King Stefan I Nemanjić, Prvovenčani - cloned wife

Started by Livio Scremin on Monday, November 12, 2018
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the small cloned branch goes to resolve a little later, in another cloned branch.

wife and her Italian family FIXED,
now before merge the double son, I will study a bit of Bulgarian and Croatian.

the merge that I suggested and it was performed, it brought with it the "Betrothed" which must be placed chronologically between the two wives here present..'s a small detail but to be performed. TNX

..& still following the primary sources of MedLands*, his son total locked:
Stefan Vladislav Nemanjić, king of Serbia
is not son of the 1st wife
(wiki ITA agree, also the table listed inside agree.. probably the error comes from wiki ENG)

PLZ remove the 2 total blocks: the area needs a small refresh info-about update TNX

Private User as you see the area was repaired just a couple of weeks ago, and now there are dozens of tweaks per minute, occupation fields in international English removed .. and a zombie father king .. ?? ( Nemanja Vukanović )

as I try to understand what you are doing, you better explain that you are not vandalizing. soon.

Private User STOP

I have tried - I give up.

I can fix it again
as long as he is unable to do it again.
tomorrow let me find ADMN to the required profiles..

UNLOCK Stefan Zavida Nemanja, Grand zoupanos or you move King Stefan I Nemanjić, Prvovenčani as his son.

I'll fix it tomorrow, just make sure I find the list of his still movements.

I've unlocked - please alert me when you're finished and I'll lock again for Jadra.

for (my Italian) afternoon I have other plans, but tonight I make a commitment to put everything back as the primary sources listed.

in the meantime, deleting this duplicate : Nemanja Vukanović
a conflict disappears.

Okay - let me know where you need a Curator's help. Just be very specific about what you need me to do - I don't know this area.

OK TNX, the following are technical comments: no action required.
By establishing a perimeter of intervention, I do not go beyond these nodes where genealogical studies seem to me to be conflicting or under study etc..
-Zavida Marković
-Maria de Chaurs (it seems to me that now ML has solved here?)

the note of (C) can be changed - updated

ML 2020 even if with square brackets, agree any case the parents have already been set by another (C)

Great. Changed Curator Note

OK but unlock before re do same merge:
(or the 3 children do not move)

persona memo.. remember FIX this conflict: Ana (Dracul tree connection T.T last act 3 mount ago by same user)

from 2009 there is this historical claimed profile Private User

whit BIG duplicate Cyril Serbian tree of Stefan Zavida Nemanja, Grand zoupanos

the CUT point is Dimitrije Nemanjić, DON'T MERGE (CUT children report him.. it has been abandoned disconnected from every node for too many years to merge it all, now that the MP tree is done)

merge this empty profile Helen of Anjou
on Helen of Anjou
unites the three children [(unlock the MP before merge) 3rd attempt:]

Do you want Dimitrije Nemanjić, DON'T MERGE branch removed completely or to delete just him

# by canceling him there is no longer the conflict and the danger of moving its higher at any moment. This is fine, but remember that floating isolated there is that ancient tree duplicated in Cyrillic by an historical claimed ADMN ( would also be illustrated well:)

# about children of Helen of Anjou & her husband: I'll do it, you Unlock she. (4th attempt:)

# try unmerge this:
it could be a "2012 bug" "preview merge report" ..more complicated to explain than to do: try unmerge.:D

Helen unlocked

the sister of Helen is the solvable "perimeter point" mentioned by me at the beginning:
Following the primary sources, ML 2020 therefore has no doubts for parents of Maria de Chaurs (remove or merge NN MP parents)

however the whole line of her "husband de Cayeux " (Albanian?) at first glance it seems to me to be completely controlled {but here I have stop:}


PS ..I waiting UNDO -



*Not a known son of knez Lazar Pribinić & Milica Hrebaljanović
*unknown & unsourced medieval Florescu tree, mono ADMN, nameless ADMN, treeless ADMN.

to begin I strongly suggest parents CUT of Flora (Floresti) Florescu


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