Shmiel?/Shimon? HaChasid - Duplicate trees? Is this all correct?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, November 28, 2018
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Private User
11/28/2018 at 3:36 PM

This area has recently been expanded. The profile of Shmiel?/Shimon? HaChasid has been understood to be non other than the father of Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid. Rabbi Yehudah HeChassid and others were added as children. A duplicate tree has now emerged. Meaning Rabbi Yehudah HeChassid is a merge with Rabbi Yehudah HeChassid. The duplicate tree extends many generations back. However is this all correct? Was Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid a brother of wife, Yosef Treves ? Has the father of wife, Yosef Treves been misinterpreted to be the same as Shmuel haChassid s. Kalonymus V, of Speyer ?

Can the experts in these areas please help.

Private User Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן Yigal Burstein

Private User
11/29/2018 at 1:49 AM

This looks like a bad merge. They seem to be as many as ten generations apart.

11/29/2018 at 4:20 AM

According to the profiles that appear in geni in Hebrew,
Mrs. Rabbi Yosef Treves (Mugza), [of Paris] is the daughter of: Rabbeinu Shmuel HaChasid:
Shmiel?/Shimon? HaChasid

According to Wikipedia in Hebrew, the father of Rabbeinu Shmuel HaChasid is :
החסיד רבי קלונימוס הזקן בן יצחק
קלונימוס הזקן בן יצחק HaChasid

According to Wikipedia in Hebrew, the klonimus family was a very large family, and included several branches.
For example, I come to them from my two great grandparents (two different branches of the klonimus family)

Another thing to explain is that geni profiles are written both in English and in Hebrew, which sometimes leads to confusion and the opening of double profiles, but for us Israelis (most of us), it is easier to open profiles in Hebrew

11/29/2018 at 11:18 AM

Haim - I do know about any of the issues you raise. However, I would like to caution you about taking Wikipedia as a totally accurate source. Case in point, my wife and I have tried for the last 8 years to correct my wife and and her 2 brothers parents. Wiki has the 3 siblings assigned to the WRONG man by the same name as my wife's father - but TOTALLY wrong. - and in addition, they will NOT respond .....

11/29/2018 at 11:31 PM

Richard (Rick) Gary Simon
This information comes from Wikipedia, I know that there may be inaccuracies, as well as other sites such as ancestry, myheritage, etc. I found inaccuracies there, as well as many profiles I would say in a gentle word: fabricated

My family tree is huge and to the best of my knowledge, I am the only one of the descendant whose family tree is so large and comes very far, that my profile is public and I did not turn it like my other family members into a private one.
To make sure my family tree is real, accurate and reliable, I regularly collaborate with geni's curators and they can testify about it

Private User
11/30/2018 at 2:15 AM

Dear 12th Cousin (3x removed) Haim Wartski, HaCohen
As we are in the same overall tree, I can have my son look at the Hebrew Wikipedia. But, Rick Simon is right about Wikipedia as it relates to genealogy, and many other topics. Unless something is a major, well-known, well-documented story, with well-documented sources, it would not be regarded a primary source for the Big Family Tree. With more obscure entries, it's best to look at the source material used for the Wikipedia article for anything really useful.

And, eventually, a curator will research and fix the problem. As I said before, I think someone mistakenly merged two similar profiles and now the original no longer matches.

It may take some time, but it will get sorted out. Some day it would be fun to make a gathering for descendents of the Rashi and others!

11/30/2018 at 4:19 AM

dear cousin,

I turned to shmuel roid to ask if I was right, and if so, I could continue to try to enlarge my family tree because I found more information that could help.

In all the profiles that I opened (because my family tree is in the geni tree), I consulted with geni curators because I know that any change will make a difference in many people.
For the descendants of rashi it will be very difficult to gather us, because we are very many, and are in different countries,

In geni there is a project of the unbroken chain,But the project does not include the descendant who living today so I thought it might be worthwhile to set up a project of descendant
We have established a facebook group of such descendant, but I am convinced that there are many of us who are not aware of the group at all,Including members of the Horowitz and Rivlin families.

As for the discussion Shmuel raised here, it is in his care, and I am convinced that he will achieve the right results

11/30/2018 at 4:30 AM

Private User

by rhe way we are

Peter S Cohl is your 10th cousin once removed.

Private User
12/1/2018 at 4:11 PM

Started fixing up. Shmiel?/Shimon? HaChasid had been misunderstood to be the same person as Shmuel haChassid s. Kalonymus V, of Speyer. An obvious mistake. I'm now looking an accurate source of the father of wife, Yosef Treves.

Private User
12/1/2018 at 10:06 PM

Outstanding, Haim Wartski, HaCohen! Please send a link to the Facebook group. There is a very active Horowitz group on My heritage. Are you a Maharal descendent? love to find more of us! Best, Peter

12/2/2018 at 12:41 AM


maharal is my great uncle(his brother:Rabbi Chaim Loew is my great-grandfather),about the horowitz,are you descendant to Rabbi Yeshaya ben Moshe Asher HaLevi Horowitz?
I saw that we were cousins through my great-grandfather (2 th) rabbi shraga feivel wajngot and through the frenkel-teomim dynasty,
It's very nice to meet you,
The name of the group we set up on Facebook: the chain
Or through my Facebook:

12/2/2018 at 6:21 AM

Private User
hello dear shmuel,
As I wrote to you, I thank you for everything. When you fix everything, please update me, and I will try to search for information to continue the family tree
And if you can refer me to information about my great-grandfather (as I have written to you), I will thank you very much

Private User
12/15/2018 at 3:23 PM

Yes, Haim Wartski, HaCohen we are descendents of Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua. He is my 14th great grandfather.

All the best,

12/15/2018 at 10:56 PM

peter s chol

nice to meet you,
True, I am a descendant of Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, the Maharam of Padua, but I have other information about the connection between you and me(It's through frenkel teomim),I can not explain why there is such a big difference between our two family trees:

Peter S Cohl is your 10th cousin once removed

12/16/2018 at 12:38 AM

Private User
I sent you a message with details from my family tree, how we distant cousins, I can"t explain the gap of 4 generations between your family trees and mine

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