James Scott, otherwise known as James Croft, was the illegitimate son of King Charles II, he was born on 9 April 1649 in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where his 18 year old father was living in exile following the execution of Charles I. His mother was Charles' mistress Lucy Walter, otherwise known as Mrs. Barlow (not Nell Gwyn). http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/stuart_17.html
King Charles developed a taste for theatre restoring the legality of theatre which had been banned by the Puritans and playing a part in setting up two London playhouses. Charles also developed a taste for Playhouse actresses. The first mistress, Moll Davis did not remain in the royal eye for long but enough to be given a home and income and to bear the King a daughter, Lady Mary Tudor who was married aged 14 to the Earl of Derwentwater. https://hubpages.com/education/King-Charles-II-of-England-and-his-m...
He had more mistresses and children, Mine comes from Barbara Villiers Palmer - daughter Charlotte Fitzroy Lee then down to the Calvert and Eden's. I watched the mini-series of Charles II, I was not sure whether to laugh or to be appalled, The way Barbara Villers was portrayed compared to the so-called beauty she was, I thought, "No wonder my family is so nutty, it is still in our Genes. But yes, many inconsistencies. Dislike "Smart Match" takes less time to Google the correct information.