Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland - Imagination

Started by Private User on Monday, January 7, 2019
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Private User
1/7/2019 at 12:32 PM

This is pure fiction.

Private User
1/7/2019 at 2:28 PM

Well. So you mean all the sagas are fiction? It is different to say, people who exsisted has gathered lots of mythical fame, as it was the culture that time. There is conversation in Geni already and links that I shared there. Welcome. We could easily go and say about king David, that it is pure fiction or what?

Private User
1/8/2019 at 1:56 AM

This one is pure fiction. You can believe in it but it doesnt make it tryue

Private User
1/8/2019 at 6:47 AM

😂 Wau! Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is my 41st great grandfather so it must be true.....must be 👍😂😊

Private User
1/8/2019 at 8:20 AM

Educate yourselfs about the subject first, please :). As we know, this has nothing to do with believing in "giants", and also there is nothing to "believe or not to believe" about real persons in our history, even though legendary stories has grown around the normal human being, as has happened all around the world.

Private User
1/8/2019 at 8:23 AM

There is a FACEBOOK GROUP about history of KVENLAND here:

It is in english and with people from all over the world, with historians, linguistics, new archealogical findings included supporting old sagas. I strongly recommend it if you have some questions or interest to our Finnish/Kvenland history. It is not a "mythical place nor the kings and queens are not either mythical more or less then mythical rulers of Rome, Britain or anywhere else.


Faravid (Finnish: Kaukomieli) was a "King of Kvenland", as stated in Egil's Saga, which spans over the years of c. 850–1000, in the Viking Age.

Orkneyinga saga describes the early 1st millennium AD ruler Fornjót as a "king", who "reigned over Gotland, which we now know as Finland and Kvenland".

Hversu Noregr byggðist tells that Snær was a great-grandson of Fornjót and – as in Orkneyinga saga – son of 'Frost son of Kári', and father of Thorri, and that Snær and Thorri were kings, and that Thorri "ruled over Gotland, Kvenland and Finland".

Both accounts state that a great sacrifice was made yearly at mid-winter, offered either by Thorri (in Orkneyinga saga) or by Kvens to Thorri (in Hversu Noregr byggðist).

Snær is mentioned also in Ynglinga saga, in relation to Finland. Thorri had two sons named Nór – the founder of Norway – and Gór and a daughter named Gói.

Based on medieval accounts, the ruling families of England, Denmark, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Normandy, Norway, Orkney Islands, Rome, Russia, Scotland, Sweden and Ukraine – among others – descended from the primeval kings of Finland, Kvenland and Got(h)land.

Medieval accounts discussing the lineages sprung from the primeval Finnic "king" Fornjót and his descendants, mainly Nór and Gór, leading to the rulers of the above-mentioned and other countries include – but are not limited to – the following:

• Beowulf (8th – early 11th century) • Íslendingabók (8th–10th century) • Poetic Edda (c. 800–1000) • Ynglingatal (late 9th century) • Primary Chronicle (c. 1095) • Historia Norvegiæ (late 12th century) • Gesta Danorum (started c. 1185, finished c. 1216) • Skáldskaparmál (c. 1220) • Ynglinga saga (c. 1225) • Orkneyinga saga (c. 1230) • Heimskringla (c. 1230) • Hyndluljóð (13th century) • Hversu Noregr byggðist (oldest surviving transcript dates to 1387) • and its appended Ættartolur (1387).



Kvens are a Finnic people in Northern Europe. Various spellings in historical sources include – but are not limited to – Cwen, Kvæn, Quen and Qven. Finnic synonyms for Kven include kainulainen, kainuulainen, pohjolainen and kveeni. The land of the Kvens, Kvenland, gave birth to Norway, Sweden and the Yngling and Rurik Dynasties, from which founders and rulers of many countries descended:
Faravid (Finnish: Kaukomieli) was a "King of Kvenland", as stated in Egil's Saga, which spans over the years of c. 850–1000, in the Viking Age.

The ‘History of the Earls of Orkney’ (“Orkneyinga saga”) describes the early 1st millennium ruler Fornjót as a "king", who "reigned over Gotland, which we now know as Finland and Kvenland".

Hversu Noregr byggðist tells that Snær was a great-grandson of Fornjót and – as in Orkneyinga saga – son of 'Frost son of Kári', and father of Thorri, and that Snær and Thorri were kings, and that Thorri "ruled over Gothland, Kvenland and Finland".

Prince Rurik was the founder of the early polity that led to the births of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. According to the Primary Chronicle (c. 1095), Rurik was one of the Rus' (Varyags, in Old East Slavic), a Varangian tribe likened by the chronicler to Danes, Swedes, Angles, and Gotlanders.

Based on DNA findings and other evidence, Rurik was a Finnic Kven. He likely descended from the early 1st millennium Finnic rulers of Finland, Kvenland and Got(h)land, and their Scandinavian royal offspring.

Rurik's place of birth is claimed to have been the Roslagen seashore in the modern-day Province of Uppland in Sweden.

In the early 9th century, when Rurik was born, the territory ruled by Kvens, known as Kvenland, bordered Roslagen, and only quite recently had the Sveas (Old English: Sweonas; Latin: Suiones, Suehans and Sueones) integrated with the Kvens of the region.

• Rurik's home and ethnic groups in 840 in what now is Sweden –

Still during the late Viking Age and beyond, Kvenland extended to the northernmost arctic edges of Europe, based on medieval written sources and other evidence.

One such source is a list of countries in 'Leiðarvísir og borgarskipan', a geographical chronicle and a guidebook for pilgrims about routes from Northern Europe to Rome and Jerusalem, written by an Icelandic Abbot Níkulás Bergsson in the monastery of Þverá (Munkaþverá) in c. 1157.

Written circa three and a half centuries after the birth of Prince Rurik, Abbot Bergsson provides the following description of the lands near Norway:

"Closest to Denmark is little Sweden (Svíþjóð), there is Öland (Eyland); then is Gotland; then Hälsingland (Helsingaland); then Värmland (Vermaland); then two Kvenlands (Kvenlönd), and they extend to north of Bjarmia (Bjarmaland)."

Based on that description and other historical evidence, the southern border of Kvenland had by then shifted northbound considerably from Rurik's lifetime, but Kvenland still then covered the Fennoscandian territory north of Hälsingland and Värmland.

The names "Rus", "Ruotsi" and "Russia" share a common Finnic origin. Historically, and up to date, Finns inhabiting the eastern side of the Gulf of Bothnia have referred to the area on the western side of the gulf – modern-day Sweden – as "Ruotsi", and an inhabitant of the area as "ruotsalainen", from which the name Rus' derives from.

The vast majority of what today is Sweden was in the 9th century a part of Kvenland. Then already, the Finnic Kvens inhabiting the area were referred to by the Finns on the eastern side of the Gulf of Bothnia – in today's Finland – as ruotsalainen.

The Rus' were part of a larger Finnic group known as Varangians, who were seafaring Finnic warriors and traders. They spread their influence to large territories southeast from Fennoscandia.

The names "Varangian" and "Varyag" also share ancient Finno-Ugric origins, and are related to such Finnish language terms as "vara", "vaara", "varanto", etc.

Similarly, the Finnish terms "venäläinen" (meaning "Russian") and "vene" (meaning "boat") and the Estonian term "venelane" ("vene" in spoken language, meaning "Russian") share common Finnic roots.

Related to the names "Varangian" and "Varyag" is also the Finnish language name "Varanginvuono" (Sami: Várjavuonna; Norwegian: Varangerfjord; English: Varanger Fjord, meaning literally "Varangian" Fjord/Bay). It is the name of a fjord on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the modern-day area of Northern Norway.

In his study 'Kvenland - Kainuunmaa' (1986, p. 113–118), Kyösti Julku discusses the maps of Abraham Ortelius from 1570, Gerhard Mercator from 1595 and Adrian Veen from 1613. In these maps, the name "Caienska Semla" is marked next to Varangerfjord.

The Ortelius and Mercator maps are pictured in Julku's study. "Caienska Semla" can be seen written west from Vardø (Finnish: Vuoreija, Vuorea) and Varangerfjord.

According to Julku – and others –, the Finnish language meaning of the Latin term "Caienska Semla" is "Kainuun maa", which means "Land of Kainuu". Today, historians widely agree that the Finnic names Kainu, Kainuu and Kainuunmaa and the non-Finnic name Kvenland are synonyms.



In 1611, at the start of Sweden's (Sweden-Finland) superpower era as the Swedish Empire (1611-1721), the Nyenschantz fortress (Swedish: Nyenskans) was built in the Finnish port and trading center of Nevanlinna, at the mouth of the Neva River, on the easternmost coast of the Gulf of Finland.

• Neva is Finnish for bog (a type of wetland). "Nyen" was properly Swedish for the Neva River.

The small Finnish town of Nevanlinna ("Neva Castle") standing next to the fortress was at the time referred to as both Nyen and Nyenskans in Swedish. It gained official town rights in 1642, when it became the administrative center of Swedish Ingria.

Officially, the fortress was always known as Nyenskans, even though the above-mentioned concepts were in flux in common parlance. The term "skans" is Swedish for "bastion".

A the time – and up to date –, the region of and around Nevanlinna was referred to as Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri; Swedish: Ingermanland). The area was inhabited by the Finnic Ingrian people/tribe. In the town of Nevanlinna, there was also a Swedish-speaking minority population, and even smaller German-speaking population.

• Ingria in 1698

Over time, Russian rulers had become anxious for Russia to gain a seaport on the coast of the Baltic Sea, through which Russia could begin trading overseas with maritime nations.

During the Great Northern War (1700–1721), while the army of Sweden-Finland was focused on warring against Germans and Poles, forces of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great captured the Finnish seaport of Nevanlinna on May 12, 1703. The same year, the Russian town of Saint Petersburg was founded on it's place.

This marked the first time for Russia or any of its predecessor states to have a seaport on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Before this, Staraya Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokanlinna) had been the only "Russian" port where seagoing vessels arriving from the Baltic Sea could have anchored.

The only seaport Russia had had until then was in Arkhangelsk, which was located much further north, and not by the Baltic Sea but on the coast of the White Sea instead. Arkhangelsk provided Russians access to the Arctic Ocean, but the port was closed to shipping for months during wintertime.
Over 6000 primeval rock-carvings have been found in Alta (Alattio), in what today is the province of Finnmark, part of Norway. In medieval texts, prior to becoming part of Norway, the area was then too referred to as Finnmark.

The oldest of the rock-carvings in Alta date to c. 5,200 BC, and the most recent to c. 500 BC. In Jiepmaluokta, circa four kilometers from the town of Alta, there are many thousand individual carvings. The area has been turned into an open-air museum.

The Jiepmutka site and sites in nearby Storsteinen, Kåfjord, Amtmannsnes and Transfarelv were placed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites on December 3, 1985. Combined, these sites form Norway's only prehistoric World Heritage Site.

The wide variety of imagery featured in the rock-carvings shows there having been a culture of hunter-gatherers who were able to control herds of reindeer, were able to use moose for domestic practices, were adept at boat-building and fishing, and practiced shamanistic rituals involving worship of bear and other venerated animals.

Finnmark represents the northernmost continental part of Europe and – today – Norway. Up to the late Middle Ages, Finnmark was the northernmost region of the Finnic realm known as Kvenland (Finnish: Kainu, Kainuu, Kainuunmaa, Pohjola), discussed in medieval texts.


Kuninkaanhauta (King's Grave) is a Bronze Age tumulus in the village of Panelia in Aura, southwestern Finland, believed to date back to c. 1100–500 BC (Edgren 1993: p. 119–120).

It is the largest burial cairn (Finnish: hiidenkiuas) in Finland. It is 36×30 meters wide and about four meters high. According to the legends, it is the burial place of a local king or chief.

The grave has never been opened. It was built on the shore of the ancient Bay of Panelia. Since the Bronze Age, the coastline has moved nearly 20 kilometers west, due to the post-glacial rebound.

Kuninkaanhauta is located about nine kilometers northeast of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sammallahdenmäki, which includes more than 30 Bronze Age burial cairns. The Bronze Age in Fennoscandia was in c. 1700–500 BC.



A few Icelandic sagas tell about kings that ruled over Kvenland amd Finland. In Egils saga. Faravid is directly said to be the "King of Kvenland".

In Orkneyinga saga, Fornjót is said to be "a king". It is stated that he "reigned over Gotland, which we now know as Finland and Kvenland".

Professor Emeritus Kyösti Julku notes that no geographical errors have been found in the descriptions of the Orkneyinga saga. He asks why therefore the people described in the account should be considered not to have existed.

Hversu Noregr byggðist has very similar usage for the title. This time, the great-grandson of Fornjót, Snær, and his son Thorri are told to be kings.

Kvenland now appears in relation to Thorri, of whom it is said that "he ruled over Gothland, Kvenland (Kænlandi), and Finland". Fornjót's great-grandson Snær is also mentioned in Ynglingasaga, in relation to Finland.

Much more interesting findings, newest archealogy, DNA results on that FB page, check it out.

So, just for starters, you can start from there.

1/8/2019 at 9:22 AM

→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Experience Wheeler
his mother → Ephraim Wheeler
her father → Benjamin Wheeler
his father → Ephraim Wheeler
his father → Sgt. Thomas Wheeler, of Concord
his father → Lieut. Thomas Wheeler
his father → Thomas "the elder" Wheeler
his father → Alice Wheeler
his mother → William Sayre, of Hinwick
her father → Margaret Sayre
his mother → Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Walton
her father → Catherine Percy, of Thornton-Bridge
his mother → Katherine Neville, of Witton Castle
her mother → Sir Ralph de Eure, Kt., Gov. of Newcastle
her father → Sir John de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → Sir John de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → Sir Hugh de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → John Fitzrobert de Stokes, 3d Baron Warkworth, Surety of the Magna Carta
his father → Robert FitzRoger, 2nd Baron of Warkworth
his father → Alice de Essex
his mother → Adeliza de Vere
her mother → Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan
her father → Richard FitzGilbert de Bienfaite, Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge
his father → Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu
his father → Geoffrey de Brionne, Count of Eu & Brionne
his father → Richard I, 'the Fearless', Duke of Normandy
his father → William "Longsword"
his father → Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' of Normandy
his father → Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre
his father → Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra
his father → Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
his father → Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
his father → Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
his father → Heytir Gorrsson, Sea King
his father → Gor Thorrasson, Sea King
his father → Thorri Snærsson, Myth king of Kvenland
his father → Myth King of Kvenland. Snær Frostason
his father → Frosti Karasson, Mythical King of Kvenland
his father → Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland
his father → Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland
his father

1/8/2019 at 9:24 AM

I am real and so were my Incestors.

1/8/2019 at 12:00 PM

I agree that just because someone has a fictional story written about them does not mean they themselves were fictional!!!

This is as much fiction as both the old & new testaments of the bible! There is no hard evidence, but only written stories of men, by men in all religions and of all peoples! Though in the case of several sagas, we have a Christian author, Snorri Sturluson compiling information and putting them to paper. Can any other people say that? The Romans documented everything they knew about the Norse & Germanic people as did the Christians.

1/8/2019 at 2:46 PM

"pure fiction" is a very strong statement.

Fornjot may or may not have existed, the problem with doing genealogy based only on secondary and tertiary sources is that the secondary sources may not be correct but without primary sources this cannot be proven in either direction.

We try to keep this part of the tree as accurate as possible compared to the sources we have which is the best that can be done. No one is forced to look at Fornjot's profile if they do not want to.

Private User
1/8/2019 at 10:41 PM

Personally, for me Kings and Queens are true and if someone don't belive them, so what?!

Private User
1/14/2019 at 10:57 AM

You can believe in anything but it doesnt make those things true....and genealogy is about the facts......this particular case is pure nonsense and there are no single evidence of them......

"Trying to keep the tree accurate"! Really?? It doesnt look like that

Private User
1/14/2019 at 12:38 PM

You can believe in anything but it doesn't make those things true.
You can not believe in anything but it doesn't make those things false.
Without facts you can argue from here to nowhere but it doesn't make anything true or false. So why argue?

Private User
1/14/2019 at 4:24 PM

In Finland there lives deeply this old bias that Finland was empty before Sveas came. There was no Sweden yet, and northen parts of Sweden were full of people still soeaking finnish, that used to be our land also, but with church help they finally beat us slowly.

Kvenland and sagas, and other european historians includend Finland old kingdom in all written history until year 1870's. Then everything changed and Swedes took bones of Finnish people,.doing eugenia tests to them and all the old history was forbidden to wrote.

Now archaeology is doing FIRST time ingredible findings, and seems that mr Vuorela did not bother to investigate the evidence what I have shared, at all. It is easier for other people to stay what they know and not wanting to reseach. There are people in Finnish geni society who does not believe that anybody came to Finland from anywhere over boarders ever and thats the funniest thing. Gladly historians do not think the same nor genealogy. We all share most of the times same ancestors anyway and from many different lines. For me its interesting, for others not so much. :)

Private User
1/17/2019 at 11:37 AM

I, for one, am grateful for the work that has been done on this line and thank you Saga Rewell for the information you have shared.
There was a time when people believed that Troy was a myth, but fortunately there were some who believed the old histories enough to prove they were true. It is now common knowledge that mythical Troy is also a historical fact.
There was a long stretch of ancient human history in which the oral recital of history thru poem and song was the primary means by which people learned their history.
Only a select few recorded the histories in writing; a duty that was held sacred and was seldom ever fictional. Only the histories recorded by a peoples enemies were suspect of being skewed. Many histories were destroyed by invading armies.
We are learning that the history of mankind is far more ancient and complex than we once thought. The more we learn, the more some long held beliefs are challenged. People don't like that as a rule. There will always be naysayers and people who insist that what they believe is fact and will fight anyone who says otherwise, yet the legends live on and our human history continues to be rediscovered.
The old legends and histories inform us. It is good that you share them. Thanks again.

Private User
1/18/2019 at 2:38 AM

Yeah -nothing to with genealogy or real science

sorry, only in Finnish

1/18/2019 at 3:35 AM

Looks like an interesting read but Google Translate cannot cope.

I am no expert on the topic so am not going say too much.

One of the methods used by some of the Curators working in this part of the tree is to focus on a specific profile. Prove a specific link is wrong and it can be cut, posting sweeping statements like "Fornjot never existed" will not achieve anything. Even if I, or anyone else, is inclined to listen to you it does nothing to improve the quality of the tree.

Geni's Relationship Path can be a very powerful tool in this respect, pull up the full path between Fornjot and yourself and start working backwards from your parents until you get to Fornjot. Profiles named ?? or "Unknown" are good places to start.

1/18/2019 at 10:53 AM

→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Experience Wheeler
his mother → Ephraim Wheeler
her father → Benjamin Wheeler
his father → Ephraim Wheeler
his father → Sgt. Thomas Wheeler, of Concord
his father → Lieut. Thomas Wheeler
his father → Thomas "the elder" Wheeler
his father → Alice Wheeler
his mother → William Sayre, of Hinwick
her father → Margaret Sayre
his mother → Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Walton
her father → Catherine Percy, of Thornton-Bridge
his mother → Katherine Neville, of Witton Castle
her mother → Sir Ralph de Eure, Kt., Gov. of Newcastle
her father → Sir John de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → Sir John de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → Sir Hugh de Eure, of Stokesley
his father → John Fitzrobert de Stokes, 3d Baron Warkworth, Surety of the Magna Carta
his father → Robert FitzRoger, 2nd Baron of Warkworth
his father → Alice de Essex
his mother → Adeliza de Vere
her mother → Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan
her father → Richard FitzGilbert de Bienfaite, Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge
his father → Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu
his father → Geoffrey de Brionne, Count of Eu & Brionne
his father → Richard I, 'the Fearless', Duke of Normandy
his father → William "Longsword"
his father → Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' of Normandy
his father → Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre
his father → Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra
his father → Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
his father → Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
his father → Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
his father → Heytir Gorrsson, Sea King
his father → Gor Thorrasson, Sea King
his father → Thorri Snærsson, Myth king of Kvenland
his father → Myth King of Kvenland. Snær Frostason
his father → Frosti Karasson, Mythical King of Kvenland
his father → Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland
his father → Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland
his father

Private User
1/19/2019 at 1:08 PM

JP, you have not red any of the articles presented to you, not here, nor in Finnish groups. You have staded just right away with the same style of "bible is fairytale" and sagas are all fairytales (as your link said) so I do not bother to continue to show you any more links. As you know, many Swedish, Norwegian, Icelanders take many part of different sagas to be part of their history. Also there has been recently found battle places from the place, that has been said in the sagas, so it is really not that black and white at all.

Private User
1/20/2019 at 1:59 AM

Why should I read them twice? This is so called pseudo science.....

Wont continue this useless debate

Private User
1/20/2019 at 7:40 AM

That was interesting, Saga. I *wondered* where Tolkien had gotten the term "Variags" (for one of his antagonist peoples in his Ring trilogy). Now I know. :-D

Anyway, as long as nobody starts connecting to Middle Earth trees....

Private User
1/23/2019 at 3:57 PM

Why bother tostart start conversation here by making claims without discussing any reason at all.

There are so much written, not only in sagas but new studies, archealogy, dna testing.

Orkneyinga saga: "King" Fornjót "reigned over Gotland, which we now know as Finland and Kvenland."

• Hversu Noregr byggdist discusses Snær, the great-grandson of Fornjót, and Snær's son Thorri. It is stated that Thorri "ruled over Gothland, Kvenland (Kænlandi), and Finland."

Before the Viking Age, the Kvens defended the southern part of their traditional territory, in battles fought in the modern-day area of Southern Sweden, south from the modern-day Swedish province of Uppland.

• The medieval account Nornagests þáttr (only version from c. 1300 survives) tells about Sigurd Ring, the king of Denmark and the Sveas in the mid-8th century, fighting against the Curonians (Livs, Livonians) and the Kvens in what today is Southern Sweden:

"Sigurðr (Sigurd Ring) was not there, as he had to defend his land, Svíþjóð (land of Sveas), since Kúrir (Curonians) and Kvænir (Kvens) were raiding there."

• In 1216, Danish Saxo Grammaticus wrote in Gesta Danorum about Finnish and Scandinavian royal families. Based on medieval accounts, many Scandinavian rulers descended from the rulers of Kvenland, Finland and Gotland/Gothland, i.e. King Fornjót and his offspring.

Writings of Saxo Grammaticus resemble, and share many characters and stories with, the writings of Snorri Sturluson.
Based on the account of Saxo Grammaticus too, many heroic Scandinavian figures have Finnic roots.
Of the legendary Battle of Bråvalla (c. 750 AD) – Sveas against Geats – Saxo Grammaticus writes:

"Now the bravest of the Sveas were these: Arwakki, Keklu-Karl ...". Notably, these "brave Sveas" had Finnish names, like did many of the Scandinavian rulers of their time, including – but not limited to – King Ongenpeow (Finnish: "Onnenpoika" / "Ongenpoika" – d. c. 515 AD) and his sons Onela (Finnish: "Onnela") and Ohthere, among others, descended from Kven kings.

The name "Ohthere" derives from the Proto-Norse 'Ōhtaharjaz', which derives from the Finnish language 'Ohtaharjas'. "Ohta" means "forehead" in the Ostrobothnian dialect of Finnish, and "harjas" means "bristle", "prickle" and "brush" and "hair" in Finnish.

A DNA study conducted on the prehistoric skeletal remains of three individuals from the nearby large offshore island of Gotland supports that area having been ethnically interconnected with Finland and Kvenland during the primeval era, just as the medieval accounts of Hversu Noregr byggdist and Orkneyinga saga suggest:

"The hunter-gatherers show the greatest similarity to modern-day Finns", says Pontus Skoglund, an evolutionary geneticist at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Source –

Recent archaeological discoveries made in Finland have provided further proof that Gotland and the modern-day area of Finland were closely connected during the primeval era.

The largest amount of discoveries of Merovingian period (600–800 AD) swords

– aside from the place of their alleged origin, Germany – have been made in Finland. In 2013, a Merovingian period silver plate from Gotland, believed to be a piece of a sword scabbard, was discovered in Rautjärvi, Finland:

"The item has ornamentation originating from Gotland, which in itself is not rare in Finland", says museum teaching assistant Jukka Luoto from the Museum of South Karelia. Read more (in Finnish):

According to Luoto "this indicates that these areas have independently conducted trade with Gotland." Read more (in Finnish):

This all is new information.

@Maven :) So true. Tolkien was into our language. History is always intriquing, spiced up with archealogy, linguistics cultures, human beings. Never getting tired of it ;)

1/29/2019 at 3:06 AM

Dna either proves Sagas to be true, or not. So I am not against writing genealogies with uncertain knowledge. Everyone should know that past is always uncertain. It can be ones modern mother that lies about father. The chain can be cut yesterday. Do not loose information. Only way to proove is to have It and connect with dna, If it is connectable.

1/30/2019 at 4:50 AM

I think part of the problem is that some users want Geni to preserve all information, like a wikipedia page, but Geni is a genealogy site not an encyclopedia.

It is also important to remember that some parts of Geni are very well researched and looked after, other sections are not. The chance of a chain of 50 or 60 generations with no bad links is very low, this does not mean that the two people at the ends of the chain are not real (or not related) only that the chain between them is not proven.

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