Rabbi David Segal (the TaZ) - Tracing My Lineage to the Taz

Started by Dovid Rosenbaum on Tuesday, June 11, 2019
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6/11/2019 at 3:26 PM

It's known that my ancestor, R' Avrohom Hershkowitz, dayan in Munkacs and author of Birkas Avrohom, is a descendant of the Taz. It's known in the extended family and noted in the biographical introduction to his sefer.

The question is how.

I found 2 different profiles on Geni, one tracing the roots back from his father (R' Dovid Hershkowitz), and the other, nearly identically, from his mother (Toba Freida Hershkowitz).

Both trees show that he was descended from the Taz's son, R' Shmuel, and his son, R' Yehuda Leib, both of whom are reflected on the Taz's main profile. After that, it goes to R' Koppel and then they diverge, with different numbers of intervening descendants and different names (Tzvi, Tzvi Hersh, another Shmuel, etc.).

Is there anyone on the tree who intersects with any of these (especially R' Koppel) who can provide greater clarity?


David Rosenbaum

9/5/2019 at 11:23 AM

In a parallel conversation to this, it has long been said that my family also descends from the TaZ. My great grandfather was @Solomon Gold (original surname of Zeilingold or Tsaylingold), born Shlomo ben Aron in Pinsk. I have no way to substantiate our connection other than that it is written as a note on the top of a 20th century family chart. On Solomon's headstone in Rotterdam, NY (a photo of which is posted on his page on geni), it states that he is the great grandson of the Hagaon of Karlin. No one in my family alive today knows who this refers to. Can anyone help us try to solve this mystery?

Phil Gold

9/5/2019 at 12:05 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
do you mean this Rabbi Koppel?
R' Jacob David Fränkl Mirls Neumark, A.B.D. Vienna
the taz is my great grandfather,Apart from R 'Jacob David Neumark Mirels-Fraenkel (Neumark), Of Vienna I do not see in my family tree another Rabbi Koppel,( and Rabbi Ya'akov is from another branch and not in the branch of the taz)

9/5/2019 at 12:18 PM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen that can't be him. The one I'm referring to would be a great grandson of the Taz.

9/5/2019 at 12:30 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum

Interesting, because I checked all the great-grandchildren of the taz that appear in my family tree ( Rabbi Yehuda's children) and I don't have Rabbi Koppel

9/5/2019 at 12:31 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
I am his offspring through his daughter, if that helps you I can attach how

9/5/2019 at 12:54 PM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen that was the purpose of my post. I see the Taz's grandson Yehuda Leib who was supposedly R' Koppel's father, but I don't see any R' Koppel. I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of him.

9/5/2019 at 1:16 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum
Sorry, I haven't heard of him at all, but in my research I'm only check my great grandparents and when the taz's daughter married R 'Meir Heilprin, ABD Lublin & Opatow I checked the Halperin family, which I know from my father That we are descendants of this family

3/9/2020 at 7:42 PM

Dovid Rosenbaum,
I spoke to you once before
I have been trying to document all of Ta"Z descendents,
I have about 950 packed pages of descendents.
Let's see if any of this is useful to you. NOTE: I start with Ta"Z as T1 generation

Chapter 5A – Descendants of T1 TaZ’ son -
T2.6 Rabbi Shmuel R. Samuel, who was the son-in-law of R. Samson of Ostropoli
T3.1 Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Varetsky d. Chol HaMoed Pesach 1707 in Varetsky, Czechoslavakia
T4.1 Rabbi Shmuel of Vishna Varetsky
T4.2 Rabbi Koppel HaLevy
****See geni.com Horowitz descendents)
T4.3 {male} Steinberg
T5.1 {male} Steinberg
Next piece of info was started because Dovid Rosenbaum of Monsey emailed me looking for his connection to the Taz
Rabbi Koppel (only note of Koppel is from a geni.com chart) son of Yehuda Leib son of R. Shmuel son of TaZ
T1 TaZ
T2 Rabbi Shmuel
T3 Rabbi Yehuda Leib
T4 Rabbi Kopel Halevy
T5 Rabbi Shmuel HaLevy
T6 Ben acher ben --- possibly not a person but only a statement of yichus as they guessed and tried to connect to R. Shmuel
T7 Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch
T7 (Is this Same person???) Tzvi Hersh Hershkowitz
T8 Rabbi Dovid Hershkowitz married Toba Freida ….. (A Geni.com chart claims that she is daughter of R. Shmuel (T5?) son of Rabbi Koppel HaLevi (T4?)). Is she the connection to the Ta”Z? Or also related to the Ta”Z? Husband and wife are maybe cousins?

3/9/2020 at 8:04 PM

Here is a Rabbi Kopel who is a great grand son of TaZ but it doesn't seem to match your other info (This is start of Wiesel family)
Chapter 2a – Descendants of TaZ’ son -
T2.3 Rabbi Shlomo

T2.3 Rabbi Shlomo ca. 1610 (1619?) - ca. 1664 married daughter of Rabbi Zalman of Kolomea.
Died with his brother in 1664 in an anti-Jewish riot in Lvov. The local Jesuit students made it a habit of attacking Jews in the streets. One day the Jews fought back. A terrible pogrom erupted on May 24, 1664 and the two brothers were killed. Their epitaph read:

Great G-d, ruler of all, avenge the blood of your servants, the bodies of the brothers, who were loved and cherished. One, who was like a lion, the great master, our teacher, Rabbi Mordechai and the second, the great and pious rabbi, our teacher, Rabbi Shlomo, the sons of the great Rabbi David … they studied Torah day and night. Therefore, avenge their blood…
T3.1 Michal {Yechiel Mechel} Wiesel-Segal of Ostraha b. ca. 1640 ca. 1645 - d. ca. 1670
T4.1 Rabbi David HaLevi Kopel b. ca. 1670 ca. 1690 (married Chaya, 1st cousin, daughter of his aunt, Bluma )
T5.1 Rabbi Michal {Yechiel Mechel} of Spinka b. 1750 d.1830 who adopted the surname Weisel. (According to the preserved traditions, Rabbi Shlomo’s son Michal had a son Rabbi David. Rabbi David had a son named R. Michal, after his grandfather. When Rabbi David suddenly died, leaving R. Michal orphaned at a young age, a match was arranged for eventual marriage by his mother. When Michal matured, he discovered a flaw in the family background of the bride to be and refused to marry her. When his prospective father-in-law threatened to expose R. Michal to the military draft, R. Michal fled to Nagiv, Hungary, where he earned a living as a teacher. He eventually acquired a good reputation as a scholar, married an upstanding woman and settled in Spinka. He was known as an “Ish Mofet”, a miracle worker, so pious that he fasted from Sabbath to Sabbath. )
T6.1 Rabbi Yaakov Avraham HaLevi Wiesel, also known as Rav Avram Wiesel of Bilvaretz, kabbalist (b. Statel near Krakow – d. 9 Kislev 1873. ) married Rechel ……
(Numerous descendants of Rabbi Avram Wiesel, who married into the Greensweig, Panath, Rosenberg, Rubin, Wagschal, Weiss and many other families, are documented in Asher Zelig Steinmetz, Ktav Sofer (Budapest: 1942), David Aviram, Hitchadshut (Haifa: 1993), Eliezer Pinchas Sofer, Seyfer di Sheyne Farangenheyt in Mamorosh (Brooklyn: Mamorosh Holocaust Memorial Fund, 1999) and Yosef Weiss, Sefer Beit Yosef Lahava (Bnei Brak: 2000).)

3/9/2020 at 8:08 PM

Last Kopel.......Great grandson.... Appears to be the start of a Hager line

Chapter 3 – Descendants of TaZ’ son - T2.4 Rabbi Mordechai was killed in the Lemberg riots of 1664

T3.1 Esther b. Lvov Poland, married Tzvi Hersch of Drohobitz
T3.2 Bluma married Rabbi Zalman Kopelitz (Rabbi Zalman Kamiel of Kolomeya Ukraine) son of Rabbi, Reb Yaakov Kopel Kamiel born to the Schnaittach family in Germany.
T4.1 Chaya Sura Kolomai d. 13 Iyyar 5535 (13 May 1775 Kolomea) and she is buried in the very old cemetery on Kamionka Street, Kolomea. Married 1st cousin R. Jacob Kopel Chasid of Kolomeya (Hauger) (Hager) (Hager-Kapiletis) (son of Nechemiah Feivel) b.ca. 1730 Tysmenitsa, Kosovo d. 29 August (15 Elul 5547) 1787. (another date d. 24 March 1769) . Reb Jacob Kopel lived in Kolomea for many years and later moved to Mismenic, where he died 16 Elul 5547 .
The Haguers Ancestors were Portuguese Jews who fled to Holland in 1492 when Ferdinand & Isabella expelled the Jews. After living at the Hague, Capital of the Netherlands, for many generations they wandered East to Austria and were known in Austria as the Haguers..."Immigrants from the Hague"!!!
R. Jakob Kopel was one of the first followers of Baal Shem Tov. Although a great scholar in Talmud and Kabballah, he didn't want to be a rabbi and earned his living as a merchant. He died on 15 Elul 5547 (1787) and left two sons,
R. Yitzchak of Kolomea and R. Menachem Mendel of Kosow, and a daughter, Blima who was married to the famous Tzadik, Rabbi Uri Strelisker, Streilisker Rebbi.

3/9/2020 at 8:17 PM

To:Haim Wartski (HaCohen)
I would love to add your branch to my book/research
I believe I have missing information on R.Meir Heilprin's line
Which child of his do you descend from?
I only have 2 which I listed below
Would love to hear from you.
Roy Schmukler

Chapter 6 – Descendants of TaZ’ daughter -

T2.7 daughter who was the first wife of R. Meir Heilprin (ABD Opatow (Apt) and Lublin)
T3.1 David
T4.1 Meir
T3.2 Deborah married Rabbi Moses Dobrisch (“Doberishes” after his 1st wife Deborah) ( 1st cousins) (1st marriage)
T4.1 Rabbi Saul of Chelm

3/9/2020 at 11:40 PM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler


My grandfather is also a descendant, unfortunately, on this side the information I have is very limited.
If you have any information about his family, I would love to let me know
his profile:
Hakadosh Rabbi Chaim Lajser Wartski HaCohen, Ztk"l,hy"d
If you want to talk, we can do this through Facebook (link to my Facebook is in my profile)
many thanks

3/10/2020 at 10:11 AM

I checked Rabbi Chaim Lajser Wartski HaCohen, zt"l,hy"d tree but could not find a common ancestor name that worked. The only Wartski I have on any of my trees is someone who married in recent generations into the tree.
T7.4 Shaina Rachel Hager d. 16 February 1913 married Grand Rabbi Yitzchok Friedman 30 August 1835 – 19 August 1896 (founder of the Buhusi Dynasty)
T8.1 Malka Friedman married Rabbi Pinchas Heschel of Zinkov 1872–12 Jan. 1916
T9.1 Chaya Sarah Sima Heschel d. 19 November 1977 married Rabbi Yaakov Duvid Friedman Admur Pascani 1892 – 10 August 1955
T10.1 Sheina Rachel Friedman d.1991 married Baruch Sperber 1915-2007
T11.1 Nachma Gittel Malka Sperber married ...... Tavul
T12.1 {female} Tavul married ...... Tzadok. Issue 3 sons and 3 daughters
T12.2 Elisaf Moshe Tavul
T12.3 Yaakov Tavul married Malka Wartski. Issue 3 daughters and one son.

3/10/2020 at 10:13 AM

How far up can you get on a TaZ relation?
Happy Purim
Chag Sameach
Roy Schmukler

3/10/2020 at 10:53 AM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler
I estimate that I have about 30 generations in this branch
about my grandfather:Some of the names you wrote sound familiar to me.
, Malka Wartski here I am convinced that there is a family connection between her and me (my great grandmother was malka rivka wartski (nee halter)
If you have more details I'd love to know. My grandfather, and his father were born in KalishHis grandfather was the leader of the Jewish community in Kalish, he was buried there, not sure if he was born there
For the wartski family, according to Naftali Wakstein, women from all branches of the family should also be treated, because they are from very privileged families

3/10/2020 at 11:09 AM

In this branch I reach 38 generations back to Rabenu Meshullam Kalonymos, but I also reach it through other branches in my family

3/10/2020 at 7:34 PM

I still am trying to get to TaZ on one of your branches. Ta"Z should only be 11 to 20 generations up - so if you have 30 generation branches and dont see TaZ then it is another branch.
NOTE: I can't find any 30 geration branches from you online.

The best I can go up is through your Fogel branch.
Idel "Odel" "Adel" Fogel b.1793 (married Rabbi Nachym Halter b.c. 1785) daughter of
Rabbi Gerszon Fogel b.c.1761 son of
Lewek "Arye" Fogel b.c. 1730 who is
Descendant of the Maharal from Prague
{maybe another 8 generations to Maharal}
NOTE: TaZ would be about another 4 generations.
BUT I have no connection to Maharal. I do have a connection to Maharal's brother--Rabbi Chaim Liwwa and then to Maharal's father.
Close BUT no good.
Roy Schmukler

3/10/2020 at 7:37 PM

Note: Only 4 generations Arye Fogel not to TaZ but to Taz' time 1586-1667 then 4 generations to Maharal. This is to clarify what I meant by 8 generations.
I still don't see a connection yet

3/11/2020 at 5:34 AM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler

The connection to taz is through my grandmother. And when I checked ahead from taz upwards I merged with another branch in my family where I came to Rabenu Meshullam Kalonymos.
On my grandfather's side, I am a descendant of Saul Whal and the Maharal of Prague from two branches: through kroll family( my great-grandmother 2 and her parents) from where I come to his son, but I do not know child after child how . And my grandfather's mother, she is a descendant of the Maharal Probably through his daughter: Vogla katz.
I attaching links to profiles :
rabbi Michael (michal) Kroll-Berles, zt"l,Son after son to Maharal from Prague
His wife was also from the kroll family (I assume they were cousins)
my great-grandmother (from my grandfather side)
Rebbetzin Malka Rywka Wartski/Mayrantz
And if you have a family tree that completes my family tree, you might happen to have a supplement to my two great-grandfathers:
rabbi zysman rajzman
Hanagid Hachasid Rabbi Zysman Rajzman, zt"l
haZadik haNistar grand rebbe Benjamin menachem (Benasz) Wartski
haZadik haNistar Rabbi Menachem Benjamin (Benasz) Wartski,(HaCohen) ztk"l,parnas &leader of kalisz

many many thanks

3/11/2020 at 5:55 AM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler

the conection to Rabenu Meshullam Kalonymos:
I don't know how many generations I have in my family tree above the taz, because when I checked father after father over the taz, the algorithm connected me to the branch above

3/11/2020 at 6:10 AM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler
last thing:
I attach the connection between my father and the maharal of Prague.
My profile has a problem from my first day at geni :The algorithm does not recognize in all branches the connection between me and my great -grandparents,For my dad, the algorithm recognizes

Private User
12/19/2020 at 9:21 PM

My family is supposed to be descended from the TaZ - from my mother’s side. I do not know whether from my maternal grandfather Zalman Leib Davidovitz - Romania, or my maternal grandmother -Sara Ganz Davidovitz - Unter Visieu - Romania.

Any help would be appreciated.


12/20/2020 at 4:36 PM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler is your man but you haven't given much to work with.

12/20/2020 at 6:57 PM

I have several TaZ descendent families from Visieu de Sus Romania.
Unfortunately, like David said, your info is scant to find a match.

I do have a
Gitel Yocheved Ganz married ...... Davidowitz. Issue 2 daughter and 3 sons.
BUT this Gitel appears to be born c. 1970

What other info do you have?? Especially Sara's maiden name (Is it Ganz)? What about her mother's maiden name?
Zalman Leib's mother's maiden name?
Approxiamately years of birth for these people?

In Visieu de Sus Romania
Does these last names sound familar - Steinmetz - Wiesel - Katz - Stern - Hager? - Werzberger? - Elefant? - Edelstein?
You can write here or email me at
BTW, I am now up to 1320 pages of TaZ relatives.

12/20/2020 at 7:03 PM

For Tesslers
I have them married to
Steinberg - Bergman - Stern - Kalich - Herskovic - Edelstein - Kalich

12/21/2020 at 1:17 AM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler

Do you have information about these two brances?
Regarding section 2: because of a problem with the algorithm, it only shows the connection of my father to the son of the t "z Rabbi Mordechai hy" d
many thanks

12/21/2020 at 8:51 PM

Haim.... You have Hadasa Romaner as the granddaughter of the TaZ through his daughter who married Halpern. I have her as the Great x 5 granddaughter through TaZ son Mordechai (5 extra generations) as Follows:

Chapter 3 – Descendants of T1 TaZ’ son -
T2.4 Rabbi Mordechai (1618 – 1664) was killed in the Lemberg riots of 1664
These are the children of Mordechai on Geni BUT not on the above charts

T3.4 Beila Segal b. ca.1645 (1st wife of) married Rabbi Yitzchok Eisik Heilperin ABD Tiktin, Poland (ca. 1645 - d. 1673) (son of Eliezer Lipman Heilperin of Lublin AB”D of
T4.1 Eliezer Lipmann Heilperin AB”D Tarnograd married A) Margola Shorr B) L. Luria daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Luria, Maharshal 1510 – 1573 {unfortunately the dates do not seem correct – this may be the granddaughter of the Maharshal or the dates are not correct}
T4.1A Eliezer Lipman Heilperin AB”D Tarnograd married A) Margola Shorr
T5.1 {female} Heilpirin married Avrum Lipman Weisblum of Titkin d.1688 (Tykocin)
T5.2 Rabbi Yaakov Halpern (Weisblum) ABD Kreszow
T5.3 Avraham Heilperin (Weisblum) (Lipman) of Tykocin d.1688 married the daughter of Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Halpern ABD Tarnogrod and Margola Shor b.1635 (daughter of Rabbi Yaacov Shor ABD Lutzk, Bret-Litovsk and Brody d.1655). A different chart says his wife was the daughter of Meir "Maharam Lublin" 1558-1616
T6.1 {female} Heilprin b.c.1622 married Yisrael Isser Meizels “Bonem” ABD Pinsk, Lublin and Kalish son of Moshe "Mahadura Basha/Batra" Meizels
T6.2 Rabbi Benjamin Wolf Halpern d.1704 married …..
T7.1 Rabbi Meir Heilprin ABD Lublin and Opatow married A) ….. B) Hesia Heschel 1664-c.1755
T7.1A Rabbi Meir Heilprin ABD Lublin and Opatow married A) …..
T8.1 {female} Heilprin married Avraham Ashkenazi “Plotzker”
T8.2 Hadasa Heilprin married Rabbi Chaim Romaner of Lublin d.1707
T9.1 {female} Romaner 1735-1770 married Rabbi David Halpern ABD Ostrog

12/21/2020 at 11:26 PM

many thanks
Naftali Wakstein told me that there was an error in the profile of the author of the book "ir byniamim" and the error was in incorrect identification of his son's tombstone, so my great grandfather (4) the kozker rebbe was not his descendant.

I searched and actually did find in several different sources that the kozker rebbe was a descendant of the author of the book "yr byniamin" but not sure he was a descendant of the t "z, so I asked the question Yesterday ,And I raised the connections that the algorithm shows between my father and t "z and between me and t" z

I want only the truth to be in my family tree, and if I need to correct mistakes made in profiles, I will correct, therefore
With your permission I would like to understand:
1: Is the connection between my father and Mordechai (the son of t "z), a correct one?
2: Is the connection that the algorithm shows me to t "z through Hadassah romanar correct , or incorrect? If incorrect, do you have the correct information so I can fix in my family tree?
many many thanks

I thank you very much

12/21/2020 at 11:40 PM

Dr. Roy Eli Schmukler

Regarding Hadassah Romaner, I will clarify my question:
Geni and you have conflicting information about her, do you know what is correct information is?
And a key to the answer is: who was the wife of Rabbi David Halperin
Rabbi David Halpern, A.B.D. Ostrog
Was she really the daughter of Chaim Romaner and Hadassah (nee Halperin)?

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