Alice Gwaltney (Flake) - My 9th Great grandmother

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Tuesday, October 30, 2018
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10/30/2018 at 8:03 PM

Please fix it! Her date of birth is WRONG! The 2nd Alice is the WRONG Alice. You have LOCKED the date of birth so I cannot correct it and you need to delete the non-existent one...they are BOTH MP...HOW does that happen?!

10/31/2018 at 11:09 PM

The curator note reads

Curator Note from Erin Spiceland (3/6/2013):
IF she is a Flake, dates indicate she cannot be the daughter of Robert, Jr., so she must be the daughter of Robert, Sr. However, indications are good that she is not a Flake at all. There may be no Alice Flake. Locked due to frequent mistakes.

From what I have seen so far, that note is an accurate summary of the supporting evidence, and I see no reason to presume otherwise, except to further lock the profile to “no parents.” Until such time as parents can be better proved.

Cross referencing from another discussion, please see the links with arguments made:

Profiles mentioned:

William Boykin, Sr.

Anne Boykin

William Gwaltney

1st wife of William Gwaltney

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