Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto - Lambert's wife

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, April 19, 2019
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4/19/2019 at 11:23 PM

According to Winkhaus, one of the last four daughters [of Pepin] married Lambert I Comte de Nantes, son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836), but the source on which this is based has not been identified.

I've cut the link between Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto and Theodrate d'Italie, as she is no more likely to have been his wife than Bertraide / Berthais Gundrada or Adula, Princesa da Itália.

We can cite the relationship in the About and the Curator note, unless anyone is using this connection to show their line to Charlemagne. If so, we can create a 'NN daughter of Pepin, husband of Lambert' profile to show this, but, as this creates the impression of an extra NN daughter, I'm reluctant to do it unless someone needs the link.

4/20/2019 at 12:53 AM

This isn’t exactly answering a question, but it’s a note that I’m showing Lambert l at 41st thru Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk

And Theodrate as 34th thru Elizabeth la Zouche

I would expect some generational difference but not 7.

4/20/2019 at 1:48 AM

Probably you'll solve it by walking the lines and checking for problems. At the same time, 7 generations doesn't seem impossible or even unlikely, given the period of time between now and the 800s, and the fact that the age of paternity is anything between 12 and 90, and maternity between about 12 and about 50. That would easily produce large discrepancies between two different lines over this many generations.

4/20/2019 at 1:57 AM

Lambert is my 39th gr grandfather
→ Dion Andre Doubell
your father → Joel Michael Doubell
his father → Mary Anne Smuts Doubell
his mother → Mary Ann Jones Smuts
her mother → Emily Howard Jones, b5
her mother → William Howard, SV/PROG
her father → William Howard
his father → Abraham Howard, Sr.
his father → John Howard
his father → Thomas Hoard
his father → Edmund Hoard, III
his father → Edward Hord, II
his father → Edmund Hord Hoord, I
his father → Alan Hoorde,
his father → John Hord, of Bridgenorth
his father → Joyce Stapleton
his mother → Sir John Stapleton
her father → Cecily Bardolf Stapleton
his mother → Sir William Bardolf, 4th Lord Bardolph of Wormgay
her father → Elizabeth Bardolf - de Raleigh (d'Amory)
his mother → Elizabeth de Clare
her mother → Joan of Acre
her mother → Edward I "Longshanks", King of England
her father → Eleanor of Provence, Queen Consort of England
his mother → Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence
her father → Garsende de Sabran, comtesse de Forcalquier
his mother → Garsende, comtesse de Forcalquier
her mother → Guillaume IV, comte de Forcalquier
her father → Bertrand I, comte de Forcalquier
his father → Guillaume III, comte de Forcalquier
his father → Adélaïde de Forcalquier, comtessa de Forcalquier
his mother → Adelaide de Cavenez
her mother → Reghino, conte de Valperga
her father → Arduin of Ivrea, king of Italy
his father → Dado d'Ivrea, count of Pombia
his father → Adalberto Atto II d'Ivrea, conte di Pombia
his father → Ermengarde of Tuscany
his mother → Adalbert II "the Rich", margrave of Tuscany
her father → Rothildis di Spoleto
his mother → Guy I, duke of Spoleto
her father → Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto
his father

Theodrate d'Italie is my first cousin 34 times removed.
→ Dion Andre Doubell
your father → Joel Michael Doubell
his father → Mary Anne Smuts Doubell
his mother → Mary Ann Jones Smuts
her mother → Emily Howard Jones, b5
her mother → William Howard, SV/PROG
her father → William Howard
his father → Abraham Howard, Sr.
his father → John Howard
his father → Thomas Hoard
his father → Edmund Hoard, III
his father → Edward Hord, II
his father → Edmund Hord Hoord, I
his father → Alan Hoorde,
his father → John Hord, of Bridgenorth
his father → Joyce Stapleton
his mother → Sir John Stapleton
her father → Sir Bryan Stapleton, of Ingham
his father → Ela de Ufford, Lady Stapleton
his mother → Sybil de Pierrepont
her mother → Sir Simon de Pierrepont
her father → Sir Henry de Pierrepont
his father → Robert de Pierrepont
his father → William de Pierrepont
his father → Clémence-Agathe de Rethel
his mother → Béatrice de Namur
her mother → Godefroi , comte de Namur
her father → Albert III, count of Namur
his father → Regilinde of Lorraine
his mother → Urraca d'Ivrea
her mother → Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy
her father → Gisela de Friuli
his mother → Berengario I, re d'Italia
her father → Giséle of Cysoing
his mother → Louis I, The Pious
her father → "Pépin" Carloman, King of Italy
his brother → Theodrate d'Italie
his daughter

4/20/2019 at 4:10 AM

So we’re showing the same Gen count, and we’re in the same Gen; we’re going thru different lines, which is interesting: and yours converges at Hoord, it looks like? Pedigree collapse? I would think your descent from Hoord is buttoned up. Mine is loosey goosey because America.

I’m psyched though because I just found a murderess (actually two, grand mother & grand daughter) in the La Zouche descent, and a connection to be built from Mackworth to Virginia, in addition to my connection from Mackworth to Maine.

4/20/2019 at 4:13 AM
4/20/2019 at 6:32 PM

Lambert I is my 37th GGF. Theodrate is my 30th great aunt

Private User
4/21/2019 at 2:15 AM

Lambert 1st is my 36th great grandfather, through Guillaume de Balzac, seigneur d'Entragues.

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