Wiltshire origins of New England Colonists

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, February 16, 2019
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2/16/2019 at 7:15 PM

This project grew out of these discussions:

Jeffrey Ferris, of Greenwich - The Ancestors and Origins of Jeffrey Ferris (c.1610-1666)


William Browen - William Browen and relationship to the Noyes


Profiles tagged in those discussions should be added to the project

And research notes copied over also.

2/17/2019 at 4:50 AM

That's is going to be a very long list of immigrants. These are just those who came before 1640 to New England directly from Wiltshire and doesn't include those who came after 1640, or went South or North of New England or those families who may have Wiltshire origins but moved to say Hampshire or some other county before immigration:

Andrews, William: Landford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list only [GM 2: 1 :62].
Antrum, Thomas: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem [GM
Bailey, John: Bromham, Wiltshire; 1636; Salisbury, Newbury [MBCR
1:199, 266; SyTR 5; Phoebe Tilton Anc 179-81; TAG 29:110-13,
Batt, Christoper: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; Newbury,
Salisbury, Boston [Drake's Founders 60; Lechford 181; SyTR 1; MBCR
1:237, 277, 375; NEHGR 51:181-88, 348-57, 52:44-51, 321-22; Abel
Lunt Anc 175-255; TG 17:86-95; TAG 79:85-99].
Batt, Dorothy: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; passenger list only
[Drake's Founders 60; Abel Lunt Anc 183].
Batt, Nicholas: The Devizes, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury [GM
2: 1 :200-4].
Batter, Edmund: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem [GM
Biddlecombe, Richard: Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire; 1638 on
Confidence; passenger list only [Drake's Founders 57].
Blackstone, Elizabeth: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; passenger
list only (servant) [Drake's Founders 60].
Blanford, John: Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence;
Sudbury [Drake's Founders 57; SuTR 4; NEHGR 39:163; Dawes-Gates
1 :678-86].
Brown, Christian: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1639; Salisbury [SyTR 1, 13,
14; HvBOP 7]. (She was the widowed mother of George, Henry and
William Brown of Salisbury.)
Brown, Thomas: Christian Malford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James;
Newbury [GM 2:1:435-38].
Butler, Giles: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list
only [GM 2: 1 :515].
Byley, Henry: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; Newbury, Salisbury
[Drake's Founders 60; SyTR 2; MBCR 1 :237; Essex Ant 1 :20; NoyesGilman
271-74; NEHGR 42:308-9. 51:181-88, 348-57, 52:44-51, 321-
Byley, John: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; died soon after arrival
in New England [Drake's Founders 60; NEHGR 52:50; Noyes-Gilman
Byley, Mary: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; passenger list only
[Drake's Founders 60; NEHGR 52:50]. (She married Samuel Dudley,
son of Thomas Dudley.)
Carpenter, Thomas: Amesbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger
list only [GM 2:2: 1 O]. (This passenger list entry is almost certainly an
error for William Carpenter.)
Carpenter, William: Amesbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem,
Providence [Drake's Founders 56 (as "Thomas Carpenter"); NEHGR
159:54-68, 164:36-40, 296-97].
Church, George: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence; Newbury
(servant) [Drake's Founders 58; MBCR 2:46].
Cogswell, John: Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire; 1635 on Angel Gabriel;
Ipswich [GM 2:2:137-40; NEHGR 162:5-7].
Coleman, Thomas: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury,
Hampton, Nantucket [GM 2:2: 157-62].
Cottle, William: Landford, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence; Newbury
[Drake's Founders 58; EQC 1:336, EPR 1:438-39, 2:129-30; Hoyt 115-
Coussens, George: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger
list only [GM 2:2:221].
Currier, Richard: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1639; Salisbury [SyTR 9; EQC
3:253; Pillsbury Anc 149-50; Philip Joseph Currier, Currier Family
Records of US.A. and Canada, Volume I (Henniker, New Hampshire,
1984); Philip Joseph Currier, Ancestry of Philip Joseph Currier
(Henniker, New Hampshire, 2000)].
Curtis, Zaccheus: Downton, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem, Reading,
Gloucester, Rowley [GM 2:2:261-64; Kempton Anc 2:111-26].
Davis, Thomas: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James of
Southampton; Newbury, Haverhill [GM 2:2:310-16].

2/17/2019 at 4:55 AM

Evered alias Webb, John: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James;Boston, Chelmsford [GM 2:2:459-68].
Evered alias Webb, Stephen: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James passenger list only [GM 2:2:469].
Fowler, Philip: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary & John; Ipswich
[GM 2:2:560-64].
Goddard, Thomas: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger
list only [GM 2:3:88].
Goodenow, Edmund: Donhead St. Andrew, Wiltshire; 1638 on
Confidence; Sudbury [Drake's Founders 58; MBCR 1 :296, 377; SuTR 3;
TAG 52:208-9, 59:5-10, 61:65-69; Kempton Anc 3:160-76].
Goodenow, John: Semley, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence; Sudbury
[Drake's Founders 58; MBCR 1 :378; SuTR 3; TAG 52:208-9, 59:5-10,
61:65-69; Kempton Anc 3:160-68].
Greene, John: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Boston, Salem,
Providence, Warwick [GM 2:3:141-48; WP 3:458; NEHGR 103:185-88,
Greenway, John: Mildenhall, Wiltshire; 1630; Dorchester [GMB 814-
18; TAG 74:193-95].
Haines, Samuel: Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire; 1635 on Angel Gabriel;
Ipswich, Dover, Portsmouth [NH] [GM 2:3:187-92; NHPP 10:701].
Haynes, Walter: Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence;
Sudbury [Drake's Founders 57; SuTR 1; SPR NS 1 :21; MBCR 1 :271,
377; HAHAC 1:90; NEHGR 39:263-64, 65:295-97; TAG 61:65-69;
Kempton Anc 1 :453-54; Frances Haynes, Walter Haynes of Sutton
Mandeville, Wiltshire, England, and Sudbury, Massachusetts (Haverhill,
Massachusetts, 1929)].
Ingles, Maudit: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635; Boston [GM 4:2-4].
Kent, Stephen: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence; Newbury,
Haverhill, Woodbridge [NJ] [Drake's Founders 58; HvBOP 16; MBCR
1 :375; NeTR 27; NEHGR 68:107, 162:245-54, 163:51-65].
Kinsman, Robert: Highworth, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary & John;
Ipswich [GM 2:4:188-91; TAG 84:18-25].
Leverich, Henry: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list
only [GM 2:4:278].
Ludlow, George: Wiltshire; 1630 on Mary & John; Dorchester; soon
moved permanently to Virginia [GMB 1208-11].
Ludlow, Roger: Warminster, Wiltshire; 1630 on Mary & John;
Dorchester, Windsor, Fairfield; to Ireland permanently in 1654 [GMB
1211-13; Abandoning 190-91; M&JCH 26:49-51].
Mayhew, Thomas: Tisbury, Wiltshire; 1632; Medford, Watertown,
Martha's Vineyard [GMB 1243-46; TAG 76:94-98].
Moody, Deborah: Garsdon, Wiltshire; 1639; Salem, Lynn, Gravesend
[SChR 9; Lechford 67; EQC 1:33, 48, 241-43; WJ 2:148-49, 164, 339-
40; NEHGR 55:377-78; EIHC 31:96-102].
Morse, Anthony: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury
[GM 2:5:159-67].
Morse, William: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury
[GM 2:5: 177-80].
Musselwhite, John: Landford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury [GM
Noyes, James: Cholderton, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary & John; Ipswich,
Newbury [GM 2:5:282-86].
Noyes, Nicholas: Cholderton, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary & John; Ipswich,
Newbury [GM 2:5:286-93].
Osgood, Christopher: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary & John;
Ipswich [GM 2:5:318-22; TAG 83:51-58].

2/17/2019 at 5:01 AM

Parker, John: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Boston [GM
Parsons, William: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list
only [GM 2:5:372].
Pike, John: Landford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Ipswich, Newbury,
Salisbury [GM 2:5:463-66; TAGc73:256-57; NEHGR 121:161-62].
Pithouse, John: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Ipswich [GM
Rediat, John: Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence;
Sudbury, Marlborough [Drake's Founders 57; SuTR 13; SPR Case
Reeves, Thomas: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1638 on Bevis; Newbury
[Drake's Founders 60; Noyes-Gilman 271-74]. (Savage and Pope claim
that this passenger was identical with a Thomas Reeves who appeared at
Roxbury in 1642 [Savage 3:523; Pope 382; GMN 21:13-14].)
Rolfe, Henry: Whiteparish, Wiltshire; 1637; Newbury [NeTR 23; EPR
1:21-22, 137-38; NEHGR 3:151, 36:143-44, 66:257-61; Hoyt 301-2;
Pillsbury 525-28].
Rolfe, John: Melchet Park, Wiltshire; 163 7 on Confidence; Salisbury
[Drake's Founders 58; SyTR 4; MBCR 1 :376; EPR 1 :438-39; TAG
75:185; NEHGR 36:143-44, 66:257-61; Hoyt 300-1; Pillsbury 525-28].
Rose, Henry: Plaitford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list only
[GM 2:6: 100].
Sanger, Richard: Donhead St. Andrew, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence;
Sudbury, Watertown [Drake's Founders 58; SuBOP 124; Bond 421-23,
Scoates, Thomas: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger list
only [GM 2:6:201
Shaflin, Michael: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Charlestown,
Salem [GM 2:6:250-55].
Small, John: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem [GM 2:6:345-
Smith, George: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Salem [GM
2:6:359-60; STR 1 :24 ("widow Smith")].
Thacher, Anthony: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; Newbury,
Marblehead, Yarmouth [GM 2:7:14-22].
Thacher, Thomas: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1637; Newbury, Weymouth,
Boston [GM 2:7:19-20; EQC 1:162; NEHGR 7:344, 8:177-78; NYGBR
35:101-7, 42:62-63; Weymouth Hist 4:641-42; Magnalia 488-97; Sibley
Titcomb, William: Ogbourne St. George, Wiltshire; 1638; Newbury
[NeTR 34; Kempton Anc 2:280-97]. (Savage thought this immigrant was
the same as William Latcome, who probably did not sail on the Mary &
John or the Hercules in 1634 [Savage 4:307; GM 2:4:240].)
Veren, Philip: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1635 ' on James; Salem [GM
2:7: 173-76].
Walker, Richard: Marlborough, Wiltshire; 1635 on James; passenger
list only (but possibly one of the following two men) [GM 2:7:205-6].
Webb, Henry: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1637; Boston [NGSQ 71:176; BTR
1:20, 31; BChR 23; MBCR 1:247, 375; Lechford 412; WP 4:128; SPR
Case #246; NEHGR 10:177-80; GDMNH 728; Giles Memorial 497-98;
W. P. W. Phillimore, Wiltshire Parish Registers 13:63, 67].
Wheeler, John: Salisbury, Wiltshire; 1639; Salisbury, Newbury [SyTr
10; EPR 2:200-1; Annis Spear Anc 133-35; Drake's Founders 59 (son
David); EIHC 44:290-92; Rowley Fam 403; Pillsbury Anc 1107-9].
Whittier, Thomas: Melchet Park, Wiltshire; 1638 on Confidence;
Salisbury, Haverhill [Drake's Founders 58 (as "Thomas Whittle");
HvBOP 9; Essex Ant 13:108; NEHGR 66:251-57; Hoyt 358, 1023-24;
Pillsbury Anc 1 :517-22; Charles Collyer Whittier, The Descendants of
Thomas Whittier and Ruth Green (Rutland, Vermont, 1937)].
Woodbridge, John: Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire; 1634 on Mary &
John; Ipswich, Newbury, Boston, Andover [GM 2:7:500-10].
Woodman, Archelaus: Christian Malford, Wiltshire; 1635 on James;
Newbury [GM 2:7:511-16].
Woodman, Edward: Christian Malford, Wiltshire; 1635; Newbury [GM

And there were more who came after the English Revolution was over.

2/17/2019 at 5:08 AM

Taunton included a group from Wiltshire who came over after 1640 as well.

2/17/2019 at 5:45 AM

So the project collects the “who” and then we can better understand the “why;” and maybe find families for those missing Origins.

2/17/2019 at 5:37 PM

Copying over more colonists with Wiltshire origins to be added to project.

From R Riegel on https://www.geni.com/discussions/158751?msg=1277495

Making some Wiltshire & Freemen connections

Included on the list of freemen for 6 May 1635 along with Jeffrey Ferris were:

Edwarde Browne
Aron Cooke
Mr. Sachariah Syms
John Reynolls
Richard Browne
Thomas Peirce

Winthrop Society List: https://www.winthropsociety.com/doc_freemen.php

All of those surnames, except John Reynolds, appear in the OPC list of baptisms in Bishops Cannings from 1591 to 1620, suggesting possible family ties to Wiltshire. Also included in those records are baptisms for the Ferris and Sheapherd families. There may be more names to add to the Wiltshire Immigrants Project. But it will take a bit more time to review the records.

John Reynolds, of Stamford
John Reynolds (aka Reynolls, Renoles and Rinealls), made a freeman on the same day as Jeffrey Ferris, was also in Wethersfield by 1636 and at Stamford by 1641. In fact, his daughter Elizabeth (c. 1635-1702) married Jeffrey Ferris's son Peter (c.1636-1706).
John Reynolds, GreatMigration.org: http://www.belnapfamily.org/GM_v15_Reynolds_John.PDF

And https://www.geni.com/discussions/158751?msg=1277498

forgot to mention that Thomas Stevens, who is listed as one of the early Stamford settlers, also shows on the Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire list of baptisms as the son of Thomas Stevens on 11 Oct 1618.
Early Stamford Settlers: http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_...

2/19/2019 at 12:40 PM

I spoke too soon about a couple of the names found on the May 6, 1635 List of Freemen. I have not yet been able to confirm Wiltshire connections for Edward Browne, Aron Cooke, Mr. Sachariah Syms, John Reynolls, Richard Browne or Thomas Peirce.

But the following two names should be added:

1. Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut
Birthdate: circa March 26, 1610
Birthplace: of, Chippenham, Wiltshire, England
Death: October 12, 1671 (57-65)
Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Place of Burial: Wethersfield, CT, United States

Geni Profile: Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut

Note that an alternate surname might be Hurlbat.

2. Thomas Stevens (I believe this would be a new Geni entry.)

Thomas Stevens son of Thomas Stevens, baptised 11 Oct 1618 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire.
Wiltshire OPC: https://www.wiltshire-opc.org.uk/genealogy/

For his Rootsweb profile including family and will, see: https://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=gen...

Early Stamford, CT. Settler: http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/stamford/settlers_...

2/22/2019 at 10:05 AM

Do we want to include the profile of Isaac Chauncey (1632-1712)?

Isaac was the Rector at Woodborough, Wiltshire which is located between All Cannings and Manningford Bruce. He became the rector there in 1656, was ejected in 1662 and then emigrated back to America according to the BHO (British History Online). Issac was the son of Charles Chauncey who was the President of Harvard from 1654 to 1672 and who had migrated with his family (including then 5 year old Issac) to Boston in 1637.

British History Online, Parishes, Woodborough: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/wilts/vol10/pp214-224#h3-0006

Isaac Chauncey (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Chauncy

Charles Chauncy (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Chauncy

My note on 1/31/2019: https://www.geni.com/discussions/158751?msg=1273134

2/22/2019 at 12:21 PM

Done. His mother was from Wiltshire so added her to project also

Catherine Chauncy

2/22/2019 at 1:06 PM

Good catch on the mother, Catherine. She was from Sarum, a location I had previously seen. I did not realize that is another name for Salisbury.

2/22/2019 at 1:23 PM

Catherine Chauncy Her grandfather, Robert Eyre, born 1549 in Salisbury, was an MP for Salisbury in 1597.

List of MPs, 1597, Wikipedia:

2/22/2019 at 2:01 PM

Catherine Eyre Chauncey http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=16733799

"Robert Eyre is the father of Catharine Eyre (FAG # 16733799) who married Charles Chauncey (FAG# 16733651) bap Nov 5, 1592 at Hertfordshire, England. Charles was the son of George Chauncey. The Chaunceys descend from Edward 1 King of England d 1135 and Matilda of Scotland.

My sources are: His name and connection to his daughter, Catharine Eyre: The Ancestor Chart of B. Eugene Pellett on file with the Connecticut Society of Genealogists. Inc. (but it lists his birthplace as Sarum rather than Salisbury) (I don't know which is correct);

The descent of Chauncey is from "The Pedigree of Chauncey" and "The Royal Descendants of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States" (page 483) by Gary Boyd Roberts, the Millennium File Records as well as my family history records

2/22/2019 at 2:04 PM

"The happy mother of these worthy sons, was Catharine, the daughter of Robert Eyre, Esq., who dying a little before her consort, had her holy life quickly after published; namely, by the publication of the directions for an holy life, which her pious father left as a legacy for his children; directions where of I shall say but this, that as they express the true spirit of Puritanism, so they comprise the wisest, the fruitfullest, the exactest, and the holiest rules of living, that ever I saw together in any short human composure; and the representing of them would not only give a description of the heavenly conversation endeavored by our great Charles Chauncy, whom we have been considering, but also procure the admiration if not imitation of them that read it."

~Cotten Mather

2/22/2019 at 4:13 PM

The wife of Robert Eyre (1569-1638) was Anne Still (1576-1607). Anne was the daughter of Rt Rev John Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells (1550-1608). There was some serious religious ancestry in that family.

2/24/2019 at 4:30 PM

Have we found our transporter? And Brown connection?

Capt. John Cutting

From Ancestry of Abel Lunt:

“A sea captain, Cutting made 13 or more Atlantic crossings; in 1634 he was master of the Francis, which brought colonists from Ipswich. In 1636 he took up land at Watertown, in 1638 had a house at Newbury, in 1648 settled at Charlestown, and by 1656 was again living at Newbury. He was in 1647 master of the Advent of Boston. His will names his daughter Mary Noyes and grandson Cutting.“

His daughter Mary Noyes shows born at Cholderton in Wiltshire (error?)

His daughter Sarah March married James Brown, of Salem

This Brown family originated in Southampton in Hampshire

2/24/2019 at 4:31 PM

Rev. James Noyes married in Romsey, Hampshire, 21 March 1633/4 Sarah Browne, daughter of Joseph Browne. They came from Cholderton, Wiltshire to Massachusetts Bay in 1634 on the "Mary & John" (on 26 March 1634, "James Noyce" was enrolled at Southampton as a passenger for New England on the Mary & John). They first settled in Ipswich & moved to Newbury in 1635. They had nine children: Joseph, James, Sarah, Moses, Thomas, John, Rebecca Knight, William, & Sarah Hale. In her will of 28 June 1664, the widow of James Noyes mentioned "my brother Mr. James Browne's," who may have been the minister of that name at Portsmouth. James Noyes was brother of NICHOLAS NOYES. The two brothers were first cousins of THOMAS PARKER {1634, Ipswich} and fourh cousins of PETER NOYES {1638, Sudbury}.

Source: Anderson's Great Migration Study Project

2/24/2019 at 4:34 PM

It looks like Anderson Mis identifies James Brown, of Salem above.

James Browne, glazier, (bequeathed to wife, Sarah; brother Nicholas Noyes; children John, James, Samuel, Abraham, Anna, Mary, Abigail, Martha, Sarah Beasly; to eldest son John estate left by Henry Bright of Watertown, for money lent him many years ago; estate at Newbury left to wife by her father, Captain John Cutting. [EPR 3:108-09].)


In fact he’s twice related to the Noyes; through his wife and through his sister.

2/25/2019 at 11:41 AM

Nice Work! The Francis and Elizabeth (William Andrewes, Master) sailed together from Ipswich in April or May 1634. Links to the passenger lists appear below. The Packrat notes state that a Henry Dade wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury characterizeing the passengers as "he supposes... debtors or persons disaffected with the established church."

John Clerke, Robert Day, Thomas Hastings and Richard Kemball were passengers on the Elizabeth and were included on the list of Freemen on May 6, 1635.

Francis: https://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/francis.htm
Elizabeth: https://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/elizabeth1.htm

2/25/2019 at 12:06 PM


Cutting, William 26, Ee'ated to John Cutting, master of the Fortune #48 From Suffolk, bound for Watertown. 36 pg 166 Cutting, Richard 6, stepchild of Henry Kemball #76 From Suffolk, bound for Watertown. 36 pg 166
Day Robert 30, #34
Day Mary 28, wife of Robert #35

Kemball Henry 44, from Rattlesden, Suffolk #13
From Rattlesden, Suffolk, bound for Watertown. 36 pg 159
Kemball Susan 35, wife of Henry #14

2/25/2019 at 12:12 PM
2/26/2019 at 12:44 AM

Yet another Brown family! Anderson in the Great Migration claims unrelated.

Thomas Brown, of Newbury

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