Wermund, king of the Angles - King Wermund family

Started by William Warman Waermundus on Monday, February 18, 2019
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2/18/2019 at 2:28 PM

Wermund (King) of ANGEL

aka Waermund (Weremund Guerdmund) `the Sage' of MERCIA; aka Wermund `Vitre' THERVING
Born: ? Died: aft. 350

Poss. HM George I's 29-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 26-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 32-Great Grandfather.
Wife/Partner: (Princess) of DENMARK
Children: Oluf ; Alov THERVING ; Offa `the Gentle' of MERCIA
______ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____
/ -- Moda VINGENERSSON + ====> [ 73 ,,Y]
/ -- Maji (Magi) MODASSON
/ -- Seskef (Sceaf Scaef)
| | OR: Shem ibn NOAH + ====> [ 18]
/ | or: Japhet (Shem's brother)
/ -- Bedwig (Bedvig; of SCEAF)
/ | OR: Magog ben JAPHETH + ====> [ 19]
/ -- poss. Hwala (Hvala Hawala Guala)
| | or: prob. Ostrogotha (King) of the GOTHS, q.v.
/ | OR: prob. not Skjold SKELF. + ====> [ 167 ,,qd,&]
/ -- Berik (King) of the GOTHS
/ -- (NN) ... (NN)
/ \ -- Drott
/ -- Giuki (King) of the GOTHS
/ -- Guntharich (Gaderik) I (Over-king) of the GOTHS
/ -- Filimer (Prince) of Baltic GOTHS
/ -- Knivida (Prince) of West GOTHS (? - 249?)
/ -- Ovida der BURGUNDER (? - 273+ (or 249+))
/ | OR: Ovida der BURGUNDER [alt ped] + ====> [ 89 ,,y]
/ -- Ascaric (THERVING)
/ -- Vidigoia (Wihtgeat) (THERVING)
/ -- Withlaeg (Wihtlaeg Wihtalac) (THERVING)
| | OR: Withlaeg (Wihtlaeg) ODINSSON [alt ped] + ==&=> [ 223 ,,qD,&]
/ | or: Withlaeg (Withlaeg's grandson)
- Wermund (King) of ANGEL
\ -- poss. wife of Hamlet

His (poss.) Great Grandchildren: Ingjald FRODASSON ; Halfdan `the Tall' FRODASON (King) of DENMARK ; Gram of DENMARK [alt ped] ; Frodi (Froda; VII; IV) FRIDLEIFSSON ; Eomaer (Eomer) ANGELTHEOW of MERCIA

3/3/2020 at 6:45 AM

Wærmund to Warman
is an ancestor of the Mercian royal family, a son of Wihtlaeg and father of Offa. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle makes him a grandson of Woden, but the Gesta Danorum written by Saxo Grammaticus goes no farther than his father, while the Brevis Historia Regum Dacie of Sven Aggesen makes Wermund son of king Frothi hin Frokni

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