Dame Katherine Gonson Hawkins - Inconsistencies

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, December 8, 2018
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12/8/2018 at 10:28 PM

SmartCopyConsistency Check:Benjamin Gonson, Treasurer of The Navy born after his marriage date.Ursula Hussey Gonson is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Dame Katherine Gonson Hawkins.

12/8/2018 at 10:33 PM

SmartCopyConsistency Check:Adm. Sir John Hawkins born after his marriage date.

Private User
12/9/2018 at 12:20 PM

Dates for these people and events are difficult t ascertain.

Dates certain for Banjamin Gonson as Treasurer of the Navy: 8 July 1549 - 26 November 1577

There was an 8 day overlap with (son-in-law) Sir John Hawkins (entrance date 18 Nov 1577), so it wasn't a case of Gonson dying in harness. (Getting sick, maybe.)

Primary documentation on this: DECLARATION of the accompte of John Hawkins Esq. Treasurer of the Marine causes thereunto appointed with Benjamin Gonson Esq. since lately deceased by Letters Patent dated 18th Nov. 20 Eliz. [1577], to have & occupy the said office of Treasurer to Benjamin Gonson & John Hawkins for their natural life, with all fees wages & allowances thereunto belonging; also an annuity of [100] marks sterling, and for two clerks under them 8d. sterling by the day, together with the allowance of 6s. 8d. for every day that the sd Ben Gonson & J. Hawkins shall travail & by occupied either by sea or land, only for such business as shall be needful to be dispatched concerning the same office, and £8 sterling by the year for their boatehier. The said Benjamin and John shall have full allowance for all and every such sums of money as they shall disburse about the said Marine causes, they having the hands of 2 or 3 of the officers of the same Marine causes subscribed to the books of account or reckoning, the shewing of such books to be a sufficient warrant to all and every Auditor. Further the said Benjamin Gonson & John Hawkins to have the costs & charges of their clerks when & as often as they shall send them for the payment or receipt of any money for the said Marine causes. By the death of Benjamin Gonson the said office has wholly fallen upon John Hawkins.+ (From Plymouth Armada Heroes, http://welbank.net/hawkins/pah/chap3.html

.People tend to crock up the Gonsons' dates to force Katherine to be the right age to be Admiral Sir Richard Hawkins' mother - but we have the Admiral's own word for it that she was his *step*mother.

Exactly when Sir John married Katherine Gonson, we do not know - perhaps it was between the years 1563-1573.

Marriage date given in profile is BAD (missing final digit) and LOCKED IN AS BAD.

>>> Only a Curator can make the corrections. <<<

Private User
12/9/2018 at 2:00 PM

Correction: marriage date missing A digit (probably second, which would make it "1569").

12/9/2018 at 4:02 PM

I find that [Dame] Katherine Gonson [Daughter of Benjamin Gonson and Ursula Walter] wed to {Sir} John Hawkins {born circa `1532, a' e' t' 1595} circa 1560. Their son John Hawkins, born circa `1560, a' e' t' `1623 whom wed to Mary Levitt, born circa `1574, a' e' t' `1636. Farther I find that {Sir} John Hawkins was a son of William Hawkiyns | Hawkins whom wed to Joan Mary Trelawny. c'f'; The Visitation of Cornwall page 229 | 250.

Private User
12/9/2018 at 6:17 PM

I think somebody crocked up another fake tree. Sir John Hawkins had only one known child, his son Richard - who explicitly described Dame Katherine Gonson as his "stepmother".

Who Admiral Richard's actual mother was, is unknown, and the History of Parliament Online admits the possibility that he was illegitimate. http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1604-1629/member/ha...

The John Hawkins who married Mary Levitt was from Essex, England (so was she) and stood a better chance of being related to Hawkins of Nash Court (in neighboring Kent) than Hawkins of Plymouth.

"Joan Mary" Trelawny is a modern mashup - middle names were just Not A Thing back then. Visitations of Cornwall thinks she was a Mary, but most other sources agree on Joan.

We JUST got through sorting out the Hawkinses for probably the third time, after they were massively messed up by people who believed their bad information was good.

12/9/2018 at 11:42 PM


12/15/2018 at 3:53 AM

Still says this: SmartCopyConsistency Check:Benjamin Gonson, Treasurer of The Navy born after his marriage date.Ursula Hussey Gonson born after her marriage date.Ursula Hussey Gonson is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Dame Katherine Gonson Hawkins.Adm. Sir John Hawkins born after his marriage date.

I'll need input to fix, if anybody can help - I don't know this part of the tree.

Private User
12/15/2018 at 5:46 PM

I don't know where all these freakazoid "marriage" dates are coming from - they usually result from screwed-up GEDCOMs.

Benjamin Gonson was just important enough to rate a Wikipedia article and a couple of other notices - Wiki seriously underestimates his probable birth date, and other sources have him all over the first quarter 16th century. "Circa 1510-1515" would be my guesstimate, so the Geni birthdate is probably accurate enough for practical purposes. (Getting s major appointment at age 21? I don't think so!)

Anthony Hussey married Catherine Webbe c. 1526, which puts Ursula no earlier than c. 1527 and plays merry hell with Katherine Gonson's birthdate. My suspicion is that she keeps getting backdated to make her a "plausible" mother for Admiral Richard Hawkins - even though he explicitly said she was his stepmother.

As to when Admiral *John* Hawkins married Ms. Gonson, nobody seems to know, and everybody wants to push it back before (Admiral) Richard's birth, but it was more likely after. Check periods when he was at home in England and not roving the high seas. She was definitely "Lady Hawkins" by about 1585 (construction and naming of the Repentance/Dainty).

12/15/2018 at 11:47 PM

Where you fix, I will lock :-)

Private User
12/16/2018 at 6:29 AM

Please unlock first marriage date: https://www.geni.com/profile/edit_relationships/6000000000700865415
It is an abomination that has gone uncorrected for far too long.

Private User
12/16/2018 at 6:31 AM
12/16/2018 at 7:31 AM

I don't think you can lock marriage dates (I could be wrong). I removed them both. THank you.

Private User
12/16/2018 at 10:52 AM

That's better. Apparently a full Relationship Lock *does* affect marriage dates - they're still uncorrectable, but a blank date is better than a bad date.

12/16/2018 at 11:10 AM

Adm. Sir John Hawkins only has some fields locked. No RL and no full lock. Just interesting to know what affects what.

Thanks for the headsup on the marriage dates. Yell if I can unlock anything.

12/17/2018 at 1:32 AM

Ah, but his wife's relationships are locked.
Obviously! - I'm a twit :-)

12/17/2018 at 1:36 AM

Thanks for adding this to the overview: "We do not have exact dates for when she was born, or when she married Admiral John Hawkins. Probably it was between voyages in the 1560s - say 1563-64 (between first and second voyages) or 1565-67 (between second and third voyages). Wikipedia thinks it was 1567, but they are not authoritative."

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