Alaric the Goth; Childeric I; and Widukind

Started by Private User on Monday, May 27, 2019
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Alex Moes C
Today at 12:38 AM

Michel Frédérik Blouin there is a big difference between having a connection to someone and being a descendant, without knowing what you mean by "direct relationship" nor which profile you are referencing it is hard to comment. Certainly the MP for Jesus on Geni has no descendants.

Debra's explanation of the vagaries of the relationship calculator is reasonable in my opinion, if you want more specifics I'd be reviewing documents in the Geni HELP section.

Genealogy via DNA tests is at it's most basic a comparison to see how closely related living people are (different tests/companies give different results because they each build their own datasets from existing clients), no one has a sample of King Bella's DNA so you cannot prove a connection to him using your own DNA.

Unfortunately many people when building their family trees have very low to non-existent standards of proof and Geni basically relies on users acting in good faith, so if someone in ignorance (wilful or otherwise) makes a bad connection it is up to other users to identify the error and correct it. Remember Geni is a company which operates a software platform, the company does not endorse the data which users enter into the platform. The curator team and other diligent users try to make sense and form consensus but the further up the tree you get the harder this is, the more specialist the knowledge required becomes and the less people there are looking at the issues.

Alex Moes yet again ------

C for volunteer curator .
User like any other given a title and a key to block and unblock certain features on GENI .
Not GOD or always right .

Descendant male line from Adam of Eden ?
According to Abrahamic Religion belief /faith we all are .
So why are some here on GENI his male line descendants and some not ?
Either all or none ?
Genetics would then have Adam somewhere 100 0000 years ago in Southern Africa and YDNA haplogroup A .

Rejecting DNA testing comes from personal insecurities . DNA proves parents > grandparents > grt grandparents etc etc more than geneology from documentation and records van ever do .
No maybes or perhaps but 99.99999999 % sure a Father is father of a child and same with mother .

DNA testing can also proof with 100 % accuracy by comparison of DNA who is definitely NOT your ancestor .

JP, My DNA test on FamilyTreeDna says the following.

General You Test->R-M269
Big Y Test->RF-T167280
Mother side->H1ar1

Blouin is old French for Blou. (Blue origins). Wait until you learn JP who has been talking to you here.

Little correction. Last message Big Y is R-FT167280.
So JP you should calm down because you will be surprised in the end. Good luck.

So keep calm JP & Have a good day. 😊

Will Michel.
We live on farm owned by Le Febre ancestor in 1700's

Your results on FTDNA ? Must check and compare

It's much more than that. Here is what the Big Y Specialist told me in email.

Here is what he said.

Family Tree DNA Helpdesk

ven. 14 mai 12:50

Hello Frederik,

Thank you for contacting FamilyTreeDNA! If you look at your Y-STR marker matches (Y-37, Y-67, or Y-111) you are matching four people with either the surname Blouin or in the case of the Bellwares, who have Blouin patrilineal ancestry, so that is a good sign. None of these men have taken a Big Y to see where your line and their line branch off from each other on the haplotree.

If you look at the Block Tree version of the haplotree you can see that there is another person with your terminal SNP R-FT167280 but that your Most Recent Common Ancestor with the guy with the Norwegian flag is an average of 19 private variants back in time, which if we multiply that by an estimate of 80 years between new SNPs and/or private variants this puts the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor between you and the other guy something like roughly 1520 years before present, give or take.


So, I guess it is much farther than that right JP?

The bug to upload FTDNA results on GENI is still there. I have asked the customer service and they said it should be back soon but it's already been 2 months now. Nice to hear JP for the farm.

JP if you are unhappy with a particular portion of the tree on Geni then improve it, this is a _collaborative_ website.

Add sources and citations to profiles, curators are as you say just users with some extra privileges, you can do most of what we can do. A well researched profile is hard to argue with, a profile which no one has put any real effort into is almost worthless.

This thread is about the fact that Alaric, Childeric and Widukind have no living descendants.

You have brought up Bela III, which is obviously someone you have studied, I had not heard of him until you mentioned him so it is interesting to learn that they have DNA tested his skeleton. I would imagine that it is quite rare to be able to confidently identify thousand year old skeletons. However if you look back at my earlier post I did not say that Bela had no descendants, if I understand your earlier post your DNA test tells you that you are in fact a descendant of Bela but that is not supported by Geni? So obviously there is a gap on Geni somewhere? This does not necessarily indicate a conspiracy by anyone to deny your claim, it means that there is a gap on Geni (perhaps due to a lack of historical documentation) but that is all.

With these ancient lines knowing there is a link, say we have a record that X is the great grandfather of Y, we are limited to what we can show on Geni because we don't know anything about the two generations between X and Y. Anything we put on Geni would be an assumption/guess which is not good genealogy. DNA might confirm 100% beyond doubt that X is indeed Y's great grandfather but without documentary evidence Geni (as a collaborative genealogical website) cannot show that.

Geni says Jesus of Nazareth, @Yeshua is my 10th cousin 79 times removed. @Moses 2c108r.

Michel Frédérik Blouin Jesus is your 10th cousin 82 times removed.
→ Dr. Paul Glen Grant, PhD
your father → Rev. Brian Paul Grant
his father → Dr. Verne Edwin Grant, Ph.D
his father → Edwin Edgar Grant
his father → Rev. Weldon Pollock Grant
his father → William Robinson Grant
his father → Nancy Grant
his mother → Thomas Pollock
her father → Charles Pollock
his father → Mary Pollock
his mother → Grizel Graham
her mother → Isabel Douglas
her mother → William Douglas, 7th Earl of Morton
her father → Robert Douglas, Master of Morton
his father → Agnes Leslie, Countess of Morton
his mother → Lady Margaret Crichton
her mother → Margaret Stewart
her mother → Mary of Guelders, Queen consort of Scotland
her mother → Katharina van Egmont (van Kleef), Duchess of Guelders
her mother → Mary of Burgundy
her mother → John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy
her father → Philip II the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
his father → Bonne de Luxembourg, reine consort de France
his mother → Eliška - Elisabeth Přemyslovna, Česká královna
her mother → Wenceslaus II, King of Bohemia
her father → Kunigunda Rostislavna Přemyslovna
his mother → Prince Rostislav Mikhailovich
her father → Princess of Chernigov Olena Maria Romanovna Рюриковна, Rurikid
his mother → Predslava daugh.of Rurik Rostislavich
her mother → Anna of Turov
her mother → Jurij Jaroslavovich, prince of Turov
her father → Yaroslav of Volynya
his father → Barbara Komnene
his mother → Irene of Alania
her mother → Demetrius of Anacopia
her father → George I, king of Georgia
his father → Bagrat III, king of Georgia
his father → King Gurgen I of Iberia-Kartli
his father → King Bagrat II of Iberia
his father → King Sumbat I of Iberia-Kartli
his father → King Adarnase I (IV) of Iberia
his father → Prince David I of Iberia
his father → Prince Bagrat I of Iberia
his father → Ashot I the Great, Prince of Iberia
his father → unnamed wife of Adarnase I of Tao-Klarjeti of the Nersianid dynasty
his mother → Nerse the Prince of Iberia
her father → Adarnase III Prince of Iberia
his father → unnamed wife of Nerse
his mother → Mirian of Kakheti, Georgian Prince of the Royal Chosroid Dynasty
her father → Prince Stephen of Kakheti in Georgia
his father → Adarnase II Prince of Iberia
his father → Stephen II Prince of Iberia
his father → Prince Adarnase I of Iberia Khosroid dynasty
his father → Bajur III, king of Iberia
his father → King Pharasmanes VI of Iberia - Khosroid dynasty
his father → Parent of Pharasmanes VI Khosroid dynasty
his father → Barcurius II King of Iberia
his father → Dachi King of Iberia
his father → Balendukht
his mother → Hormozd III, King of Persia
her father → Yazdegerd II, King of Persia
his father → Bahrám V "of the Wild Ass", King of Persia
his father → Shoshandukt bat Mar Abba Abra
his mother → Mar Sutra
her mother → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora
her father → Yosef bar Yosef
his father → Yosef bar Khamma
his father → Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I
his father → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II
his father → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty
his father → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch
his father → Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom
his father → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hizkiya ., 33rd Exilarch
his father → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch
his father → Shemaya I ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo III ben David Exilarch
his father → David ben Akkub
his father → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya
his mother → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch
her father → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch
his father → Bariah Ben Shemaya
his father → Semaya Ben Shechanya
his father → Shechanya Ben Ovadya
his father → Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan
his father → Arnan Ben Rafaya
his father → Refaya (e Ben Chananya
his father → Yeshaiah ben Hananya
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Abihud .
his brother → Eliakim
his son → Azor .
his son → Zadok
his son → Achim ben Zadok
his son → Elihud .
his son → Eleazar Ben Eliud
his son → Matthan Ben Eleazer
his son → Jacob ben Matthan
his son → Saint Joseph
his son → Jesus
his foster son


Jesus is your 24th great grandfather's partner's 7th great grandmother's husband's 18th great uncle's wife's aunt's husband's 6th great grandfather's wife's third cousin four times removed's husband's nephew.
→ Dr. Paul Glen Grant, PhD
your father → Rev. Brian Paul Grant
his father → Dr. Verne Edwin Grant, Ph.D
his father → Edwin Edgar Grant
his father → Rev. Weldon Pollock Grant
his father → William Robinson Grant
his father → Abel Grant, Jr.
his father → Sarah Grant
his mother → Anna Saunders
her mother → Capt. Daniel Barney
her father → Constance Barney
his mother → Elizabeth Davis
her mother → John Eaton, Sr., of Salisbury & Haverhill
her father → Thomas Eaton, of Beausall in Hatton
his father → Thomas Eaton, of Rowington, Warwickshire
his father → John Eaton of Rowington, Warwickshire
his father → Louis Eaton, Esq.
his father → Katherine Talbot
his mother → John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury
her father → Richard Talbot, 4th Baron Talbot
his father → Petronella Talbot
his mother → Eleanor de Bohun, Countess of Ormonde
her mother → Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, Countess of Hereford
her mother → Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England
her mother → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León
her father → Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia
his father → Aldonça Martins da Silva, Condesa de Cifuentes
his partner → Martim Gomes da Silva
her father → Gomes Pais da Silva, senhor de Santa Olaia
his father → Mayor González, Muniz
his adoptive mother → Gontroda Núñez
her mother → Velasquita Sánchez de Pamplona
her mother → Sancho I, rey de Navarra
her father → García I Íñiguez, rey de Pamplona
his father → Íñigo (Enneco ) Arista de Pamplona, 1st King of Pamplona
his father → Oneca بن فورتون
his mother → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela
her husband → 'A'isha ibn Abdul
his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus
her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam
his mother → Marwân I ibn al-Hakam al-Qurayshi
her father → al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As
his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah
his father → Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams
his father → Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams
his adoptive father → Imam ‘Abd al-Manāf bin Imaam Quṣayy بن قصي
his father → Imaam Quṣayy "Zayd" bin Imaam Kilaab بن كلاب, Custodian of Ka'aba
his father → Fatima binte Sa'd bin Shibl
his mother → Sa'ad bin Shibl Azdshirah
her father → Shibl "Azdshirah" bin Bariq
his father → Bariq bin Uday
his father → Uday bin Haritha
his father → Haritha bin 'Amr Muzaikhiya
his father → 'Amr Muzaikhiya bin Aamir
his father → Amir ibn Harithah
his father → Haritha Bin Imru Al-Qais
his father → Thaalaba King of Nabataea
his brother → Iotape of Emesa, Queen of Nabataea
his wife → Sohaemus, Priest-King of Emesa
her father → Jotapa of Emesa
his sister → Aristobulus the Younger
her husband → Aristóbulus, IV, Prince of Judaea
his father → Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean)
his mother → Elizabeth of Jerusalem, Queen Alexandra II
her mother → Hyrcanus II Hasmonean, King & High Priest of Judea
her father → Alexander Jannaeus Hasmonean, King and High Priest
his father → John Hyrcanus I Hasmonean, Ethnarch & High Priest
his father → Simon the Thassi Maccabeus, Prince and High Priest of Judea
his father → Mattathias ben Yochanan Maccabeus
his father → Alexandra Simona Bat Yehuda /Ha Levi Kohen
his wife → Onias Yehuda /Ha Levi Kohen bar Sadducees, High Priest
her father → Onias bar Sadducees, High Priest
his father → Simon, Sadducees High Priest
his father → Simeon the Just, High Priest
his brother → Yulpath ben Mattathias
his daughter → Jannai (Jannei) ben Yosef
her son → Melchi .
his son → Levi Ben Melchi
his son → Matthat Son of Levi ben Melchi
his son → Saint Joachim
his son → Escha
his daughter → Ptolas
her husband → Saint Joseph
his brother → Jesus
his foster son

Well this is wrong. Look at what I have on my side. Something is wrong with this website... 👀 Strange... How could you arrive with « another father » I don’t even know the man.... it seems people have issues finding my real father.... look below at my screenshot.

Many of the current lines here pass through Barbara Komnene, {possibly fictional} . Barbara Komnene is generally considered to be a fictional person, as there is no mention of her in byzantine sources at all and she is mostly likely an attempt at fabricating a connection between the early Grand Princes of Kiev and the Byzantine Empire.

Childéric I, King of the Franks is my 40th great grandfather.

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