Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway - Why does my tree break when it comes to Harald's daughter Ingebjørg?

Started by Michael Jospeh Walsh on Wednesday, April 3, 2019
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I am going to prove my family of MERCIA N Kings, I am already at King Harold dude like sup

Why destroy history for they want us to forget our family and there history, so they can live of of us the rich can get richer...not

I have no clue to whom any of you are talking unless you address the person, myself included. Lord Bruce, (for example) to whom was directed your insult "You are on a path to no where. You know nothing except for no" ?

As to there being "no proof", if there is a record of any kind in existence, in my opinion that is proof, and my opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. Unless an ancient author is known as a writer of fiction, it should be taken at face value. If a record seems unexplainable or curious or out of whack other ancient records, it is merely a matter of lack of further data, it does not negate the record. If a writing deifies someone (i.e. attributes godhood), feel free to doubt the deification, but not the existence of the person. And above all, never ever presume that the ancients thought the same way or meant the same things that we do today. They had different moralities, religious views, scientific views, political views. etc. We cannot assume that because we today wouldn't do things a certain way or think a certain way, that therefore they wouldn't either. Many things the ancients did are nonsense to us - and most certainly the way we do things today would be outrageous to them, such as marrying for the sake of love for example. Also don't presume that when we only find a single record about an ancient person or event that there wasn't at one time multitudes of records about them. Entire civilizations have come and gone on planet earth that we have not a single record on, or single writing which mentions them in passing. Doesn't mean they didn't exist - and there is no greater enemy of genealogy than faithless skepticism. Genealogy is not private property, it is public domain, and there is no king of genealogy, no one is empowered or entitled to set any rules on which histories anyone is "allowed" to accept.

How come no one ever brings fresh baked cookies to work any more.

James David Cunningham, D.D. I am in agreement with you for Facts based information that is why I am seeking the truth, to open this to everyone for-sure, Facts is what is important, birth and burial facts, will be adding all the facts that I can find to prove the lineage. they try to destroy all history so we can't find it. sad how they treat people as slaves and kill there own family to be king. Sad how they have different morals, staying with there dynasties and Monarchy. Will be the lineage to find truth. More to come follow the Price to Hoyt to Frowick to Stourton to Godwin will be a great lineage to King Harold of England to start

Remi Trygve Pedersen, there will be no argument for truth is knowledge and fact is true. No fact or law of knowledge can be questioned. I know how life and the people controlling it can be maddening but we have to take it with a grain of salt to make a better tomorrow. Will seek the truth for facts of knowledge is solid as the facts there are written, but we can only rely on the merit of the person the writs of the scriptures of life. So we can only hope to believe the facts of the burial and birth certificates. and continue from there, fact based information will always be the advancement of truth in how the world turns. Cookies are good

James David Cunningham, D.D. Sorry that message about history was not to you my apologies that is was not for you, as I am for you to help you find your lineage bro.

It was Sharon Lee Doubell C I was talking about.
yesterday at 11:20 PM
There are some general rules of modern genealogy that can help you zero in on problem areas.

There are no proven descents from Western Europe before about the 6th century.
There are no proven descents from Western Europe to Persia and the Middle East.
There are no proven descents from Western Europe to the Muslims in Spain.
There are no proven descents from Western Europe to Muhammad (PBUH)
There are no proven descents from the Merovingians.
There are no proven descents from the Caesars.
There are no proven descents from Cleopatra.
There are no proven descents from King David.
There are no proven descents from the Pharaohs.

I am with michael walsh. I enjoy these explorations even if the lineages cannot be proven with certainty. It is more fun than watching tv. KM

To all of you. Genealogy is based on reliable sources and nothing else. Private User it doesn't matter how much you enjoy anyones explorations or explanations. All that matter is what the sources say, and a judgement on how much you rely on these sources. Lineages not proven does not belong as lins on pur genealogy.

TV is fiction, genealogy is facts.

... as links in our genealogy.



Well said, Remi.

We can all find our tree of life, this is my confirmed family tree. Fact is what we want, here it is...I will continue my tree to the next level...sweet To as the evedence says in history, no lies...TRUE IS FACT


My family tree is based on genealogy of facts are in there with evidence to support my claims. Enjoy, knowledge is true, all based on my genealogy. FACT, lets work with this, once you figured out that this is true...lol The next step is in process..

Ann Godwin this person being granddaughter of King Harold isnt fact. just because her surname is Godwin doesnt mean she is related to king Harold

also the about me says that you copied from the very bad infomarion on rootsweb. Thats not facts. thats just nonsense copied from people who added their unsourced trees to rootsweb

So I just went to My lineage and it says so...so Anne is not the true name but she is a person that is the child of Prince Godwin of England his father King Harold...and you don't think that is true...lol....Root web is a great link to Facts to find the truth. So this is the facts, bro...lol face it. My family is important to cinfirm so I have reached the point that we are connected to the royal tree...

Stourton is the true family to Harold

Jason Scott Wills as the creator of Geni, why does it link me too that and confirms that too. The all mighty Curator..?


Just to let you know I have tagged everything and copies and screen prints to identify your truth to this Genu thing if you say that it is wrong than you made this, WUTS UP BRO

Well, speechless comes to mind, now I have my own made up of truth and I have one that was generated without me, so I have the best of both worlds. Cat got your tongue. Everyone can use this information to gather up your own truth. Don't stop, people will try to make you believe it is not true, that's coercion, to make you think was is not. Believe in yourself, never to be influenced by anyone or anything. Stay strong, and be grateful we are living and we came from somewhere and that is what I am finding out. How this whole world thing came about, where everyone came from. Who has what to rule for what is here today? We are all on this world and we need a balance, give everyone money enough to do what they need to do, have a house food all the things that would make people pleasant. If everyone had access to the trust we would not need money. Nobody would steal anymore cause they have everything they need. That is the solution

"Speechless" does not seem appropriate.

Pretty verbose, it seems to me :-)


Cousin Remi, please feel free to base your genealogy on whatever you so desire, as is your right, and I will do the same. No one is entitled to dictate, no one has any absolute Fascist authority; genealogy is public domain, not private property. If, for example, I believe that the ancient historical records about Odin are correct until otherwise proven false, that is 100% my liberty and prerogative to do so. It is wholly upon the shoulders of those who disbelieve the ancient records to prove that they are wrong, not the other way around. It is always the accuser that must provide the proof, not the accused. It is rather appalling, and downright offensive, when anyone dares presume to dictate to everyone else the private personal opinion that genealogy must only be done their way. Where anyone gets off doing that, to have such a monstrous ego to which everyone else is expected to cowtow, simply astounds me.

Actually no, the onus of proof is for you to show evidence of a relationship not the other way around.

Do genealogy using whatever method you please but when you are participating on collaborative websites, like Geni, you will be expected to follow evidence based principles

Verify or install your entry as a wild assed guess...it should not be placed where it soils everyone else's timelines and Geni timelines...now in your page, you can install whatever fanciful WAG you want, as long as it is not entered into GENI without verification...you don't have the "right" to muddy up my family lines waters or render it more suspect then what some of the ancient information indicates. Good luck with your chase to Odin but leave the rest of our timelines unsullied. List your sources or it don't count anywhere but in your imagination and on your "all about me" section on your page.

As for Sturlesson, compare his work to the Sagas. Keep in mind the sagas are older. Snorting made stuff up out of whole cloth to lend credence and authority to people he supported. He’s as accurate as the Babylon bee.


The Norse word saga simply refers to a story, it doesn't have a specific
form or time period attached.

The most "accurate" sources we have are the surviving Skaldic poems, unlike
sagas or any other manuscript written in prose, the poems have strict
linguistic structures and can therefore be dated to reasonably tight time
frames and locations. Scholars can even identify where the existing poems
have been altered (unintentionally or otherwise) from the original and
interpret what the original wording would have been. It is a fascinating
subject all of it's own.

There are several other factors are very important to bear in mind, in no
particular order:

*We only have a tiny fragment of the Old Norse culture preserved for us in
the surviving texts, the audiences that these poems and sagas were written
for were expected to understand the cultural context and back stories. It is
like watching Game Of Thrones season 8 without watching season's 1 thru 7

*The poems and stories were never intended as historical records, they were
meant as entertainment or personal aggrandising or political propaganda or
a mix of them all. So there is not consistency between all the surviving

*The texts that are preserved in manuscripts that survive today originated
over hundreds of years so what the creator of one poem thought/believed
would be quite different to another composer decades or centuries later.
Compare plot lines in Shakespeare to John Grisham.

*Snorri was a historian, politician and poet. The text known as the Prose
Edda was his work but it is his attempt to preserve and explain existing
stories, in regards to the Prose Edda it is perhaps better to think of
Snorri as a publishing editor of an anthology rather than an author.

I could go on and on but most people's eye's have probably already glazed
over :)

I just wanted to defend Snorri's honour a little as the problems are far
more nuanced that just "Snorri sux, read the sagas." it would not be very
drengskapr of me to just remain silent.


Is there any ancient record whatsoever of Harald? A poem, an epic, a cave glyph, a book, a scroll, a rock carving, a royal document, a contract...? If there is any record of Harald, as far as I'm concerned, as a professional historian, it is evidence that he was real. Now, if there is another record that someone can produce which can legitimately disqualify that record for Harald, I will consider it and decide for myself whether it in fact disqualifies.

There are two Kvæði made by Harald Fairhairs skald that are partially saved, both written in the 13th Century. They are the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glymdr%C3%A1pa and the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrafnsm%C3%A1l

Both of them are considered more or less true about what the Kvæði is talking about, since the skald was with Harald at the time of their making. But none of them say anything about his descendants.

So, yes there are trustworthy records mentioning Harald Fairhair, since two Kvæði are still in existence today, so he was probably a real person. But there are no trustworthy sources saying anything about his children except Eirik Bloodaxe.

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