Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway - Why does my tree break when it comes to Harald's daughter Ingebjørg?

Started by Michael Jospeh Walsh on Wednesday, April 3, 2019
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Alex, thanks for your comments. Your assistance and guidance really is appreciated. It really helps if everyone uses the Start Discussion tab, when trying to sort out and verify profile information with pertinent documentation. Also, when they may decide to severe relationships. It’s nice to have History other than clicking each and every tab and wondering why someone made a decision to take a wife or child off! This also gives everyone that manages the profile a chance or voice to bring up evidence. Don't know if I worded that well.

It concerns me on the profiles if a relationship is severed without documents to back up the decision and no history of notes why.

Also, past about 1700 documentation can be difficult, knowing what is reliable and not reliable. It takes time to upload and add attributes, but I guess better than having no data.

Diana Collins your connection to Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway has a npt proven link between Harald Grenske and his supposed father Gudrød Bjørnsson.

You shouldn't advertise that this link is correct because this is exactly where the modern historians (from 1990 till today) think that the link has very poor evidence and therefore is untrusworthy.

The line from Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway to Charlemagne stops at Charlemagne since it is not proven that he is a brother of Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson.

Please don't advertise such links unless you are certain they are correct, because there are a lot of hoarders that would grab such a link and say it is correct because it was online, and therefore their familytree must be correct.

Dr. James David Cunningham "The data that is historically attainable about Harald is what should be used until and unless other HISTORICAL PROOF TO THE CONTRARY (not modern opinion about the past) comes to light."

Then James David, please tell me what data about Harald "is historically attainable". Snorre Sturlasson wrote about Harald 400 years after Harald lived. Is there really much difference in opinions (which is what Snorre had) from 400 years after the events or 1000 years after the event?

In fact, todays professional viking/medeival historians know alot more than what Snorre did 800 years ago bacuase they have access to alot more sources, not only in Norway but also in several different countris, which Snorre didn't.

So, James, I will tell you the same as I did tell, show us any proof better than Snorre, and start a discussion about it. Until that happens, the profiles around Harald Haarfagre will be updated according to new information coming from the scholars working in tis area of today.

So...Remi...showing my path that geni shows me to Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway is a "false" advertisement??? Really???....ANYONE can hit the ole' "how are you related" button for their path to someone. You act like I'm some kind of false prophet....leading my people into the pits of hell!

Harald Grenske and Gudrød Bjørnsson both curated by Private User (my cousin).

I hope he gives you HIS opinion on this....

Just for the fun of it I though I would see if I was related to Harald 1. I figured no way. I was wrong . evedently he is my 30th grandfather. Really! Hmmmmmmm. Judy


HARALD, son of HALFDAN "Swarti/the Black" King of Vestfold & his second wife Ragnhild ([853/54] or 860-Hogaland 933, 934 or 940, bur Haugar in Karmtsund, near the church in Haugesund). The Historia Norwegie names "Haraldus Comatus" as son and successor of "Halfdanus…Niger", recording that he reigned for 73 years and had 16 sons[44]. Snorre names Harald as the son of Halfdan "the Black" & his second wife[45]. According to Snorre, Harald was ten years old when he succeeded his father as King at Vestfold[46]. He conquered the area around Trondheim where Haakon Grjotgardson Jarl of Haalogaland accepted his overlordship. He was supported by the Jarl of Möre. The local rulers farther south joined forces against Harald, but were defeated in the naval battle at Hafrsfjord, after which Harald became ruler of all Norway as HARALD I "Hårfagre/Harfagri/Fairhair" King of Norway. He corresponded with Athelstan King of Wessex, and dispatched a mission to England led by Helgrim and Osfrid who presented Athelstan with an ornate warship at York[47]. During his lifetime King Harald divided his kingdom between his sons and gave them all the title king. He decreed the title hereditary in the male line, and that his descendants in the female line should have the title Jarl. He granted:

Vingulmark, Raumarike, Vestfold and Thelamark to his sons Olav, Björn, Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils;
Hedemark and Gudbrandsdal to his sons Dag, Hring and Ragnar;
Ringerike, Hadeland, Thoten and their dependencies to his sons by Snæfrid;
Hordaland and Sogn to his sons Hrorek and Gudrod;
Halogaland, North More and Raumsdal to his son Eirik;
his son Guthrom retained the lands which he already controlled;
the land north of Trondheim to Halfdan "the Black", Halfdan "the White" and Sigrod.
The division resulted in major disputes between his sons about who would inherit the overall kingship[48]. The dating of this division is difficult to assess, but from the chronology of events recorded by Snorre it appears to have occurred before the birth of King Harald's son Haakon, which is dated to [919]. King Harald abdicated in 930 "when he was 80 years old" in favour of his son Erik, died three years later in 933, and was buried "under a mound at Haugar in Karmtsund, near the church in Haugesund"[49].

m firstly ASA Haakonsdatter, daughter of Jarl HAAKON Grjotgardson [Ladejarl] & his wife ---. Snorre records the marriage of King Harald and "Asa, a daughter of Earl Hakon Grjotgardson"[50].

m secondly GYDA, daughter of ERIK King at Hördeland & his wife ---. Snorre names "Gyda, daughter of King Eirik of Hordaland…brought up as foster-child in the house of a great bonde in Valdres", narrating that, when King Harald asked for her hand she refused, saying that she would only marry the person who ruled the whole of Norway, which inspired him to conquer the country[51]. Snorre records their marriage in a later passage[52].

m thirdly SVANHILD, daughter of EYSTEIN "Glumra" Jarl of the Uplanders [in Kristian and Hedemarken] & his wife ---. Snorre names "Snahild, a daughter of Earl Eystein" as one of the wives of King Harald[53].

m fourthly SNEFRIED, daughter of SVASE the Finn & his wife ---. Snorre names Snæfried, the daughter of Svase the Finn, who ensnared King Harald with a magic potion which was effective even after her death. The spell was only broken when her body was burned on a funeral pyre at which time "serpents and lizards and toads and every species of venomous reptile continued to issue from it"[54].

m fifthly ALVHILD, daughter of RING Dagsson of Ringerike & his wife ---. Snorre names "lastly Ashild, a daughter of Hring Dagson" as one of the wives of King Harald[55].

m sixthly ([894]) RAGNHILD Eriksdatter "the Rich", daughter of RÖRIK [Horik/Erik] [King of the Danes] & his wife --- (-[897). Snorre names "Ragnhild the Mighty, a daughter of King Eirik from Jutland" as one of the wives of King Harald, commenting that "it is said that he put away nine wives" when he married her[56]. According to Snorre, "Queen Ragnhild the Mighty" lived three years after she came to Norway[57].

Mistress (1): ---. The name of King Harald's first mistress is not known.

Mistress (2): THORA Mosterstang, daughter of ---. Snorre names Thora Mosterstang "from Moster…connected with Kare Aslakson of Hordaland" as the mother of King Harald's son Haakon[58].

In addition to the sons referred to below, the Historia Norwegie names "sextus Gunrodus…decimus Eusteinus, XI Iorundus, XIII Ynguar, XIV Truggui, XV Ringr, XVI Rolfr" as sons of "Haraldus Comatus"[59]. These sons are not named in the Sagas and have been omitted from this document.

King Harald I & his first wife had four children:

1. GUTTORM (-killed in battle after [915]). Snorre names "the eldest Guthorm, Halfdan "the Black" and Halfdan "the White"…twins and Sigfrod…fourth" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Asa[60]. He was named after, and brought up by, "Guthorm the Duke" who ruled Viken and the Uplands in the king's absence[61]. After the death of Guthorm's fosterfather at Tunsberg, King Harald installed his son Guthorm as chief in his place[62]. In his father's division of territories, he was confirmed as king in the land from Glommen to Svinasund and Ranrike[63]. He was killed by Solve "Klofe" while defending Viken against attack[64], dated from the chronology of the passages to after his father's division of his territories.

2. HALFDAN "Swarti/the Black" (-Trondheim [932]). Snorre names "the eldest Guthorm, Halfdan "the Black" and Halfdan "the White"…twins and Sigfrod…fourth" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Asa[65]. He fought alongside his brother Halfdan the White in Estonia64. Under his father's division of territories, the land north of Trondheim was granted to Halfdan "the Black", Halfdan "the White" and Sigrod[66]. After attempting to murder his half-brother Erik at a farm at Solve in More, Halfdan was reconciled with Erik after Guthorm Sindre intervened with King Harald[67]. On his father's abdication in favour of Halfdan's half-brother Erik, Halfdan "also took a king's high seat" ruling over Tröndheim "with the consent of all the people". He died suddenly at a feast in Tröndheim 2 years later, "the general report was that Gunhild [wife of his half-brother Erik] had bribed a witch to give him a death drink"[68].

3. HALFDAN "Hvide/the White" (-killed in battle Estonia after [915]). Snorre names "the eldest Guthorm, Halfdan "the Black" and Halfdan "the White"…twins and Sigfrod…fourth" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Asa[69]. Under his father's division of territories, the land north of Trondheim was granted to Halfdan "the Black", Halfdan "the White" and Sigröd[70]. Halfdan "the White" was killed in battle in Eistland [Estonia], fighting alongside his brother Halfdan the Black[71], dated from the chronology of the passages to after his father's division of territories.

4. SIGRÖD (-killed in battle Tunsberg 934, bur Tunsberg). Snorre names "the eldest Guthorm, Halfdan "the Black" and Halfdan "the White"…twins and Sigfrod…fourth" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Asa[72]. Under his father's division of territories, the land north of Trondheim was granted to Halfdan "the Black", Halfdan "the White" and Sigrod[73]. Sigröd was chosen as king at Tröndheim after the death of his brother Halfdan. After his father's death he took "all the revenues … of the Tröndheim country" with which his half-brother King Erik I was "very ill-pleased". The latter sailed for Tunsberg in Vike, where Sigröd had joined forces with his half-brother Olav, and defeated and killed the two of them[74].

King Harald I & his second wife had five children:

5. ALOF "Aarbod/Season-bettering". Snorre names "Alof…the eldest…their son Hrorek, then Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils" as the children of King Harald and his wife Gyda[75]. Snorre records that King Harald gave Jarl Thore his daughter "Alof, called Arbot" after the king confirmed him as Jarl of Möre[76]. m ([890]) THORE Ragnvaldsson "Tause/the Silent" Möre-Jarl, son of [RAGNVALD "the Wise" Jarl of Möre in Norway & his wife Ragnhild].

6. RÖREK. Snorre names "Alof…the eldest…their son Hrorek, then Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils" as the children of King Harald and his wife Gyda[77].

7. SIGGTRYGG. Snorre names "Alof…the eldest…their son Hrorek, then Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils" as the children of King Harald and his wife Gyda[78]. The Historia Norwegie names "Sigtrygr" as twelfth son of "Haraldus Comatus"[79]. Under his father's division of territories, Vingulmark, Raumarike, Vestfold and Thelamark were granted to Olav, Björn, Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils[80].

8. FRODE. Snorre names "Alof…the eldest…their son Hrorek, then Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils" as the children of King Harald and his wife Gyda[81]. Under his father's division of territories, Vingulmark, Raumarike, Vestfold and Thelamark were granted to Olav, Björn, Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils[82]. With his brother Thorgils, he plundered Scotland and Ireland, becoming joint king in Dublin, where he was allegedly poisoned[83].

9. THORGILS. Snorre names "Alof…the eldest…their son Hrorek, then Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils" as the children of King Harald and his wife Gyda[84]. Under his father's division of territories, Vingulmark, Raumarike, Vestfold and Thelamark were granted to Olav, Björn, Sigtryg, Frode and Thorgils[85]. With his brother Frode, he plundered Scotland and Ireland, becoming joint king in Dublin, sole king after his brother's death, until he was killed by the Irish[86]

King Harald I & his third wife had three children:

10. OLAV Geirstadaalf (-killed in battle Tunsberg 934, bur Tunsberg). The Historia Norwegie names "Olauus" as third son of "Haraldus Comatus"[87].

- see below.

11. BJÖRN. The Historia Norwegie names "Berno" as fourth son of "Haraldus Comatus"[88].

- see below.

12. RAGNAR Rykkil. Under his father's division of territories, Hedemark and Gudbrandsdal were granted to Dag, Hring and Ragnar[89]. m ---. The name of Ragnar's wife is not known. Ragnar & his wife had one child:

a) AGNAR Ragnarsson. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. m ---. The name of Agnar's wife is not known. Agnar & his wife had one child:

i) RAGNAR Agnarsson. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

King Harald I & his fourth wife had four children[90]:

13. SIGURD "Hrise" . Snorre names "Sigurd Hrise…Halfdan Haleg, Gudrod Ljome and Ragnvald Rettilbeine" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Snæfrid[91]. The Historia Norwegie names "Siwardus…Gigas" as sixth son of "Haraldus Comatus"[92]. Morkinskinna recites the descent of “Harald Sigurdarson” from “Harald hárfagri”, to “Sigurdr hrisi”, to “Hálfdan, father of Sigurdr sýr, the father of Haraldr”, adding that these ancestors were all “kings of Hringaríki in Norway”[93].

- see below.

14. HALFDAN "Haaleg" (-killed in battle [894]). Snorre names "Sigurd Hrise…Halfdan Haleg, Gudrod Ljome and Ragnvald Rettilbeine" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Snæfrid[94]. The Historia Norwegie names "Halfdanus Hafoeta" as eighth son of "Haraldus Comatus"[95]. Snorre records that, with his brother Gudred Liomi he surprised Ragnvald Mörejarl [ancestor of the Dukes of Normandy and Jarls of Orkney] in his hall in [894] and burned him alive[96]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Halfdan Long-Leg and Gudrod Gleam, King Harald´s sons by Snæfrid” attacked “Earl Rognvald of More, killed him and assumed his authority”, that Halfdan left for Orkney and “conquered the islands and set himself up as king over them”, Jarl Einar “fled the islands over to Scotland” but returned “later in the year…[and] came out as victor”, and that Halfdan´s body was found in the sea and mutilated (including graphic details of the mutilation)[97]. He was killed by Einar I "Turf-Einar" Jarl of Orkney after he invaded Orkney following the death of Jarl Ragnvald[98]. The Historia Norwegie records that "Halfdan…Hafota" was murdered by the men of Orkney[99].

15. GUDRÖD Ljome . Snorre names "Sigurd Hrise…Halfdan Haleg, Gudrod Ljome and Ragnvald Rettilbeine" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Snæfrid, recording that Gudröd requested his foster-father Thjodolf of Hvin to intercede with their father on their behalf[100]. The Historia Norwegie names "Guthrodus" as seventh son of "Haraldus Comatus"[101]. He seized Möre after murdering Jarl Ragnvald but was expelled by his father and sent to Agder[102]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Halfdan Long-Leg and Gudrod Gleam, King Harald´s sons by Snæfrid” attacked “Earl Rognvald of More, killed him and assumed his authority”, but that Gudröd “gave himself up to his father”[103]. Under his father's division of territories, Ringerike, Hadeland, Thoten and their dependencies were granted to his sons by Snæfrid[104]. His boat was lost in a storm while he was travelling north to Rogaland while visiting his foster-father Thjodolf in Hvin[105].

16. RAGNVALD Rettilbein. Snorre names "Sigurd Hrise…Halfdan Haleg, Gudrod Ljome and Ragnvald Rettilbeine" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Snæfrid[106]. The Historia Norwegie names "Rogualdus Recilbein" as ninth son of "Haraldus Comatus", recording that he was reared by a sorceress "in prouincia Hatlandia" and became skilled in the same art[107]. Under his father's division of territories, Ringerike, Hadeland, Thoten and their dependencies were granted to his sons by Snæfrid[108]. He "allowed himself to be instructed in the arts of witchcraft and became an area warlock", being burned in his house as punishment by his half-brother Erik on the orders of their father who was "a hater of all witchcraft"[109]. According to the Historia Norwegie, he was reputedly drowned "in Hatlandia" on the orders of his father[110]. m ---. The name of Ragnvald's wife is not known. Ragnvald & his wife had one child:

Remi , you need to relax. Some of us are acturally unimpressed by many connections. It does have a disclaimer on it. I never heard of him. I never heard of a lot of people past and present. I don't know why Diane checked out the path but I did it for fun if it. Not planning to run around and announce it. Probably she is not planning to either.

Remi , you need to relax. Some of us are acturally unimpressed by many connections. It does have a disclaimer on it. I never heard of him. I never heard of a lot of people past and present. I don't know why Diane checked out the path but I did it for fun if it. Not planning to run around and announce it. Probably she is not planning to either.

Nope....no flashing neon sign in my yard....no interviews to the press...no plans on writin' a book...not hoping for my son to name a kid after him....nothin'!

And Remi.....do you think people will say "All mighty Diana Collins said it is so....so it must be true"....or are they gonna say "Diana Collins???" Who the heck is that??? ...she doesn't even have a "PRO" by her name." "Nahhh...I'm going to listen to the guy with the "BIG PURPLE CHRIST....I mean "C"...by his name...

I won't go into showing hundreds of dna matches....again....relating to all the surnames mentioned...will say Eriksdatter....and on and on...

Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway

I would say right now it shows 32nd paternal, could change as profiles are updated and lineages are added or severed. I trust this lineage to the Montgomery lineage, after that not sure, but interesting to read.

Hello Diana! My Moseley Mitchell cousin ! Great to see you!

I will not be bated by you or play words games with you, Alex. What I said was correct.

Hello Suzan! Love seeing all of my connections.

Someone wanted me to shows other surnames connected to my Eriksdatter matches, so this is only for that one....

Andersdatter / Andersson / Andreasdatter / Amundsen / Arnesdatter / Christiansdatter / Christiansen / Eriksdatter / Eriksdtr. / Gudbrandsdtr. / Göransson / Husubæk / Hyytiäinen / Hansdatter / Hansen / Hämäläinen / Jacobsen / Johansdatter / Johannesen / Kvesetberg / Kemppainen / Knudsdotter / Kurki / Liukoinen / Lehmoinen / Luaaininen / Larsdatter / Larsdotter / Larsen / Larsson / Michelsen / Mickelsdotter / Mattsdotter / Navilainen / Nielsdatter / Nielsen / Olsdatter / Olsdotter / Olsen / Olsen, Olaskøya / Olsen, Räisäinen / Piesainen / Pedersdatter / Pedersen / Pedersen, Räisäinen / Pöntinen / Räisäinen / Raatikainen / Sparby / Syversen / Sigfridsdatter / Sjørbotten / Steffansdotter / Steffensdtr., Mulikka / Strand / Seim / Tommesdatter / Torbjørnsen / Vappuinen / Veteläinen

Hornæs / Gunderstorp / Bustgaard / ? Gunnarstorp / Gunnarstorp / Hornæs østre / Korseberg / Gunderstorp nordre / / (mda) / Aas (født Olsen) / askvig / Askvig / Asbjørnsen Øtne / Audensdatter / Albertsen / Andersdatter Aas / Andersen Kolstad / Andersen Rød i Torsnes / Andersdatter / Andersdatter saxegaard / Andersen saxegaard / Andersen / Busterud / Berg Skjeltorp / Berg / Bersvendsdatter Ås (Y Rendalen) / Børgesdatter / Børresdatter / Bergersen / Bortstu (født Hornset) / Berntsdatter omberg / Brynhildsdatter, Heier / Colfsen Eng / Clausdatter / Christiansen bjørnestad / Christensdatter / Evensen Bortstu Hornset / Edvardsdatter Haugsten / Ellefsen Vestgård / Eltedalen / Embretsen / Eriksdatter / Eriksen (Søstu Lomnes) / Fjeld / Gjæsten / Guttormsen / Gulbrandsdatter Rækken / Gundersdatter / Gunnarstorp Jacobsen Østby / Gunnarstorp / Gjermunds / Gjermundsen Gjermunds / Gjermundsdstter Jons` / Gjermunds (Embretsen) / Gjermundsen / Høye / Haugen / Heggeriset (født Gjermundsen) / Heggeriset / Halvorsen / Halvorsen Vik / Halvorsdatter / Helgesen Torskenæs / Helgesen / Helgesen Bjøntegaard [Nordre] / Helgesdatter Sønstegård / Helgesdatter / Hansdatter / Hansdatter Skjeltorp / Hansen Gunnarstorp / Hansen Vik Bustgard / Hansen / Hansen, Havn / Henriksen Berg / Henriksdatter Talberg / Henriksdatter Talberg østre / Hammersahaug / Iversdatter / Jacobsen / Jakobsdatter Nordre Bjøntegård / Jakobsen / Jensdatter Nålum / Jonsdatter / Jonsdatter Rømoen / Jensdatter / Jonsdatter, Vingelsåsen / Jonsdatter Otnes / Jonsen Nes Heggeriset / Jonsen Jørstad / Jørstad / Jørgensen / Kolvsen / Kløvstad / Loe / Langset / Larsdatter / Larsen Gunnarstorp Østby / Larsen Gunnarstorp / Larsen Mömb / Larssen / Madsdatter / Mathisen Stabbetorp / Madsen / Martinsdatter Berg / nn / NN / Nilsdatter Hornes / Nilsdatter / Nielsen / Nilsen / Nielsen Bjørnstad / Nilsen Busterud / Nilsen Rød (mda) / Nordgaard / nordre sörby / Nordre / Øvergaard / Øvergård / Østby / Ottersdatter / Olsdatter / Olsdatter Fjeld / Olsdatter Finstad / Olsdtr. Bjøntegaard / Olsen Talberg / Olsen Haugsten / Olsen Nordgaard / Olsen Nordgården Engerdal / Olsen Lunde / Olsen Rømoen / Olsen Honen-Eie / Olsen / Olsen Sønstegård / Olsen Bortstu Hornset / Pedersen Haugsten / Pedersdatter Kolstad / Pedersen Fjeld / Pedersdatter / Pedersen / Pedersdatter Prestegard Hornset / Pedersdatter Prestgard / Paulsen / Persdatter v. Lunde / Persdatter S. Eltedalen / Rasmusdatter / Ruud / Rød (mda) / Romberg / Svendsdatter Korseberg / Svendsen Talberg østre (nedre) / Svendsen Talberg / Svennungsen Fjeld / Søstu / Skjeltorp / Swante S. Høye / Sjøren / Sørensen Øtne / Thuesdatter Slang / Toskenes / Tidemand ruud / Tidemand / Tidemand Ruud (norway) / Tidemand Ruud (norway) / Tollefsdatter Bustgaard / Talberg / Talberg øvre / Tolgengård / Torkildsdatter / Torskenæs (født Hansen) / VILLADSDATTER / Ytre

Diana, ofcource some family researcher/collecter will think that since you link your relationship to Harald it must be correct and then there is a possibility that your line will be copied into other persons genealogical databases in the same way family trees get copied from a lot of homepages on the internet every day by family researchers/collecters without thinking about the validity of what is written in these pages.

That is something we should try to avoid since it spreads false family connections / family trees. Do you think that all these people copying family trees from homepages know who the owener of that homepage is? They really don't care, so they won't care who Diana Collins are either, they will only care about that you wrote it / linked it and therefore it probably is correct.

It's a lot better to do it like Suzan Martin did and state where she thinks the line stops being trustworthy. Then the possibility for her line from the Montgomerys and back to Harald will probably not be copied by someone.

I didn't "link" anything....the curators did....enough said about that....we'll just mosey on along now...

Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway is your 35th great grandfather.
Ingebjørg Haraldsdotter is your 35th great aunt.

This is a great link, does anyone have it ..
https://www.fotevikensmuseum.se/historia/svolder/svolder_start.htm Does this site have Merit? Of History


At the end of the list of Ynglings, Resen’s
manuscript had a list of the children of Haraldr hárfagri

Alot of sources for the history of Fairhair and Odin,


4 It begins ‘[Odinn], Niordr i Noatvnvm, Yngvi Frevr, Fiolnir’,
thus replacing Ari’s Yngvi by Ó›inn and identifying Yngvi and Freyr.


I enjoy time socializing to break up monotony and to get to know distant cousins! The monotony is repairing the double sets of spouses and extra children added to proven lineage. It’s innocent mistakes, many names are common names and dates can be close, then merges happen.

It takes a lot of people working together in a friendly way to solve the problems of the World Tree and Geni tree kinks. Anytime you have so many people trying to work together, there will be little problems along the way, but as long as everyone remembers to be respectful to one another and patient, we will get a lot farther, faster.

I think we all want the same thing, the best possible records for future generations as possible. So, as soon as Profiles can be written with documentation with MP then Locked, so mistakes don’t keep happening then the better off many of our lineages will be in the future.

We all make mistakes, we should remember to think before we post, me included. I’m also guilty of getting annoyed when others in past innocently did something and I posted something I shouldn’t have.

Diana Collins sure you did link: You have given a link here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/194742?msg=1302553 and here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/194742?msg=1302556 and these are the two links that i'm commenting.

That the curators are responsible for adding all the genealogical links back to Harald Fairhair is a statement that I don't even think you believe, but that is what you are stating here: "....the curators did". The fact is that we are trying hard to keep the World Family Tree (WFT) correct for all of you according to trustworthy sources, while a lot of users not very knowlegable about how genealogy is done, are adding untrustworthy and plain wrong genealogical family trees to Geni every day. This is keeping the 200 curators worldwide extremely busy at trying to keep the WFT so that all of you can have a correct tree. And after the gedcom importing was allowed again, the curators workload weeding out the untrustworthy and merging the trustworthy parts of the WFT has increased at least tenfold if not more.

And then having all of you linking trees from yourself to untrustworthy parts of our common Geni tree is not helping, while we are researching where we can cut the trustworthy parts from the untrustworthy ones. And best you can do is to help us getting a correct tree according to trustwothy sources instead of linking untrustworthy lines back to saga figures.

I think all of you (atleast most of you) will prefer a correct tree instead of one based on fantasy, and the best way this will happen is that all of us try to use the best sources we can find for the links between people, and at the same time identify sources that are untrustworthy.

As of now, the professional historians are not trusting what Snorre Sturlasson wrote about the kings in Norway, and that is something we need to take into consideration.

Diana Collins
Remi is asking you to not post links to the "How are you related" page's which are created when you press that button on a profile page.

He did not say you are responsible for any of the data within the profiles nor that you have created or manage those profiles. So your (emotive) response to him was completely off the mark.

I have obscured your post by reporting it to Geni management, they will decide whether to reinstate it or delete it.

Just because Remi asks me NOT to do something, does NOT mean I have to comply. I do NOT recall of there being ANYTHING in the guidelines that would indicate showing my path is "illegal" or "improper" or "anything of that nature" and CANNOT be done in a discussion....or otherwise.

I did NOT curse or anything towards him, and my comment should NOT have been taken off for review. Translation of what I said...."HE WILL NOT LISTEN TO WHAT I AM SAYING"

OK....so I looked up translations for the "term" that I used that was removed. Yeah...maybe it can be construed as inappropriate to many...but it was used where I am from as meaning "having a thick skull, as to not being able to have what is being said penetrate to the brain". Guess I should have used "hard headed" instead.

My post that was taken off included the following facts....

The path between Harald Grenske and Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway is done by curators. I am intended to believe the path is accurate....since the profiles are curated by experts. IF it is NOT accurate, "YOU GUYS" need to get together and hammer it out (hope that term didn't "translate" to something else"....was gonna say "duke it out", but I may get arrested for conspiring violence).

That is exactly what we are doing, Diana. Finding out where to cut the lines back to Harald, because there are no, and I mean no, trustworthy lines back to him. Where the cuts are made need to be backed up by the findings of the professionals working in this area, so we need to find the articles they have written about this. These articles are usually written in Norwegian, so they need to be translated to English so all of you can understand what and why the cut is made. This takes time and we are using our spare time to do this, and most of us have a full time job and families that also need our attention. Be patient.

So, again, there are no accurate path back to Harald Fairhair. The furthest back we can get is St. Olav's father Harald Grenske. So there are no need to post your links back to Harald because none of them are correct, accurate or trustworthy no matter what it say here on Geni.

Harald I "Fairhair", rey de Noruega, es tu bisabuelo número 32.

→ Juan Iges Blom
tu padre → Carmen Cristina Madsen
his mother → Ana Hilda Mathiasen
her mother → Lars Mathiasen
su padre → Mathias Larsen
su padre → Sophie Margrete Mathiasdatter
su madre → Karen Jensdatter
su madre → Kirstine Margrete Christiansdatter
su madre → Christian Jeppesen Bruun
su padre → Karen Nielsdatter Bruun
su madre → Niels Frandsen Bruun
su padre → Johanne Andersdatter Green
su madre → Anders Eriksen Green, a Tamdrup Bisgaard
su padre → Erik Jensen Grøn, a Voergaard
su padre → Maren Andersdatter Bjørn, por Voergaard
su madre → Anne Bjørn Laurensdatter Muus
su madre → Laurens Jensen Muus
su padre → Mette Strangsdatter imagina a
su madre → Mette Olufsdatter Glob
su madre → Oluf Mogensen Glob
su padre → Mogens Anderson Glob (Due)
su padre → El cruzado Anders Nielsen Due, a Tubetorp
su padre. → Niels Alexandersen Falster
su padre → Margrete Valdemarsdatter, princesa de Dinamarca
su madre → Valdemar el Grande, rey de Dinamarca
su padre → Ingeborg de Kiev
su madre → Princesa Christina Ingesdotter de Suecia
su madre → Inge el Viejo, rey de Suecia,
su padre. → Ingamoder Emundsdotter, reina de Suecia
su madre → Astrid Njålsdatter de Helgeland
su madre → Njål Por Sandnes
su padre → Gunhild (Gunnhildur) Halvdansdatter
su madre → Ingebjørg Haraldsdotter
su madre → Harald I "Fairhair", rey de Noruega,
su padre

Remi , why are being so nasy to everyone.?

If you mean nasty, Judith, I do not think that I am nasty. Can you please show me a place where I'm nasty to someone? Or maybe you have another idea of what nasty is than I do, so it all comes down to a cultural thing.

Judy, he's my 29th Grandfather. It's a world tree and at first I was in doubt too, but there are some very militant genealogists around here (amateur and professional). It's fairly accurate. Don't let them berate you. I had a very bad "initiation" period. I got over it, moved on. Wishing you a great day!

Showing 121-150 of 394 posts

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