Elizabeth Whiting (unknown) - Wife of Maj. Henry Whiting is Anne Beverly

Started by David White on Saturday, February 16, 2019
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@Elizabeth Whiting, @Henry Whiting:

The parents of Elizabeth Whiting, the wife of John Clayton, the Botanist, is clearly recorded as being Henry Whiting and Anne Beverley (b. 1689), the daughter of Col. Peter Beverly. (Please see uploaded sources).

This is why you see the name Beverley used in descendants names.

Please edit this lineage to reflect this.



David White Thank you for the source added


Elizabeth Clayton was misplaced in the tree with an incorrect birth date and a disputed origin. That’s been fixed.

Mike Marshall’s database


Has her born about 1705 (marriage date of 1/2/1723) which would place her as daughter of the 2nd Henry Whiting’s 1st wife; apparently he married Anne Beverly a few weeks after Elizabeth married John “the botanist” Clayton.

Henry Whiting did not marry an Elizabeth. Please read the information in the link below, which states that Elizabeth Whiting was the daughter of Anne Beverley, and also says John Clayton, the father of John Clayton, the Botanist, married Ann Page. It refers to the Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, and Tyler's "Virginia Biogrpaphy". I do not know where your Mike Marshall gets his information, but what I have here is repeated in other places, as well.


Mike Marshall’s work is highly respected and a more contemporary analysis than Tyler’s.

The marriage of Anne Beverly to Henry Whiting is shown as Jan 2 1723 - I imagine the Marriage record can be located as a verification.

The marriage of Elizabeth Whiting to John Clayton is also shown as Jan 2 1723, with their first child born that year.

How is it possible Henry’s daughter Elizabeth is a child of a woman he married the same day she married ?

Additionally, Peter Beverley married Anne Peyton in 1689, their daughter Anne born 1690.

How likely that she had a child born say 1705?


So who is Major Henry Whiting’s Daughter Catherine’s Mother if not Elizabeth

Please see this documentation, which has other references, as well:


You can find the full writing online, or on Ancestry.com(?).

This page, in "Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 31, No.3", states that Peter Beverley had three daughters: Anne, Elizabeth, and Susanna.
It also states that Peter Beverley's wife Elizabeth was the daughter of Robert Peyton, of ancient Norfolk Gentry.
It refers to the writings on the tombstone of Elizabeth Beverley Randolph, his second daughter, which states she was born in 1691, which would put the marriage of her parents Peter and Elizabeth no later than 1688, which puts Peter's first daughter, Anne, as 1689. It also states Elizabeth Beverley married William Randolph on June 22, 1709, died Dec. 26, 1723.
In the writing at the bottom of the page, you see the references used, and it says "the names of the three daughters, their order of birth, and the name of their husbands are all included in an indenture of lease signed by the eldest daughter, Anne Beverley Whiting, on 17 October 1744, and proved before the Middlesex Countycourt on 6 November 1744 (Middlesex Country Deed Book [1740-1754]: 89-91).

That’s a good question! Catherine Washington Parents are controversial, she’s Born 1694 according to her tombstone, and seen as both daughter of Dr./Maj. Henry Whiting or daughter of the 2nd Henry, Maj./Col. Henry Whiting, of Gloucester County

She’s too early to have been a daughter of Anne Whiting

Sorry for the typos in the previous comment (above), but I thought I corrected it: Middlesex County Court, Middlesex County Deed Book ....

No worries.

It’s an excellent reference, and I don’t think there’s any question that Ann Beverley married Henry Whiting.

The issue is “who was the mother of Elizabeth Clayton who married John Clayton?”

The name “Beverley” in the Clayton family is a clue, but the 1st wife of Henry is also possibly a Beverly.

Is there any property or grandparent wills that could clarify ?

Here is a source listing Elizabeth Whiting as wife of John Clayton, the Botanist of Virginia, as well as listing a lot of other information about the Beverley family and Whiting family, and others. It also lists sources for the information given.


My website page shows the results of what my great aunt-in-law had found on my direct lineage to the Whitings back in the `40s at the Filson Club in Louisville KY:
Since 2006 I have added a lot of other postings from various Internet postings and worked out occasional implausibilities as best I could as well as "guesstimated in" a lot of lines whose exact connections have not been established.
However, the Beverley/Whiting connection was one thing my gr. aunt, Evelyn Balle Nicholas nee Thompson was rather certain of.

Erica: If you read the information at the web links, it is given that according to all other information, etc., it is obvious that the date on Catherine's tombstone was a mistake. We have to consider possible mistakes, misspellings, etc., and compare them to the circumstantial evidence - like there is no other such person with the exact name in that area, at that time, or whatever - and come to conclusions. This is how it is done. It is not like today, where we have access to anyone's birth certificate or other records. Too many records have been lost to fires and destruction in wars (Revolution, Civil).

William Hester, thanks for access to your web chart. I was wondering about the last name of Apphia, the wife of Maj. Henry Whiting (the father).

Also, Erica, and all, one of the links I gave previously has the statement regarding confirmation of the daughters of Peter Beverley: "the names of the three daughters, their order of birth, and the name of their husbands are all included in an indenture of lease signed by the eldest daughter, Anne Beverley Whiting, on 17 October 1744, and proved before the Middlesex Countycourt on 6 November 1744". (Middlesex Country Deed Book [1740-1754]: 89-91).

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