Ermengarde of Anjou, Duchess Of Brittany - 2 sisters same person

Started by Livio Scremin on Monday, June 3, 2019
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Hi all,
-wiki says are the same person:
-Medlands lists them separately in place 2 and 4, but going to read well what is reported, no date or name excludes its union:,%20MAINE.htm#ErmengardeMConan...

(this is not the first time I see a similar case)
- Ermangarde d'Anjou, Duchess of Bretagne
- Gerberge, countess of Anjou

What do you think about it?

Livio, I am not well versed in the history of the French Anjou family but I am a descendant in this lineage. I am always on a very sharp learning curve. I know that Ermengarde of Anjou is my 30th Great Grandmother.
The other member of this family is my 21st Great Grandmother:
Marguerite d'Anjou, comtesse d'Anjou et du Maine - born in Naples, Italy, and died in France. I cannot connect them as yet, but will persevere..
I will be watching your discussion with interest.
Many thanks,

Coralie Kay Mattson, if you will use the Push Pin, it will show you the relationship between Marguerite d'Anjou and Ermengarde of Anjou -- she is Ermengarde's 9th GGD

Livio Scremin take a look at Milon IV de Tonnerre & descent - I think misplaced and the member tried to correct ? Can we figure out the match / merge ? Has the two marriages but no primary source references.

Livio Scremin I’ve only done the hasty reading, so I could be entirely incorrect. But so far I do not like them as the same person and find Medlands more plausible.

The timeline is difficult for 2 families for her. First child born 980, another in 1002? Possible, but why? The Count of Anjou likely had plenty of daughters on offer to make his needed alliances. Quotes:

“About 1000 he married Foulques III's sister Ermengarde-Girberge d'Anjou, widow of Conon I 'le Tort', duc de Bretagne, and daughter of Geoffrey I, comte d'Anjou, and Adelais de Vermandois. They had about six sons of whom Geoffroy is recorded with progeny. ...”

So that’s six “more” children beginning 1000 when she’s already 35?

A younger sister / similar name the way Medlands shows it works better for me.

So far.

Thank you Linda, I found the relationship last night between Ermengarde of Anjou and her 9th Granddaughter Marguerite d'Anjou by plodding through the lineages. How easy it is using the "Pin" .... thank you. Won't forget that again.

Erica Howton I am proceeding according to your reflection (reporting the danger/!\ on wiki linck:)

-around here I cleaned the cleanable, it remains to assign the order of marriages 1 / 2 of Geoffrey I "Greymantle", Count of Anjou
-are those unknown parents of the second wife indispensable? her last name "..." is not enough ? (without 3 lines of text?)
- LOL also a 2 son out of place:
1) Milon V de Tonnerre, Comte de Tonnerre *
2) Conan II de Bretagne, Count de Brittany !? would also take a bit of FIX on upper / lower case letters (all just details, but as you can see, they hide bigger disorders:)

this is the MP (of 2) Conan II de Bretagne, Count de Brittany [ locked ] need ur power to cut & merge..

I working on Milo(s)...

also info locked -.-
paste this -,_Duke_of_Brittany (better if you remove it)

this Alard le Sénéchal have 250 year less than him mother

MP Adalard "le Sénéchal" (but not with that lineage)

the dates of clone do not even coincide with wikipedia that I pasted.. a fast delete and go, without even leaving garbage butts to search engines ^^

I found and merged Milo, now you cut the divorce with the "homonymous wife" (that marked divorced)

practically it has been confused and mixed children but not even in the right generations of
- Ermengarde de Bar-sur-Seine
- Ermangarde d'Anjou, Duchess of Bretagne

PLZ you finish passing the children from one side to the other because I merged a couple of characters, but it is full of stupid total abandoned blocks, the available links don't work or even lead to the wrong generations: so in dozens of tabs open on a handful of windows I find the source link to be embedded... but and instead the INFO is locked, sorry this way of healing is not acceptable :)

I really don’t know where Curator’s get the patience to work in here, day after day. Just want to say thank you for the hard, long hours of dedication! I keep finding too many profiles with double parents. Feel bad always having to send notes to the Curators of the profiles. Sad, because they have the profiles correct to begin with, then someone decides to tie in and add two fathers with different names and birthdates. Then we have to take our time to write the person for their permission to correct their mistakes before the Curators can correct, so tedious for the Curator! Job for them I’d difficult enough!

@Suzan the solution is simple, just clone @Erica and spread a handful per continent :D

I believe these 2 knots should be carefully countered.
- Count Otton de Vermandois
- Eudes, comte de Vermandois (display name covering)

Erica Howton the Sicilian area was worse, much worse ;)


hope she soon returns from the gondola ride,
or here everything remains abandoned locked XD
assign the right parents to remove conflict (the couple "de Vermandois") (I put a clone completely out of the family in the right place ... there are others.. even the marriage described above remained to be cut)

I need a vacation to Italia too. I hear the area of Milano is nice and not very expansive. I must say Venezsia is very tourist unfriendly. It is more expansive for tourists then Amsterdam or Oslo.

If you want to have a cheap Gondola ride then come to Giethorn (the Venezsia of the Netherlands).

Hilarious, I miss Italy 🇮🇹. This in the middle of serious work in GENI!

welcome back from the break @Jeroen :)
there would be work for you too in this node, they are not historical problems .. I would say technical (confused a variety of characters)
I really should come and see your characteristic windows :D
Regarding Milan let me suggest you a quiet place, mid-September would be the right climate (17-23;) XD

I’ve been trapped on an endless ride that goes round and round and round! :)

Hoping to be able to revisit virtual Italy soon. It’s already too hot in Arizona.

Hot in Texas, glad my daughter lives in Jackson Hope, Wy. It was actually snowing last weekend, she sent me a video, I was sweltering in 99 degrees!

Well, it is in the 70s in Mass. And I am already too hot. Judy

I'm happy to see that we have a pleasant and enjoyable conversation, but here the days pass, and the mistakes made more than 4 years ago by a person who probably didn't even know how to use GENI remain available to all public search engines in European history...

Livio Scremin I understand your frustration. It’s ok, a true statement, I didn’t realize how much was wrong with GENI until I really got in to it, and looked closely at the Profiles.

We need to clone you and a few other ones. We also need more people skilled writing Profiles that are sitting in the Clean Up Project. I apologize, personally I just have to break the monotony between intense projects. Will keep it out of the real work areas. Haha Thank you for your wonderful work in here, if everyone did a fraction of what you do, we would get the tangle of garbage cleaned up faster. Thank you.

Suzan Martin TNX what wonderful words <3
but how angry the professors are when you correct them!? :D XD

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