Smart match and my relatives

Started by Maryna Zhubryk on Friday, November 30, 2018
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Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy
Empress Elisabeth of Austria / Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn
Paul I of Russia

Geni / help explains what Smart Matches ™ smart match is
Matching profiles of your relatives in millions of genealogical trees on MyHeritage.
What happens when I confirm a smart match? I also asked Geni support and they replied that even if I confirm a smart match this does not mean that profile is related to me.And then how do you understand when a profile is my distant relative or near what is it?

Just ignore all Smart Matches which is not smart at all when they link to profiles at MyHeritage. Such profiles is definitely not sources.

I am absolutely confused. Probably as long as I do not join the world tree, I will never understand who my relative is, except for those whom I know personally.

Shall i connect you to it?

i may be too naive but if you have such an opportunity i would like to connect to the world tree

Challenge accepted. I've only found three people who do not fit into the world family tree, Miss Cleo, Umberto Eco, and Emma Murano.


Indeed, only these three people do not fit into the world tree, but for what reasons? You intrigued me😊

What I meant was, in my efforts to cement notable people into the big tree, those three are impossible. I've offered monetary rewards to those who can do it because I insist it cannot be done. In other words each of their relatives has no traceable source to anyone. It took me 200 hours to connect Adolf Hitler to the big tree. I think Boris Yeltsin's tree is still isolatory and unitary at this point even though Geni does not recognize this. It took 100 hours to connect some of the recent Islamic mass shooters of recent years to the big tree and 100 hours to connect some black people to it. Blacks and Russians are notoriously difficult. The trick is to find someone who married a Jew or white Christian.

its very difficult to understand


its very difficult to understand

How much is one hour of your work? I apologize for asking this.


its very difficult to understand

How much is one hour of your work? I apologize for asking this.

It's because most of the people with documented relatives are people from England, Protestants in America, and Jews tracing back their rabbinic lineage. Everyone else, the only way to connect them to the big tree is to find someone who married a Jew or white Christian.


I do not know my pedigree at all, my own father did not recognize me, I only know his name and date of birth, and I also have very little information on the maternal line

I'll try to see if anyone connected to you is married to a white American.


On the part of my stepfather (who adopted me) and raised me as my own daughter were relatives who went to Canada, I think when World War II was.

Marina, don't be upset about not being connected to the World Tree. I'm not connected, too. And that despite having up to 5 generations of my ancestors in my tree, and extensive marriage connections of my cousin already entered by me and by them. There's just relatively few people from Ukraine on Geni. In the long term, spreading the word and connecting your friends and relatives may help to grow the individual trees so they'd start to merge. In the short therm, it may help finding emigrant relatives who went to North America and married Anglo-Saxons or Jews there.

Jonathan Seth Wolfson: having Jews in your tree isn't always helpful, either. My great-grandmother was half-Jew, and that is confirmed by DNA testing of three of her grandchildren, but without records about her parents birth or christening, it's impossible to connect to anyone. And Jewish matches I have lack any idea about their ancestry in 19th century, because records for Jews from central Ukraine are very sparse.

Roman Mykolayovych Kovbasyuk

hi Роман, I am very grateful to you for your answer but I just really want to know who I am connected with all over the world, I know that I am in a hurry for events and that there is a time for everything. Good day to you and we will keep in touch because we have this connection with you on the autosomal dna.

I must say I am quite glad to hear that there are people who really want to connect to the big tree. I thought that I was the only one to whom that is important. I will continue to try to connect you both to it. One thing I started doing was anglicizing the Cyrillic & depositing them into English language demographic fields. Still nothing has turned up.


thank you very much Jonathan


hello Jonathan, I wanted to ask you why in front of some princely profiles I have the possibility to invite them in my tree? There is just one line where you can enter your e-mail address and invite a prince or princess. What does this mean?

If the profile is a master profile it means there's no ability to invite the person to claim that profile. Geni (falsely) assumes that notable people will not want to be on this web site, likely they're too rich and famous. So being notable / master profile and being a Geni user are mutually exclusive.

Also, if person already is a Geni member her email field will not be available because she already is on the site.

@Jonathan Seth Wolfson
I wanted to connect my family to the World tree since I'd joined Geni back in 2008. It was pretty immature back then, so I'd abandoned the idea. But when I've returned in 2016 and really started adding multiple relatives , I realized that it won't be easy or soon when I reach that goal. I even added some famous Ukrainians to the tree (not related to me), and was able to connect some of them, but no such luck with my own family. There simply aren't links to any relatives who emigrated and went to the West or were famous.
All of my family members are added in Ukrainian and English (and Russian, where appropriate).
I try to mention Geni in genealogy discussions on FB, but most people seem stuck by the fact there's no way to upload your GEDCOM, and choose MyHeritage for their online trees. With almost zero chance to join the World tree, there's no advantage to choose Geni for Ukrainian users.
Happy New Year to you and Marina!

Roman Mykolayovych Kovbasyuk

I see that I have almost no chance. it makes me very sad. but I hope for the best in the new year. Happy New Year and You Roman !!!

There's always a chance. I have great hopes for my second cousins' daughters. :) Two of them are in their 30s and live in London and New York, and would likely marry soon. Provided their future husbands belong to expansive lineages, it'd be possible to connect through them.
Genealogy is a hobby. It would be fun to connect to the World tree, and I believe it'd happen sooner or later, so I don't despair too much.

I'll work on it

thank you so much

Olavi Armas Johannes Wallin
John Love
Private User

among the profiles I follow and I see a filled green rectangle, that is, a smart match, can my relatives be? sorry for my wrong english


I have a genealogist with an unique family tree containing abt. 6000 people in Agelong Tree software from
She asked me for assistance in migrating it to Geni. Is there a way to expediently upload it to Geni? I know and use a SmartCopy, but it's applicable only to some web sources...

Best regards,

why don't smart matches appear? I have a tree on Geni and on MyHeritage, I have a subscription on these two sites, but I absolutely do not have a smart match in my tree on Geni

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