Jesus - Genealogy of @Jesus

Started by Tapani Rossi on Friday, February 8, 2019
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2/8/2019 at 7:49 AM

Geni bör ta bort den här sortens trams från denna hemsida. Med inlägg som detta förlorar Gena sin trovärdighet totalt. Det är är inte ens humoristiskt. Det är bara dumhet.

Geni should remove this kind of stupidity from this site. With posts like this, Geni loses its credibility overall. It's not even humorous. It's just stupidity.

2/13/2019 at 12:52 AM

I agree totally.To me it's offensive to so many people.

2/13/2019 at 8:10 AM

I guess it's good I missed it.

2/18/2019 at 2:21 AM

how far back do you think the Geni site is right to ... ie ....Patriarch Abraham.... can that be proved other than by reading the bible ??????

2/18/2019 at 11:42 AM

The Sumerian records also have records of IBRU*UM (Abraham, formerly AB*RAM or Abram), and those records that are best preserved are pretty reliable. Tell me you thoughts Colleen.

2/19/2019 at 1:54 AM

I think I have to do a lot more research ... it all takes time ... will read the Sumerian records... thank you for your reply

The Bible Tree is supposed to be consistent with the Bible nothing more, nothing less. This tree is traditional and VERY popular. It is just as "accurate" ANY tree from as recently as 400 years ago, if not sooner.

There are NO valid lines to present times. So we are currently cutting connections to it that people make. At the same time, we are working to PREVENT people from being able to make these connections.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam,
Curator of the Biblical Tree.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle
Private User
2/19/2019 at 5:01 AM

Why should the Bible tree be offensive to anyone? Should I be offended if I find people in other trees that I find objectionable in some way? Why should my connection to it be cut? Should I not look at that as vandalism in my tree?

The connections are cut because we KNOW that they are fake, unlike the Bible Tree which can be described as "mythical".

These lines were INVENTED in the Medieval times for the sole purpose of connecting "nobility" to the Bible Tree.

2/20/2019 at 6:31 AM

Shmuel-Aharon Kam.
Thank you for your efforts towards false genealogy by cutting connections to NO valid lines and your work to PREVENT people from being able to make these connections. It strengthens the credibility of Geni and serious researchers.
Tapani Rossi

Private User
3/7/2019 at 1:01 AM

Any human who is born of flesh and blood is related to Adam and created in the image of God. The bloodlines became contaminated time and time again as evil tried to destroy humans, and that is why Jesus came as a is by choice one get saved and not by bloodline relations to Jesus. Bloodline ties with the offspring of Abraham, Noah and Jesus is causing a lot of racism, unrightful land claims and even rights to rule! There are claims on the net that the DNA of Jesus has been analysed and even His blood type. That might be true, but who can analyse the DNA of His true Father....the Creator?.....myths and legends contain more truths than our school books, but is presented with such a twist that it became a total lie. In the last days they will make DNA compulsory which will cause much woe to millions because of false, unfounded information. If I must really belief everything on the net, I am some kind of giant half breed with roman emperors,kings, murderess, holy saints and elves as forefathers and do not even belong on this planet. It is my opinions that any "god" figure of religions be kept separate. For me it is enough just to "follow" Jesus. My own origin is full of lies, bribing and mysteries since birth, so my whole family tree might not even been mine. I will never know who my real family is until I do proper DNA tests or find the truth. We all want to feel we "belong" because of the influence of virtual reality and social media who isolate people from their own families. The great wonder is: before the foundation of this world was laid, the name of each and everyone's name was written in the book of life.....our choices will determine if our names are going to be deleted or not....not family ties or bloodlines. I know enough by now to know that Jesus died to cut every bloodline curse. The most important information I got out of Geni is that in the end we are ALL related and our individuality and differences makes us wonderful and unique and we get a better understanding of our past the truth about our REAL history.

3/7/2019 at 11:28 AM

I wonder if that's why the Christian Jesus looks like Mel Gibson instead of like Osama bin Laden.

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