Alaric the Goth; Childeric I; and Widukind

Started by Private User on Monday, May 27, 2019
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Alaric the Goth, king of the Visigoths, is my 42nd g-grandfather

Childeric I is my 39th g-grandfather

Widukind is my 44th g-uncle

True or false? I have no direct connections or paths to any of the others on the lists.

I also got a hit too with him ...

Alaric the Goth, King of the Visigoths is your 42nd great grandfather.
→ Angela Marie Handy
your mother → Robert Taylor Handy
her father → Vioma E Handy
his mother → Andrew Jack Fain
her father → Evan M Fain
his father → Jane Fain
his mother → Barnard Harris
her father → William Harris
his father → Major Robert Harris
his father → Temperance Harris
his mother → Col. William Overton, I
her father → Major General Robert Overton
his father → Joanne Palmer Overton
his mother → Robert Snawsell
her father → Brian Snawsell
his father → Thomas Snawsell
his father → Katherine Hansard
his mother → Elizabeth Hansard
her mother → Sir Thomas Blount, Kt.
her father → Sir Thomas Blount, Kt.
his father → Sancha Blount, Lady de Ayala
his mother → D. Diego Gómez de Toledo, I señor de Casarrubios y Valdepusa
her father → Gómez Pérez de Toledo, II
his father → Teresa Vázquez de Acuña, Señora de Villaverde
his mother → Vasco Martins da Cunha, "o Seco", 5º senhor de Tábua
her father → Joana Rodrigues de Nomães
his mother → Rodrigo Martins de Nomães, Señor de Reviñade y Silva-Escura
her father → Rodrigo Romães Conde de Monterroso
his father → Remón II de Monterroso, III conde de Monterroso
his father → Rodrigo Romaes, II conde de Monterroso y de Santa Marta de Ortigueira
his father → Remón Romaes, Conde de Monterroso y Santa Marta de Ortigueira
his father → Fruela I el Cruel, rey de Asturias
his father → Ermessenda, reina consorte de Asturias
his mother → Pelayo, rey de Asturias
her father → Liubigotona
his mother → Suintila, rey de los visigodos
her father → Clodesinde
his mother → Brunichild
her mother → Atanagildo I, rey de los visigodos
her father → Amalarico I, rey de los Visigodos
his father → Alarico II, rey de los Visigodos
his father → Eurico I, rey de los Visigodos
his father → N.N.
his mother → Alaric the Goth, King of the V

Could it be that the "Testing for Fake ... Lines" project just needs to be updated? Drop some of the example/test profiles and replace them with more relevant ones?

Sorry for the delayed response but the project does not need updating, there have been no ground breaking discoveries about Alaric's genealogy since the project was created, paths connecting you to him are only evidence of how difficult it is to keep a collaborative genealogy website aligned with historically verifiable facts. As opposed to theories, guesses and imagination.
Finding the dubious connection and breaking it is a time consuming activity requiring specific knowledge of the particular era, there are not many Geni users doing this important work.

We can't even keep *Colonial* lines free of Fictional connections, so I see little hope for matters so much farther back.


Childéric I, King of the Franks is my 51st great grandfather.
Childéric I, King of the Franks

No descents
You should not be a descendant of these people, but you might have a relationship path to them.

mmmmmmm well mine must be all wrong as well because good old Childéric I, King of the Franks comes up as a great grand pappy ... Would it possibly be better to DELETE the links to him.. ????

I also find that @Childéric I, King of the Franks (47th), King King David of Israel of Israel (106th), and Adam of Eden of Eden (126th) are great grandfathers.

Interesting, but doubtful. For the later two, King David and Adam, might the error be before those in Portugal?

Was my ancestor but no longer.
Big argument re removing / deleting these connections on another profile without proof that the connection does not exist.
Strange reasoning yes but that what was suggested.
Present proof for removing relationships.
Apparently one of the reasons users are leaving GENI.
Judi - Curator 's reasoning.

Hah. Geni won't even cut the link between Richard "the Planter" Cheney of Maryland and Richard Cheney of London, despite clear and explicit proof that the former cannot possibly be the son of the latter.

So don't hold your breath.

Maven B. Helmes -- a woman after my own heart .
It is difficult for all and any of us to realise that often a bit more is needed to connect relatives and parents here on GENI than just because ------.
However seems that for some reason some just never gets disconnected no matter what , can not understand that .

I noticed something interesting. For instance, Clovis I Mérovingiens, I is my 46th great grandfather but when I click on one of his son (who should be my 47th great grandfather logically), it becomes another relationship. Does someone have any idea why? I am also connected directly to Abraham, Adam, King David etc in direct line.

Mickey or Pluto yr grt granny as well Michael

JP you are my 13th cousin thrice removed. [Not sure] where you are going to with your Mickey and pluto. I can send screenshot if you don’t believe me I really don’t mind. Just ask me if that was sarcastic from you.

Just saying do not believe all the relationships on GENI .
It changes too often , these distant ones.

Ok thanks for your input.

My yDNA says I share a common ancestor with King Bela III of Hungary. About 100 bpe .
Nithing on GENI though.
Not genealogy but with Y-dna
That is more based on fact .

I passed the BIG Y test on Family Tree DNA but there is an issue synching it right now. It has been like that for over 1-2 months now. It’s a known issue.

Michel Frédérik Blouin "Does someone have any idea why?"

I think it's because the further back we go in generations, particularly with the high nobility who intermarried quite a lot -- the greater the likelihood of having multiple lines of kinship to individuals such as kings who may have had many, many children.

And the Relationship Calculator gizmo is fairly limited, only gives us the shortest connections (fewest generations, in other words) between us and the target profile. It only gives us one example each of blood kinship and kinship by marriage.

So the child of Clovis could be both your uncle and grandfather, but the Calculator only sees them both as "blood", and chooses by default the shortest connection in number of generations.

Thanks for your input Debra. JP, I passed the BIG Y test on Family Tree DNA (and much more and it goes back to over 1520 years without alteration in genome), but there is an issue synching it right now. It has been like that for over 1-2 months now. It’s a known issue. King Bela III of Hungary Is my 24th Great Grandfather by the way.

By the way, anyone have ing any direct relationship like me with « Jésus de Nazareth ». I would be curious to know if I am the only one having two connection to this master profile.

Michel Frédérik Blouin there is a big difference between having a connection to someone and being a descendant, without knowing what you mean by "direct relationship" nor which profile you are referencing it is hard to comment. Certainly the MP for Jesus on Geni has no descendants.

Debra's explanation of the vagaries of the relationship calculator is reasonable in my opinion, if you want more specifics I'd be reviewing documents in the Geni HELP section.

Genealogy via DNA tests is at it's most basic a comparison to see how closely related living people are (different tests/companies give different results because they each build their own datasets from existing clients), no one has a sample of King Bella's DNA so you cannot prove a connection to him using your own DNA.

Unfortunately many people when building their family trees have very low to non-existent standards of proof and Geni basically relies on users acting in good faith, so if someone in ignorance (wilful or otherwise) makes a bad connection it is up to other users to identify the error and correct it. Remember Geni is a company which operates a software platform, the company does not endorse the data which users enter into the platform. The curator team and other diligent users try to make sense and form consensus but the further up the tree you get the harder this is, the more specialist the knowledge required becomes and the less people there are looking at the issues.

Alex Moes -- Phylogenetic origins of Arpad Dynasty
Dna derived from skeletal remains of King Bela III

Jy MOES dit eers gelees het.

A Moes -DNA is also not at it's most a basic comparison .
The Appel and Botha controversy of parentage in South Africa is just one of many very good examples of the specifics of DNA that definitely disproves your assumption.
atDNA has also matched many of my relationships on GENI .I know from DNA which Weyer family are not same as mine .Even my R-U106 not matched with many other R-U106 so further distinctions.

No matter what Alex choose to believe re DNA.
If a man 's yDNA is I haplogroup someone with R haplogroup can not be a male line ancestor even if on GENI it says he is.
If the yDNA is a 99.987 % match they are very very closely related. Most lijelyvfathercand son or grandfather uncke.
Why are DNA being used in legal proceedings or parental queries if they are at best a comparison .
Maths are a comparison 1 is 2 less than compared to 3.
The refusal by so many to accept DNA results are just not keeping up with science.

ALEX MOES ---- Determination of the phylogenetic origins of the Árpád Dynasty based on Y chromosome sequencing of Béla the Third

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