Dame Katherine Gonson Hawkins - Alternative Data after Merge

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, December 15, 2018
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12/15/2018 at 3:51 AM

Birth Date c. 1534 c. 1532
Birth Location Ashill, Somerset, England, United Kingdom Dorset, England, United Kingdom

12/16/2018 at 3:05 PM

`2018;!2;16 t'h p' m'

I find the marriage date of Sir John Hawkins and Dame Katherine Gonson as circa 1567.

12/17/2018 at 1:37 AM

Stephen E Diamond - can you add your thoughts to the above discussion on this issue? That way we keep it altogether.

12/17/2018 at 2:54 PM

I must preface my sharing of thoughts with a note of reflection as to sources of printed text, which I have perused since the early 1980s in the Sutro Library, in San Francisco where I lived and worked at my medical specialty. The library before it was relocated - to the Leonard Library, of the San Francisco State University campus - quite near in fact, it contained one of the three most complete repositories, of printed genealogy in the United States. Original printed volumes, and many pre-1600 texts. The 117 volumes of the Visitations were quite useful. Today the available digital copies, of the same are convenient. I first found a reference to the Hawkins and Davis ancestry, a conjecture at the earlier time of 1984. During the successive years since, I have taken considerable time and pause, viewing, reviewing, perusing, and locating plausible, credible and extant excerpts of published genealogy history, relevant to my own lineages. The most often occurring confusion which I have found, upward of a thousand instances of, have remained as to exact dates in time, id est, Old Calendar and New Calendar reckoning, the ranking of espousal, the ranking of siblings, and not least of all the quaint and varied spellings of words. Even upon a clear study of neighboring country languages, twelve in part, to find agreement upon points stated as printed etc, the curious nature of human independence, as might be held distinct from a preferable conforming sense of reason yet confounds, confabulates, or and confuses. Have a neat Holiday.

12/17/2018 at 9:11 PM


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