Return of GEDCOM Import

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, February 22, 2019
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Private User are the duplicates showing up as Tree Matches or are you finding them yourself? Could you give a link to a Tree Match created by the import please.

Some of the dublicates are comming up as a match, some don´t because there are differences between the ways of last names/ names by birth. The filters in Geni are not so good that they see this. Importet files have often names of places put in "here and there", not in the right fields.

Here is one three with Gedcom import in progress ( threre are more...) :

Here is one with two set of parents (they are the same) :

Anders Tobias Eriksen Jølle

Here is another with many threconflicts because the profils of parents are not merged:

(there is also an import prosess)

This may have already been mentioned but the main problem I am seeing with GEDCOM importing is that the GENI internal matching engine is not finding simlarly spelled names. So I am finding three or four profiles of the same person, but with the surname spelled slightly differently and so four parallel tree branches are created without knowing about each other's existence unless someone like me decides to check all the spelling variants. Is there anything that can be done so that the internal process that looks for possible mergers would consider spelling variants? Appreciate the interest.

Make merge requests so the profile creators can perform the merges. If they don't respond you should call them.

Didnt know where to ask this but can i upload dna info to geni or am i required to buy their test to have results on here?

Stacia Hunt, you upload your raw DNA to Familytreedna and then go to your Geni profile and click on the DNA tab. From there, you connect that DNA to your profile.

OR - if you already have tested at FTDNA, just link that Kit to your Geni profile.

Oh well heck i didnt even know they were connected so myhertitage, geni and familytree dna are all connected!
Im gonna go give it a shot and see if i can figure it out, thank y'all!!!!

Well, i did i gotta figure out how to utilize it on this site..are there any instructions ? Lol
Helpful tips and tricks?

Stacia Hunt Under "Notifications" to the left of the Share button next to your name at the top of your Geni home page -- click on "DNA Matches". It might take a day or so, but some should show up under Autosomal if nothing else. And if you took a mtDNA test, it should show up on your personal profile page.

Upload in progress...I wish there was someone to assist once these are complete because Basic Geni users cannot see duplicates easily. How do I know? Because I tried before and after my PRO membership ran out:

Saw this in Attention Curators, please assist. Think important.

"Can the system be set to recognize imported tree members as deceased when they are so marked in the original Ancestry tree but have no date of death? Every one of my imported ancestors so marked came in showing as still living, and I have to believe that is true of thousands of other users, leading to an untold number of "zombies". At the very least anyone with a DOB of 1900 or earlier should be marked "deceased". That could be done with a relatively simple debug type program. Thanks."

Absolutely true. I had to do it hand by hand, and had a very big import. Still today, when doing some merges, I come across some profiles where the person is stated as living, when he/she is clearly not

My relative in Russia recently joined Geni. The first thing she apparently did was upload a small GEDCOM file. The second thing was to switch her language from English to Russian. (Why Geni didn't default to Russian based on her IP location, which it usually does - I don't know.) Her GEDCOM had all the names in Russian, which ended up as "English" on Geni. So in adition to merging the duplcates (once someone kindly joined it to the big tree), I had to manually fix every profile's name. Fortunately it was a small GEDCOM.

I don't think this happens a lot, but perhaps when the gedcom loaded sees a name in a script like Cyillic or Hebrew that does not match the current language, it could pause and ask to confirm or switch the language?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the gedcom importer always import the names to the deafult nametab, which is english. Gedcom-files aren't multilingual so there is no way to tell which nametab it should use on Geni. One of the many flaws that started when Geni made multilingual nametabs instead of making namefields like all other genealogical software do, with Alternate names with a possibility to mark timeperiod when a name was used.

thanks, I could be mistaken but I think when someone first sets their lenguage on Geni to Russian or Hebrew and then imports a GEDCOM file, the non-English names end up on the corresponding tab, Otherwise we'd be seeing this problem more often.

As far as I know you can specify the language for the import., but the wording is not very clear.

It is a pity that profiles like this: Gerardus Al (see About) are imported.

Mike Stangel, could the importer skip these kind of profiles. It takes effort to merge them and they do not add anything useful to the tree.

Mike Stangel - do not know if you have seen the comment that it would be helpful
"if the importer process did not continue an import for a branch without explicit instruction from the importing user (and maybe also not before some [or even all?] of the conflicts for that imported branch where handled." ( )

I would like to majorly second that suggestion.
I am totally aware you can only do so many things at the same time, and you already have a long list. But can you add this to the list?
Or if there is a reason why you think it is a bad idea, could you let us know why? all these dupes ate still there from this Gedcom upload that I linked above.

I'm sure that the designers of Geni never envisaged profile merging by a person with no particular interest in either profile.

The high-speed merging resulting from the inclusion of gedcom files is probably the final nail in the coffin for the reason for providing sources in Geni. Even a prolific curator has stated "When I resolve Data conflicts, I don't open the profile - there are too many".

I asked one merging person why she ignored the source data in the profile. She said that the presence of source data is so rare in Geni, that she hasn't actually discovered any, and stopped looking long ago. She has a point.

She added that the location of the source data is a problem by itself: in the About section? in the Media tab? in the Timeline tab? The listed sources are probably just confirmed matches, which can disagree with each other, and probably weren't used as the source anyway.

With a vast quantity now coming from smartcopy and gedcom, which do not provide useful sources, how are conflicts resolved if no sources are available? While some can be obvious, is the throw-a-dart technique used on the others? I would expect a quantity of unresolved conflicts to be outstanding, waiting on a person with more intimate knowledge.

Geni was attractive to me because neither gedcom (apart from the very early days} nor smartmatch were available and research, sources and genealogy came to the fore.

Private User, are so right !

It has been clearly noted, that at least in Finland, each and every imported gedcom brings more problems than good data.
...same goes with smartcopies, although not in that extent.

The sources can be found in the tab 'Sources' and with confirming the brown matches they are moved to the source tab. So I only confirm the brown matches if they are a good match and based on good source.

The next step is connect the sources to the facts.

So now a relative, having exported a Gedcom from Geni to MyHeritage, then created a Gedcom from that MyHeritage Tree and imported it back to Geni.

So Now -- Where there was info in the Overview, that was exported and has now been imported back under the title ""GEDCOM Note" and without the original formatting -- so the info is on the About twice.

Private User,

You could try making a ticket for it.
It should be possible for the importer process to recognize that the data came from Geni orginally.

I see tagged to a few of the Profiles a 'Document' whose title ends in ".ged"
When one clicks to see that, one sees -- which is the info one also sees if one goes to Research and chooses GEDCOM

About importing, it says:
"A GEDCOM import will construct a family tree focused on a particular person.

If your GEDCOM file contains one or more people who have already been added to Geni, the easiest way to begin is to find that person's Geni profile and then choose "Import GEDCOM" from the Actions pull-down menu. (Be aware that this may result in dozens of duplicate profiles that must be merged before you can continue the import!)
If your GEDCOM file contains only people who have never been added to Geni (or if you're not sure), use Geni's Create a Branch feature (found on the Research menu) to create a profile for one of the people represented in the GEDCOM file and choose "Import a GEDCOM for this person" when saving the form.
In either case above, the import process will guide you through selecting the record in the GEDCOM file that corresponds to the Geni profile on whom the import is focused. You may also jump directly to the GEDCOM Import page and either select the focus person or create a branch in the first step.
Note: In order to prevent duplication in the historical branches of the World Family Tree, your import must start with yourself or a profile for a person born after 1800. The import will not continue to branches for people born before 1600."

1) Not a single word or comment about SmartCopy
2) Not a hint that it might be a bad idea to use repeated exporting and importing to keep your profiles synced
3) Not a single word about the sort of 'Documents' it creates, no suggestion to delete if they are duplicates or references to documents that are already there
4) Not a single word about the GEDCOM Notes the process creates, and that the user should perhaps go thru and clean those up

Showing 151-180 of 191 posts

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