Amédée d'Ivrée, comte d'Oscheret dans Bourgogne - Italian updates

Started by Livio Scremin on Saturday, April 20, 2019
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let's start with locating he in medlands: -
AMEDEE, son of --- (-after 827). He owned land as vassal of the abbey of Saint-Bénigne, and land at Lecey as vassal of the bishop of Langres. *m ---. The identity of the wife of Amedée is not known. Amedée & his wife had two children: -ANSCHIER -GUY
---------- *** (ANSCHIER )
This passage on the encyclopedic Italian studies on the prestigious son suggests multilingual FIX(1) and wife(2)
So the explanation of the historically misunderstood relationship (3)

1) ...secondo gli ultimi studi sull'argomento il padre fu un '''Amedeo, conte di Langres''',
2) che si unì in matrimonio con una sorella di quel Lamberto conte di Nantes (Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto) che, venuto in Italia intorno all'863, fu padre di Guido I di Spoleto (841-868) ed avo del futuro protettore di A. in Italia, Guido re (889-894). (Emperor Guy III, 3rd duke of Spoleto, king of Italy)
3) A. (Amedeo) ebbe quindi legami di parentela con Guido re, ma non ne era fratello come per lungo tempo si credette sulla base d'una errata interpretazione d'un passo di Liutprando...

There is also a "NN de Nantes" profile advanced by some wrong connection: if we want to reuse it, bleach the random dates, or cancel it or cutting it.. because in any case has nothing to do with that husband. --> N.N. de Nantes
***(published prestigious secular encyclopedia: I will not spam by sticking here check sources / notes inside link:)

forgot: house of Ivrea start by his son Anscar I, count of Oscheret, 1st marquis of Ivrea, then delete that surname from Amedeo / Amedee.
(& those parents with unknown writing, are they really indispensable?)

& sorry, I know that the white tree is not pretty.. but I think that putting coat of arms at random is worse...


TNX, & what do you think of a wife, [ ... de Nantes] sisters of [ Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto (locked) ]
(as from Italian official studies)

PS. Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto (looked whit 4 languages available):
IT ) Lamberto I di Nantes, duca di Spoleto
FR ) Lambert l de Nantes, duc de Spolète
DE ) I. von Nantes, Graf von Nantes, Herzog von Spoleto --> /!\ FIX
ENG) Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto ----> /!\ incomplete

Tthis is due to the mania of abusing the "display name box"-_-'

Erica Howton Howton nice (private) suggestion.
as you know the whole area has recently been involved in a not mega, but quite serious merge.
There are missing information maybe due to an aesthetic performance ..
I personally use the "dispay name" not for do INFO, but rather to cover up too much information, or to remodulate it... but this is a long speech.

anyway, now he is also a Nantes man :) --> Lambert I, duke of Spoleto

there are other medlands info missing around (stay tuned:)

Hey I just merged a 4 husbands knot (already existing since 2009:)

in Nantes this white MP locked profile is out of place -->

# it must be cut off,
# or change the dates, (but she doesn't seem to be his wife)
# or checked insights that maybe it is not the wife of the homonym child [II] (google only opens trees online)

cleaning / fixing the graft area, I found 2 profiles probably from trees online:
- white MP locked Yotta di Salerno whit:
- white hausband Gunderad di Spoleto to which I have found by source a site that mentions this same GENI profile by source / link :) :D XD

medlands links intertwine families extensively, deleting / cut off these 2 profiles does not split the tree.

after all the fixes, and then also checking the encyclopedic pages of Nantes family..
it emerges that the initial suggestion is valid, they should only be considered approximate dates which in any case coincide "approximately" .. apart from that "came to Italy around [863]" that stinks much numerical dyslexia 836 or typing error or little attention given that the page was intended to study him life not a 3rd degree relationship:
in fact the page of the same encyclopedia that studies the life of Guy I, 2nd duke of Spoleto shows the correct dates that coincide "approximately" with ours:
" G. giunse in Italia nell'834 insieme con suo padre, cui era stato confiscato il comitato di Nantes, al seguito di Lotario re d'Italia, esiliato dall'imperatore Ludovico il Pio. Il conte Lamberto, uno tra i principali fautori di Lotario, morì poi nell'837."
" G. arrived in Italy in 834 together with his father, which the committee of Nantes had been confiscated, following Lotario, king of Italy, exiled by the emperor Louis the Pious. Count Lamberto, one of Lotario's main supporters, he died in 837."

Shouldn't he be disconnected from these unproven parents and merged with this duplicate that has him connected to the right parents as well as to his sibling?

Anschaire I d'Ivrâee

I believe Anscar I is the first cousin of St. Eberhard (m. Gisele Cysoing), and as such he is the son of Eberhard's uncle, "Wido" di Friuli.

The duplicate is also attached to the wrong "Guido". He is supposed to be the cousin, not grandson, of St. Eberhard (Gisele of Cysoing). His father is Eberhard's uncle "Wido" (another spelling of Guido. So it looks like both of these duplicates are connected to incorrect parents.

Oh boy, I just found his real parents and a third duplicate. Yeah !!!

Wido d'Ivrée

Anscar II d'Ivrée

Anscar had a grandson by the same name. But the younger Anscar (son of Adalbert and Ermengarde) -- lived ca.937.

And as you can plainly see, all of the three matching Anscars above are from a much earlier generation. They just seem to have become very confused and fragmented. And have been assigned to the wrong parentages.

Here is the father of the younger Anscar (II) (son of Anscar I), with a duplicate son (yes, Anscario this time):

Adelbert I, Margrave of Ivrea

marchese Anscario II d'Ivrea, duca di Spoleto

Private User you have touched many points, I will try to answer you in a schematic way, as simple as possible, to avoid lost in translation, since nobody here speaks Italian: going in order:

#all the points touched by the old discussion have been settled .. over time .. in several steps .. in multiple requests ..

#currently the Anscar I, count of Oscheret, 1st marquis of Ivrea area has no conflicts between primary sources of ML and new scrupulous modern studies by professional historians officially published in the expensive national encyclopedia Treccani. Everything fits together. [this side is all MP, HQ] {even with multimedia wikis}

# about Anschaire I d'Ivrâee so far I had only found feedback by online tree, thanks to you instead another table is spat out, which confirms the tree online.. with ancestry, lineages, marriages, everything different, a whole other knot, nothing in common. ..certainly continue to study and document it ...

Well, technically, a few of us here can *read* Italian (me for instance), but we're not fluent enough in it to hold a conversation.

Thanks for sorting out who's who in early Italian history. Must be quite a mess.

Thank you, Livio and Maven.

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