Matilda of Flanders - Matilda of Flanders - quick question of her family lineage coming forward to today ..

Started by J. Steve Dreaden on Wednesday, December 12, 2018
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12/12/2018 at 10:56 PM

I have an 11th great grandmother - Matilda A. Flanders - Born in approx 1475 in an area of the Netherlands that is now Belgium .. notes are that her father was "Count of Flanders" .. but, no other lineage back from her appears .. I'm assuming she was of the lineage of Matilda of Flanders born circa 1031, but, have no proof of the link to her. Does anyone know of the family history kicking off FROM Matilda of Flanders circa 1031 forward? I'm trying to connect the dots here.

Thank you!

J. Steve Dreaden

Private User
12/12/2018 at 11:21 PM

If you add some links in comments, it may help, but 1400 to 1000 is a big leap.

12/13/2018 at 7:17 AM

She and her husband William are my 30th greathgrandmother and father

Private User
12/13/2018 at 11:08 AM

You have more than 4000 decendants from her father within 8 generations and just a handfull of Matildas among them all with nothing else to suggest that that name occurs sparcely at random, and at this point you haven't yet reached the 1400's, and the decendants are widely spread all over Europe. Good luck!

12/13/2018 at 9:32 PM

Why was it that you assumed that the two women were connected? Are there other connections?

Unless you know that there are, there are probably better places to put your energy.

They had a common name and were born in the same piece of the world.

Unless you know that the Matilda from the 15th C was of a noble line, it would make more sense to assume that she was part of the large contingent of Flemish people who had been immigrating to England since 1351, when conditions in Flanders caused many of the weavers to leave, and Edward III made regulations which made England attractive, in order to shore up the English cloth trade. She is born more than a hundred years later, but there were by that time well established Flemish communities in England, and so such a move wouldn’t be odd.

12/14/2018 at 3:45 AM

First and foremost, thank you to all who responded .. first, I'm not assuming anything, and perhaps her family was playing a cruel joke on her, but, to be named Matilda A. Flanders and to have her father supposedly be named "The Count of Flanders", may reflect that there is a connection to the lineage .. I'm just saying .. I'm just asking the question: can anyone share the move forward ancestry of Matilda of Flanders 1031? If you can't, that's ok, but, please no commentary ..respectfully, it is of no value. I'm only looking for the facts, regardless of where they fall .. Kalle Antero Tammisto, thank you .. you may be able to help me get some info that connects the line .. Best to everyone!

12/14/2018 at 3:52 AM

I’m very confused.

Aren’t we talking about

Matilda Alice Myles?

Her father isn’t, at this writing, the Count of Flanders; there are no parents at the moment.

1/3/2019 at 2:25 PM

Yes we are talking about Matilda Alice Flanders - Myles .. I found a note saying her father was the Count of Flanders but with no other information .. just trying to see if anyone has information on her tree going backwards - parents, grandparents, etc ..

1/3/2019 at 2:44 PM


This was a note not on Geni, then.

Got it.

1/3/2019 at 3:09 PM

Where was the note that you came across?

My own problem with the profile, as it exists in Geni, is that it's unsourced, and it doesn't really make lots of sense -- unless, as I mentioned earlier, Matilda Flanders was attached to the Flemish weavers -- but in that case, why did she come in so late?

And her dates make no sense, given that she's much too young for at least one of her children.

I see, often in the medieval tree, guesses and hopeful connections, that don't really fit, and this AT THE MOMENT looks like that to me.


Perhaps you have actual real sources -- either primary documentation from the time, or reliable secondary sources that cite the primary documents. That would be great.

1/4/2019 at 7:56 AM

I had a little fit of sanity, and realized that we can go at this from the other direction.

Matilda Flanders is said, in the profile as we have it (no sources, so nothing to substantiate this) to have been born in 1475.

There is some note that says that her father was the Count of Flanders.

Very well!

Who was the count of Flanders in 1475?

Charles the Bold:

At the time of Matilda Flander's birth, he was on his third marriage, to Margaret of York.

His only child was Mary, so that's no go.

I went searching for any evidence of Matilda Flander's ancestry, and I see the family web trees that say her father was the Count of Flanders -- even the ones that say they have sources are giving other unsourced trees as evidence.

1/7/2019 at 8:54 AM

Agree .. I also looked at the Count of Flanders trees and found the same .. thank you for the extra effort .. the records also list her as if her maiden name was "Flanders" which is, I believe, obviously not the case .. Flanders was the province where these counts lived and she was supposedly born .. so, finding any clue as to her true maiden name obviously leads us to her family lineage .. I haven't found any source that identifies her maiden name yet .. this is challenging but still fun :) .. Happy New Year!

1/7/2019 at 8:59 AM

J. Steve Dreaden -- you are quite welcome! I do love a medieval puzzle.

The family web trees, alas, are full of guesses and mistakes, and even outright lies, that get copied over and over, and spread across the internet.

The only recourse is to look for either primary sources (documents from the time) or reliable secondary sources (studies and histories that cite the primary documents).

Good luck!

1/7/2019 at 9:57 AM

Thanks Anne .. agree. Much of it is easy to figure out based on dates, locations, etc. It is fun and addictive.

Happy New Year! SD

Private User
1/10/2019 at 2:29 AM

Also "Flanders", is anglicised from Vlaamse

Private User
1/10/2019 at 2:37 AM

or try

Matilde Flandes

1/12/2019 at 7:55 AM


Guillaume étant en âge de ſe marier, épouſa Mathilde fille de Baudouin 1o47.
Comte de Flandre, & d'Adeleïde ſoeur du Roi Henri.
Il avoit épouſé en premieres nóces Mathilde niece de l'Empereur Henri III.
dont il eut une fille qui ne vécut pas long-tems

Private User
1/13/2019 at 8:00 AM

That doesn't get us from 1047 to 1475, and you have been told before that using late 18th century sources for early (or even late) medieval profiles, without any kind of primary documentation, is not a great idea.

1/13/2019 at 8:55 AM

right, but if you read these books I refer to, both the latin text and the French text you will sww that they refer to the same People as the others and to talk about using late 18th Century without any primary doc, well you use among other Settipani as a Reference to what you say, who use the same documentation and as you see in his writing he is assuming a lot, the medival lines in the med tree, tells me the same they also use conclusions without proof. The books I refer to as you can see (if You read them) say the same regarding lineages even thou they are not written at the same time or from the same writer. they uses the same p Source as everyone else.

Private User
1/13/2019 at 2:57 PM

Well it's pretty obvious on this end that "Matilda A. Flanders" has about as much to do with the Counts of Flanders as MOLL Flanders.

I.e., nothing.

As for Settipani, he's a resource but NOT an unassailable authority. People are free to disagree with him, and have done so.

Private User
2/3/2019 at 5:52 PM

She is my 23 rd great grandmother . Are you sure you mean 12th g. Grandmother.

Private User
2/3/2019 at 5:53 PM

Sorry meant as you sure you mean 11th Great Grandmother? That sounds a little off.

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