macleod, Min. of Glenelg
Born: C. 1729
Died 7/11/1781

Donald MacLeod
Born 1723
Death 1824

#2: Shortly thereafter a private manager was named!
Now we have no way of contacting the individual.
<private> (C) was added as a manager of Donald Macleod, Min. of Glenelg.
Jun 13 at 9:20 AM

At the same time:
* Donald MacLeod was disconnected from his parents Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod and Janet MacLeod (McDonald) by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. Jun 13 at 9:20 AM

Margaret Macdonald

#3:Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod is also known as "Donald Macleod of Bernera"

Simultaneously to #1 and #2, there was a misdirected focus:
*Capt. Donald MacLeod was added as Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod's son by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. Jun 13 at 9:22 AM

Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod
Donald 'Old Trojan' Macleod

Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod is also known as "Donald Macleod of Bernera"
Donald was generally spoken of as "The Old Trojan." Page 250, the page reference is posted in the media.

I'm still investigating. I just wanted others to stay on track fort he discussions in this forum.

Thank you all!

1. We must add documentation with attributes before changing Profiles.

2. Acceptable documentation; court probated Wills, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates. Land Deeds, This proves our lineage.

If we start adding our own made up Profilesv and linking in Willy Nilly we have a big problem in the future.

I actually found strange things on the Hudson lineage, causing problems. A Mamma Hudson born and died 1800s with Husband Papa Hudson born and died 1800s, now they should know their 3-4th great-grandparents names to link in to any l.ineage. The problem with this person is this is how they linked into all lineages on GENi, so to me this should be grounds for GENI to sever all links unless they can name the 3-4th GGP. Just not good genealogy practices.

#4: Captain Donald Macleod was added June 13, 2019
Capt. Donald MacLeod

There was lots of activity with regards to Captain Donald Macleod

Capt. Donald MacLeod was added to the Salty Dogs, Captains, and Mariners project by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert.
Jun 13 at 9:25 AM

Capt. Donald MacLeod's profile was updated by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. about me
Jun 13 at 9:24 AM · view

NN MacLeod was added as NN MacLeod (Gigurnet)'s son by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert.
Jun 13 at 9:23 AM

Miss MacLeod (Gigurnet) was added as Capt. Donald MacLeod's wife by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert.
Jun 13 at 9:22 AM

Capt. Donald MacLeod was added as Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod's son by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert.
Jun 13 at 9:22 AM

#5: Janet MacLeod (McDonald)
Margaret Macdonald

There are no facts or sources listed in the media. Absent of any citations, the profile Janet MacLeod (McDonald), I have suggested that she is a candidate for disconnecting from unsourced relations:

Alleged Husband: Donald MacLeod
Donald 'Old Trojan' Macleod

Alleged Son: Capt. Donald MacLeod
Capt. Donald MacLeod?through=6000000082893493908

Here is the activity:

Capt. Donald MacLeod was added as Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod's son by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. Jun 13 at 9:22 AM

Donald MacLeod was disconnected from his parents Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod and Janet MacLeod (McDonald) by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert. Jun 13 at 9:20 AM

Janet MacLeod (McDonald) was added as Donald "Old Trojan" MacLeod's wife by Margaret (C). Oct 5, 2018 at 9:43 AM

#6: Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod
The mother of Captain Donald Macleod should be: Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod, III. of Greshornish, and minister of Duirinish.

Significant changes must be made to this profile:
Capt. Donald MacLeod?through=6000000082893493908#/tab/discussion

Pending recommendations:
Removal of Mother Janet MacLeod as the relationship
Addition of mother Margaret Macleod (Macleod), who is ascribed as the daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod in the media.

’’’Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA’’’

Hilarious, Closer to Marla Maples now! Ha ha I was his cousin a few weeks ago..


To clarify I am not fabricating, rather I'm correcting data which may have been fabricated. I have not made any changes, however I'm proposing changes to clips that were made by Tamás Caldwell-Gilbert that may have disconnected the pedigree of Donald J. Trump. Given that he is a highly charged individual (POTUS), I would like to ensure the accuracy of the recent changes made on June 13 which I have specified above.

* Good point on acceptable documentation: court probated Wills, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates. Land Deeds, etc. The originator of the profile changes has no such documentation you describe above, so this is EXACTLY my point.

* Currently I have historical data from books, which I am adding to the media to see if it helps clarify relationships and we can revert the changes made by said individual.

It is a very complicated set of merges and changes that were made (not by me) but for which has affected me and I have an interest to ensure that all is correct.

’’’Capt. Donald MacLeod’’’
My 8th cousin

How is Capt Donald Mac Leod related to President Trump?

This would be a profile that would be need to be completely Locked

I just spent countless hours hours on a lineage, repairing, uploading with attributes, then had a little hiccup a few days later, repaired, notated, then Curator, notated and Locked

When I click on Donald Trump, it gives my path thru Marla Maples....but....when I use the push pin from Donald Trump to my great says this....

I have had this path in my profile for some time. It has not been affected.

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