Do you mean one of this profiles:
There exists this cemetery in Niles, Michigan with graves dating back to the 1800s. It's a very historical little town and many people from all over the world passed through it since it connected Chicago and Detroit. In this cemetery are underground crypts but they are sealed off. Many people do not know about them. One person was a daughter of a famous dignitary in the 1800s from Europe. Apparently she died on the boat crossing over to America. Her tombstone is sealed shut by cement. In the old days, you used to be able to lift it up and walk down into a tunneled room with her casket!
Hi, Maryna:
I searched my photos yesterday and I found the carriage of Empress Catherine of Russia and posted it on my Facebook page, you can view it there. My Facebook name is Dona Kimmons. I also found some interesting YouTube videos on other things belonging to the Romanov, and Tsar Nicholas II's carriage.
Dona Lorine (Floyd) Kimmons