let's start with locating he in medlands: - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/burgdatuy.htm#AnscarioIivreadied898
AMEDEE, son of --- (-after 827). He owned land as vassal of the abbey of Saint-Bénigne, and land at Lecey as vassal of the bishop of Langres. *m ---. The identity of the wife of Amedée is not known. Amedée & his wife had two children: -ANSCHIER -GUY
http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/anscario_%28Dizionario-Biografi... *** (ANSCHIER )
This passage on the encyclopedic Italian studies on the prestigious son suggests multilingual FIX(1) and wife(2)
So the explanation of the historically misunderstood relationship (3)
1) ...secondo gli ultimi studi sull'argomento il padre fu un '''Amedeo, conte di Langres''',
2) che si unì in matrimonio con una sorella di quel Lamberto conte di Nantes (Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto) che, venuto in Italia intorno all'863, fu padre di Guido I di Spoleto (841-868) ed avo del futuro protettore di A. in Italia, Guido re (889-894). (Emperor Guy III, 3rd duke of Spoleto, king of Italy)
3) A. (Amedeo) ebbe quindi legami di parentela con Guido re, ma non ne era fratello come per lungo tempo si credette sulla base d'una errata interpretazione d'un passo di Liutprando...
There is also a "NN de Nantes" profile advanced by some wrong connection: if we want to reuse it, bleach the random dates, or cancel it or cutting it.. because in any case has nothing to do with that husband. --> N.N. de Nantes
***(published prestigious secular encyclopedia: I will not spam by sticking here check sources / notes inside link:)