ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, February 14, 2019
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Don't you guys love when someone creates two identical versions of their tree on Geni and then never comes back to fix them?

Private and Private

Private and Private

Private and Private

Private and Private

Alex Bonnett be advised we've asked curators to get permission from the manager or nearby family before editing and merging private profiles, so they may not be able to help you with these.

Mike Stangel I understand, I'm just trying to make the Haitian region of the world tree a little more connected with a little less duplicate profiles. I'm constantly coming across profiles managed by accounts with little to no activity. That usually means I'll be able to merge their duplicate public profiles for them but then like my last post, get stuck with a bunch of dupes that will never get corrected unless someone with elevated rights does so.

For sure. Unfortunately we occasionally run into cases where users intentionally kept branches separate, for reasons of privacy or disagreement on the genealogy... in the public tree we do our best to get that resolved because it affects all of us; when it comes to private profiles I'd rather lean toward giving users the privacy they expect, than involuntarily alter their tree just to "keep things clean."

Alex Bonnett you are correct there are a lot of duplicates in that area. I merged some where both profiles were public.

In other cases, I have requested merges. As Mike Stangel said, it is now up to the profile managers / family if they want to complete the merges.

As Mike wrote in the very first post on page 1 of this thread:

We most STRONGLY recommend that you ALWAYS first try and contact the other managers. You WILL get better and faster results that way (we are a last resort).

Would a curator please assign William Wesley Oliver and Ada Jane Roberts as parents?

Thomas Carlton Oliver

Private User, I've taken care of that for you.

Not sure if the following is possible:

Can these two duplicates be merged, and the profiles appropriately associated with them as well?

Clellie Sutton (Lowther)


Clellie Sutton (Lowther)

Private User - you should now be able to complete the merge

David Prins Thank you

Requesting help to push through this merge and those below it:

Private User

Done. Please check for conflicting data.

Private User sorry it took me some time, but it's done now.

I can initiate this match, but it cannot be completed - Abandoned Tree.

By the way, what's with the explosion of very loose, very casual and usually wrong Tree Matches?

Private User, done

Thanks, Angus.

It's due to the recent allowance of GEDCOM uploads which always duplicate.

Private you're allowing your pet peeve to cloud your reasoning... it's not at all the result of GEDCOM.

A couple weeks ago, for just a few days, we ran an experiment to allow more loose matching on rare names. This was the result of discussions long ago and more recently with one of our curators who quite rightly pointed out that a very rare name could be allowed to surface matches more loosely if there are only a few matching profiles. (If you entered John Janglejingleheimerschmidt and there was only one other John Janglejingleheimerschmidt on Geni, why should we require matching parents, siblings, etc when the user would have only one match to consider?) We wrote the rules to allow this a couple years ago but never turned it on because we couldn't crunch enough examples to prove whether or not it would allow too many bad matches. That curator called me out on it recently, asking when we were going to do something about it. So I made the decision to turn it on and see how it goes. After a couple days we analyzed the results and concluded that it was indeed creating too many bad matches, so we turned it off again. What you're seeing is the result of that, but there will be no more loose matches generated until we can refine the algorithm.

she put my grandparents on my wires side were cherokee and they were blackfoot dumb things like this and i have my grandpa civil war records said he was indian and my mother always told us we were blackfoot and cherokee on my dad side of the family my dad was 5/8 cherokee off my owens side and my mother was 1/2 blackfoot so what i seen on here is not right and names she put in our wrong too

on my osburn line is wrong that keep pop up on here it suppose to be my grandma margaret lucy peggy osborne born in 1828 ill died 1880 was my grandpa asa newell second wife that run me back into osborne line on my mother side and she has it on my dad side of the tree what more can i say i am indian and she use my line to tell people she has indian in here she is related to me on the potts line where my cousin madge sealey married potts that is our line in her family tree sorry to complaint but this is line is mess up my grandma nora elizabeth is osburn on my dad side of the owens family tree i have told her this and she doesn't listen so when she mess up my tree she mess up my lines and my cousin is a in work with our family history and she belong to history soc in marietta ohio so can u all change what she has on her tree thank u very much if some is going to do my family history i love to have it right


This man has a duplicate zombie wife:

William Washington Lowther

would it be possible for a curator to correct and merge the duplicate wife?


Private User, we can request ma merge only.

Oh, OK. As long as the problem is going to go away again, I'll try to stay on top of it.

Many merges needing on Sizemore--I am quite sure this line keeps the curator busy.


Be careful, a lot of them may be invalid. See message from Mike Stangel, above.

Sheila, just send me a private message with links to each of the problematic profiles and your exact remarks on it and we'll fix it. The explanation you put here isn't clear.

Private User, in these sorts of cases, please give the manager a chance to handle the merges. You just requested the merges today, so the user probably hasn't had a moment to take care of this yet. Thanks!

I relied on inaccurate information from a family member when adding Private Sarah as the mother of my great-grandmother, Golda Aronson. I need to remove Sarah as Golda's mother, but am unable to do so because of a tree splitting error.

Thank you.

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