Started by Private User on Friday, November 2, 2018
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My dear relative (and as you know, we are relatives on both sides):
There is some justice in what you say, but I think that if you do what you suggest, it can cause great confusion.
This is difficult and complicated work, and can cause problems..

I wouldn't touch any of those profiles on my own. It's definitely something to discuss with a group of curators, simply because of how many people's trees it would effect.

There are curators in geni who can testify: Because any change I make to a profile can affect many profiles and people, I turn to the curators to check and validate the findings

: I found this week a great study on 33 generations from frenkel teomim dystany for 33 generations (including Rashi, Horowitz family, HAARI AKADOSH). Because of the effect this can cause to many profiles and people, I sent the research to the curators at Geni to check and confirm if the findings are correct (I have not yet received an answer)So I did not do anything.

Sharon, the connection between the line of king
David and the line of the Husaini shariefs (the line of Ali ibn Alhussein AKA Zainul Abedin) is through Bahram V's mother, Shushandukht daughter of Nathan II Mar Ukba, and through Shahrbanu daughter of Yazdegerd III. I have conducted a research in 2012 and it's available online. As regarding Sherine the wife of Khosrow 2, there are indications in primary sources such as Ibn Miskavieh that she is the same person known as princess Maria, daughter of emperor Maurice that was mentioned in Byzantine and Persian sources, although she's not related to King David's line.

When we have some time, the descent lines connecting living people to David need to be checked until we come to those that don't have PRIMARY sources:

So far, no verifiable line using primary sources has been found. (eg

Private User, you could help by posting the links and the primary sources you've found.

This is the link to my research. It contains list of primary and secondary sources at the end

We could all be descendants of King David, and most of us living today probably are, he has been my ancestor several times :) but I do not think there can be any "proved line" for him seriously. So, it amuses me every time when these legendary people are used for religion/politics. I have seen that happening several times, even with prophet of Islams case, many names like 500 years ago in Saudi-Arabia are made "private", like somebody could own ancestors. Also same happening in King Davids tree, several private profiles made that are like thousand year old :D. What are interests of these people? Not much use in genealogy :)

Agreed :-)

Exactly. Say for example, King David is my 70th great grandfather (quite possible that he was 70 generations back from now.) But I had 2 grandfathers, 4 great grandfathers and so on, so I had 2 to the power 71 "70th great grahdfathers". That is (calculating on the computer) 2.3 x 10 to the power 21 of them! That's a lot. So it's not at all surprising that King David was one of them. In fact, as there haven't been nearly that many people alive in the whole of history, King David was probably 20 or 30 of my "70th great grandfathers"! And those 20 or 30 relationships would all be through different lines.

Graham Adutt,
King David lived about 120 generations ago. Certainly no less than 110. The simplest way to demonstrate this is through Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל. This is a person we have actual non-Biblical documentation for. He lived almost 2600 years ago (6th century BCE). If you figure that an AVERAGE generation is about 25 years* you get 100. Zerubabel is 21 generations from King David.

ALL lines much shorter than 120 generations ARE FAKE.

These lines are typically 90 generations long:
* especially those running through the mythical Scottish or Irish kings.
* The Muslim line skips about 800 years at one point.
* The line through Rashi and Hillel is makes "jumps" of 20 and 30 generations.

* The length of a generation being the number of years between when a person was born and had his children, i.e. his age.
** If it was only 70 generations, this average age would be a 42. Impossible,

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן - FINALLY !!!! Someone has articulated this issue with sound math. Most - if not ALL - of these individuals claiming some "kind" of a link with King David are simple trying to make themselves look important. There simple is not enough proven information to make these kinds of claims - YET !!!

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן, the Jewish lines now go about 100 generations to King David See my path at . It would be nice to see the dates or ages of fathers on the path. Might be easier to identify problem areas. The middle section covers the most time.

Ghazi Syed Gazi Saiyyed Salar Sahu
Ghazi Syed Gazi Saiyyed Salar Sahu

These persons were born around year 600. Who ever person made these private lines, made also cuts and changhes to ancestry of many of us, now there are these private lines among a long list of family through hundred of years, all made around to of "Kaysanites Shi'ia. (The Kaysanites were a Shi'i sect of Islam that formed from the followers of Al-Mukhtar. They are often described in later literature as ghulat – a kind of heretic.)" the interesting thing is that there is only 5 descendants living now :) hmmm.

Randy Schoenberg hi randy,
I'm a little confused by the whole issue, is it all right?
many thanks

I come to King David through number of my great grandfathers,all of them-Rabbinic dynasties. The path that was through Rashi and Bustai, that in this way there were no missing generatuion were through non-Jewish names.
In the way that now appears in geni I saw another problem, if I understood correctly, in the profile of Hizkiya "Zuṭṭa" ben Yehudah, Exilarch # 30,33 & 35, Final Gaon someone Unite in One Profile Several generations, King David had to be over 100 generations away from me and not 96
Any change will immediately affect many people. In my opinion, only geni's curators should check and, if necessary, change

Randy Schoenberg,
you'll have to ask Private User about that line. He's the expert for that part of the tree.

After this discussion began, I now find my family tree paths to Hebrew and Arab lines through Spain completely messed up.

Someone messed up things bad.

Just my feedback

Well, now we have a problem because Yigal Burstein decided to add a fictitious Missing Generations? HaKohen. Yigal, please delete that invented profile and disconnect these people. No point in having imaginary connections.

hi randy,
You are going to connect now directly to Baruch de l'Estoile, ha Nasi to Mrs. Don Avraham Daughter of Jacob ben Abba Mari?
I would be very grateful for your response

Somebody just created yet another "complete" lineage for King David. See: David Ben Uriah

He opened double profiles, made many mistakes and made that one time appear to me right: that King David is my great grandfather 97th and once again appears that David the King is a great grandfather 88th that is a mistake

As I had read so far... King David according with Geni is my 96th great grandfather from the James I The Conqueror, King of Aragon (I do have many Aragonese Kings ancestry proven lineage throught hystorical and old studies), so this lineage of mine of true or untrue? Despite of that, I do have many "new-christians" ancestors whom came to Brazil nearly 1500´s and then they became "Bandeirantes" (something like flagship warriors?!), so, the big point is... am I really King David ancestor? How could I know that is really true? Yet, this information I had discovered just yesterday. Thanks for your time and patience.

It isn't a "provable" assertion. There is some basis in history though:

* One or more sons of the Exilarchs from Babylonia appear to have settled in Spain about a thousand or eleven hundred years ago. This is largely based on reading from rabbinic texts that were written much later on though.

* One or more of the descendants of those people from Babylonia might have married into minor nobility (it's actually contentious, and depends on the interpretation of the identity of the wife of somebody or other - I don't recall the details, but there's plenty of material on this online).

* Minor nobility have a tendency to try to marry off their children well. Over several generations this involves a gradual climbing of the ranks. Monarchs typically have lots of distant ancestors who were minor nobles.

The Exilarchs in Babylonia claimed descendancy from the Davidic Line. There are, however, multiple trees in existence, and they probably suffer to some extent from the tendency of ancient rulers to enhance their lineage. There were also possibly some breaks in that line over the years.

Private User Yes, that pretty sure... I have found a way to share my lineage through him, turning this effort easier to be checked

Not only King David, I found ancestry on Matityahu Maccabi also...

Xerxes (Achashverosh)

I know this trend is only for King David, but I thought that come handle at this time to verify all this.

Thanks again

Shalom everyone . . . just my input: Thank you Jeremy for your good points.

I also believe brother Haim is exactly right, "Before the change, the algorithm took me the short way to King David, after the change he took me on the long road (from a quick glance, the "Muslim" names disappeared),

The questions Are How or Why did those Muslim names disappear?

"Was someone cutting the forest?"

Anyhow, I Appreciate everyone working hard to make things right.

thanks, Anwar

i have found geni impossible to use well because it will not allow you to find the closest link and you have no control of whether it says someone is your great grandfather one time and someone's 5 times removed husband's cousin another time.

Thanks Private User.

Dr Ahmed Khalil posted an academic paper above on the Sassanian -> Husaini genealogical route. I didn't mention it in my previous comment, because I can't properly evaluate it, as I don't unfortunately speak Arabic (Google translate didn't help at all this time). I got the general gist from the English footnotes though, and it's definitely plausible.

We should try to get all the various sources onto people's profiles, as this would help.

What I really like about this part of the world tree is how it really demonstrates the point that *everybody* is actually (not just theoretically) related to each other.

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