Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge - I'm trying to find their Harrison common ancestor

Started by Private on Tuesday, January 1, 2019
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1/1/2019 at 11:52 AM

The 9th president of The United States of America, William Henry Harrison is a great uncle of mine and our common ancestors all originate in Virginia. Particularly in Jamestown. Our English ancestors are Anthony the First Harrison and Anthony the Second Harrison the son, who immigrated to the colonies.
A Sir Knight George Harrison md. to Lady Maria Lepton is a DNA match with me, a great great grandfather.
It is hypothetical that Kate Middleton's grandmother is also a relative in my family bloodline. I've traced our family to a
Lord John Harrison of Cambridge and a bunch of other Harrisons of Cambridge.
My father says it is possible the Beatle George Harrison is a relative considering of course.

1/1/2019 at 8:45 PM

Catherine is a 10th cousin to President Harrison (I think it was 5X removed). At any rate, it looks like the closest Harrison relative is William's father, Gov. Benjamin Harrison. Catherine's line descends from Benjamin's daughter-in-law, Ann Harrison (Carter).

Do you know how to use the "Push Pin" on the profiles to get these relationships?

1/15/2019 at 8:27 PM

No, I don't know about the push pins.

1/15/2019 at 8:41 PM

I've been having a difficult time finding a straight path to George Harrison of 1520.
from me there is:
Frank (my father) 1950
Samuel (my grandfather) 1889
William Henry (my ggf) 1848
John P. 1828
Henry 1797
Thomas E. 1756
Joshua 1721
Willoughby 1690
George 1650
and here is where things get confusing:
either the father of George is a
Richard Anthony or a John or an Anthony the 2nd. But dad says it was a John 1553 who was married to an Emote Domie, son of Robert 1540. But this birth and death years belong to a different John Harrison 1540-1598. I think someone has gotten information jumbled up on here or elsewhere. But dad got a DNA match to Sir George Harrison married to Lady Lepton.
Seems like everything gets messed up in the 1500s and start of 1600s.

1/15/2019 at 9:44 PM

an example of what I'm talking about:


Eliza Harrison

compare those

1/16/2019 at 3:13 PM

Shawn, it looks like you need to add additional profiles to your tree -- usually, when you get to your 4th or 5th GGP (great grandparent) you'll start to have your line fill in from existing Geni profiles. Please be VERY careful about duplicating a profile that already exists: it can really create havoc!

I utilize the Push Pin all the time - it is one of the most valuable tools (to me, anyway!).
It has helped me find multiple lines of descent from siblings; as well as relationships to "ancient" ancestors. You can try it now by bringing up President Harrison's profile -- look to the right in the relationship box & you'll see an icon of a push pin. Click it so it looks depressed/pushed in. Open a new tab in your browser & bring up Duchess Kate's profile.

You should see a bar that reads "President Harrison is related to Kate Middleton" (shortened their names for brevity). Click on that & their relationship will come up.

If you have questions, please let me know!

1/16/2019 at 3:44 PM

PS remember to release the push pin, when you're done, or all profiles will relate to that one.

Re the 2 profiles for Elizabeth & Eliza -- interestingly, both women trace directly back to my 9th GGF's 3rd wife, Mary Mowry Kingsley (Johnson), which looks like they are the same person. Have you messaged the listed profile managers for both?

1/16/2019 at 11:16 PM

I've tried contacting them but they haven't responded.

1/17/2019 at 9:50 AM

Message Erica Howton - she's a curator who works with Colonial Americans

1/17/2019 at 2:53 PM

→ Robert Wood Johnson, III
your father → General Robert Wood Johnson, II
his father → Robert Wood Johnson, I
his father → Sylvester Johnson, III
his father → Stephen Johnson
his father → Sylvester Johnson
his father → Captain Joseph Johnson, Jr.
his father → Joseph Johnson
his father → Isaac Johnson Jr., of Roxbury MA and Middletown CT
his father → Captain Isaac Johnson
his father → Mary Johnson
his mother → Agnes Heath
her mother → Joane Cheney
her mother → John Harrison, Lord
her father → George Harrison
his son → William Harrison (Half Brother)
his son

Private User
7/4/2019 at 11:39 AM

Private I'll discuss a scrupulous story. I need to verify my DNA with Michael F. Middleton. The special services of Russia carried out such reconciliation, it is positive. Behind big names they hide mass crimes. My story, contacts.

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