Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, February 14, 2019
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Showing 91-120 of 1777 posts

Bernard Miller she's fixed, I might do some clean-up and research in that branch.

That was quick!

Many thanks.

I would not want to interfere in someone else's tree unless they were friends or immediate relatives that I knew personally and/or I had their permission. I think there are quite a few small clean ups needed and I must post a great-great grandmother who seems to have had three or four children over a more than 20 year period after she is reported as dying. Will 'dig her up' and post her.


@Rebecca Mordechai Vieijra

This is my third great grandmother and she must have been a remarkable woman. She is shown as having been born in 1808 and dying in 1833 at the age of 24 after giving birth to four children.

However, she clearly did not take reports of her death too seriously as she then went on after her death to have another nine children between 1836 and 1851.

Maybe she was the inspiration for Mark Twain's comment (often misquoted) some years later, "The report of my death was an exaggeration".

I have searched through a series of Dutch registry websites and can certainly match the latter nine children to her and her husband. What I have not been able to find is any actual record of her death, in 1833 or after 1851. I wondered whether my third great-grandfather might have remarried someone with the same name but there is no other marriage record.

I'd be grateful for any thoughts and even more grateful for any facts.



Bernard Miller,

Did you try https://www.wiewaswie.nl/en/?
I do see her marriage there and some data on the children.
I did not see her death but there are many records for Rebecca Vieijra in Amsterdam, I only looked at a few.
Records for Amsterdam are also available via https://archief.amsterdam/

Thanks Job,

I had checked on Wie Was Wie and the traditional sephardic marriages lists but not the GAS. I have just registered and am waiting for confirmation and password - ah, they have just come. I'll see what I can find out and post anything that helps.

By the way, geni shows you as my second cousin twice removed's wife's first cousin once removed's wife's nephew's wife's nephew. So thank you, 'cousin'.

All the best



The amsterdam registration has only recently become free.
If you have ancestors there it can be very useful.

The Amsterdam archive sites is one of the best I know, it's often very useful to me.
Bernard Miller, I often meddle in branches which are not related to me, as this is the idea of Geni. It's also so important when Holocaust victims are concerned, as I feel creating and adjusting their profiles lets their memory live on.

Anyway, if you need any help for Rebecca, please revert back here.

Thanks for the information and thanks to whoever corrected her death to 'after 1851'. That is a sensible compromise until some other record turns up.

I spent a couple of hours on the GAS last night and on the Noord-Hollands Archief but got no further than the copy of her wedding certificate and the digital entry which give her date of birth (which I had found nearly two years ago). And I searched under the names Rebecca Vieijra and Rebecca Park, with and without wildcards ( a really useful feature although in this case it only brought up the same results).

I also found that her second cousin, also called Rebecca Mordechai Vieijra, born in 1827 in Amsterdam, does not appear to have died either - maybe it's a feture of the name and the genes. I checked all the records available for appropriate time periods, just in case there was a reference. It's not a big issue for me but I do feel that I owe it to her not to have something so blatantly wrong showing. if it can be easily corrected so thanks again.

For those that seek information on the Dutch please also look at: https://www.geni.com/projects/Nederlandse-Bronnen-Dutch-Sources/8618

Job Waterreus well made project.

Walter Benjamin Bartlett

Zombies all around him

Mary Rachel Green

Zombie plus some or all of his children

Thanks in advance

Private User
Please check

Perfect. Thanks Angus

Private User you're correct but I have to give the manager a chance to confirm the merge before we can do it ourselves.



medioeval mongolia:

- Medioeval Mongolian Zombie Apocalypse all around this node: https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000038525319528#60000000...
(entered in 2015-2017 by Private User ADMN :)
& a pair of solitary zombies:
- Jelau Khan fils de Dowlandi Khanum
- Ali Ke'un Hasarid / Chete tribe

Livio Scremin they were set to private, I think I made them all public. Please check.

ehehe three other children and all the nephews, and grandchildren .. and down again:
A zombie apocalypse ;/

Livio Scremin I'm lost, I went through all of Amir Coban (Tchupan) [ Amir Hossein Gorgan] of the Sulduz tribe (Noyan general) children and couldn't find undead or private profiles.

John Couch Napier

Privacy is an issue. Let the curator on the profile know but I am also seeing different info (dates) on the Find a grave with same children's names. Please help. TIA



I added a profile pic from the Finda grave and see now that it is the same as from the MyHeritage...


Thank you

Dirk Johannes van Niekerk, b2c3d9e3 and his wife please, in order to merge with the public ones.

Livio Scremin, I think I've finally caught them all. There were also a bunch in Shah Mahmud (Shah Ould) r. 1410-1411 of the Muzaffarids [Aq Quyunlu]- allies himself with the Jalayerids of Baghdad tree.
Private User done.

Thomas Jefferson Ruger

Parents must be dead

Showing 91-120 of 1777 posts

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