Christian J. Trump - Drumpf or Trump?

Начала Erica Howton вторник, 12 февраля 2019
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12.2.2019 в 11:58 до полудня

Brady Lang Pointed out that the name was originally Drumpf. Does anyone know when it changed? I see the records attached to profile are for “Trump.”

12.2.2019 в 12:05 после полудня

Looks like the Drumpf name may be apocryphal.

The immigration records list his name as Friedr. Trumpf.[17][18][19] The 1910 United States census lists his name as Fred Trump [Friedrich (Drumpf) Trump]. [20] According to the German Gesellschaft für Computergenealogie, Trump's earliest known male ancestor was Johann Paul Trump (1727–1792) in Bobenheim am Berg.[4] The story of an itinerant lawyer Hanns Drumpf presented by Gwenda Blair in her book The Trumps (2000) who settled in Kallstadt in 1608 and whose descendants changed their name from Drumpf to Trump during the Thirty Years' War of the 1600s[21][22] could not be substantiated and is not in accordance with the data provided by the German genealogists.[4] Journalist Kate Connolly, visiting Kallstadt, found several variations in spelling of the surname in the village archives (including Drumb, Tromb, Tromp, Trum, Trumpff, Dromb) but her article does not note "Drumpf".[23]


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