Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz - arnulf of metz

Started by Tor Bjarne Olsen on Sunday, October 28, 2018
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10/28/2018 at 10:39 AM


Munderic (died 532/3) was a Merovingian claimaint to the Frankish throne. He was a wealthy nobleman and landowner with vast estates in the region around Vitry-le-BrGle (Vitry-en-Perthois now) near Chalons-sur-Marne. The chief source for his life and deeds is Gregory of Tours.

In 532 or 533 or around that year he put forth a claim to royal descent as being or claiming to be a son of Chlodoric the Parricide and asked for a share of the kingdom of Austrasia from Theuderic I. He had a band of sworn followers. Theuderic attempted to summon him to court in order to kill him,
but after Munderic refused, a force was sent against him.[1] The pretender took refuge with his loyal supporters in Vitry. The Austrasian army, however, lacked siege engines and were unable to seriously invest the place. Theuderic responded by sending a personal courtier of his, Arigisel, to negotiate for the rebels to come out, which they did. The dishonest ambassador had them cut down immediately.

He married a daughter of Florentinus (born 485), a Roman senator, and his wife Artemia, daughter of Rusticus of Lyons. They were the parents of Gondulphus of Tongeren, Bodegisel, Patrician of Provence, and Mummolin, possibly mayor of the palace of Neustria.


1. " Gregory of Tours, The History of the Franks (Penguin UK, 1974).

■ Bachrach, Bernard S. Merovingian Military Organization, 481-751. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1971.
■ Settipani, Christian. Les ancetres de Charlemagne. 1989.


Saint Chrodoara was a Merovingian noblewoman and traditionally the foundress of the Abbey of Amay, now in Belgium.

Chrodoara is thought to have been born around the year 560 in Swabia. Sometime before the year 582 she married Bodegisel-Bobo, the son of Mummolinus of Soissons. She was widowed around 589. After the death of her husband she moved to Amay and devoted her wealth and her time to the church and works of charity. She died sometime before the year 634 and was buried in the Church of Saint George in Amay. The church is now called "Saint George and Saint Ode", where Ode or Oda, the name dating from the eleventh century, is identified as Chrodoara.

Chrodoara is said to be the mother of Bishop Arnulf of Metz, and she may have been the grandmother of either Hugobert or of his wife Irmina of Oeren, and thus the great-
grandmother of Plectrude, wife of Pepin of Herstal.[1]
In 1977 Chrodoara's sarcophagus was discovered in the choir of the Church of Saint George and Saint Ode. On the cover she is depicted as an abbess holding a staff. However, although she was a
patron and benefactor of the abbey she apparently was not an abbess.[1]


1. A a b Brubaker, Leslie(ed); Smith, Julia(ed) (2004). Gender in the Early Medieval World: East and West, 300-900 ( Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-81347-6.

Private User
10/28/2018 at 12:57 PM

What do you really hope for, we can´t do anything as long as Geni are stuck with a bunch of incompetent curators with a single shared mission of cutting away parents, wives, children in the medieval parts.

They have started this agenda summoned up in: if it don't exist contemporary birthcertificates, it's a forgery, thus have to be disconnected! After the cut they lock the profile.

In general, a woman starts posting a lots of post about ancient profiles (sometimes 10-20 in a row), in reality, what she asks for is, can I cut this or that relative from this profile, and no matter what kind of response (if even the initially post was noticed at all) the outcome in most cases will be a cut, then when somone protest, she's defendend by one or two other curators writing about myths and sagas or later falsifier doing anything for money.

None of this "arborist" responsible for this have any higher thought about true skilled historians, or genuine detective work from any competent person able to do just that,
it´s all about a cleanup...

Best of luck to all of you still hoping to find your roots, but unfortunately, that will require another place.

Private User
10/28/2018 at 2:02 PM

According to French Wikipedia, the 12th century Vita Gundulfi says, "Le jugement de Dieu a commencé quand il a permis que Mundéric pérît par le glaive, lui, le fils du parricide Clodéric." (God's judgment began when he allowed Mundéric perish by the sword, he, the son of parricide Clodéric.)

This is too late to be authoritative, and in context it confuses two different Mundérics.

10/29/2018 at 9:41 AM

frem Gregory of Tours;
Munderic, who claimed to be a relative of the king, swelled with pride, said : Why is Theodoric my king ? The government of this country belongs to me as it ; I will go and assemble my people and make them take an oath, that Theodoric may know that I am king just as he is. And being released in public, he began to deceive the people by saying : I am a prince, follow me, and you will find yourself well. The multitude of the people of the country followed him, so that, by an effect of human inconstancy, he gathered a great number of them, who swore allegiance to him, and honored him like a king. Theodoric having heard of it, sent him an order bearing Come to me, and if you are due a few portions of the lands of our kingdom, they will be given to you. Theodoric said this to deceive him, so that he could come to him and kill him ; but he did not want to go, and said : Report to your king that I am king as well as he. Then the king, angry, ordered an army to march in order to punish him when he defeated him by force. Munderic, having been instructed, and not being able to defend himself, took refuge in the walls of the castle of Vitry where he worked to strengthen himself, containing all that he possessed and all those whom he had seduced . The army that marched against him surrounded the castle and besieged it for seven days. Munderic pushed her to the head of his family and said Let us stand firm and fight to the death, and the enemies will not overcome us. The enemy all around was throwing lines against the walls, but it was useless The king, who sent one of his own, named Argesile, was informed of it and told him : You see that this perfidious succeeds in his revolt ; Go and swear to leave without fear, and when he goes out, kill him, and erase his memory of our kingdom. The latter having gone there did what he had been ordered ; but he first agreed with a signal with his people, and told them When I say such and such things, immediately throw yourself on him and kill him. So Argesile entered, told Munderic : How long will you stay here like a fool ? You can not long resist the king ; Behold, your provisions are over, overcome by hunger, you will go out, deliver yourself into the hands of your enemies, and die like a dog. But listen to my counsels, and submit to the king, so that you and your sons may live. Shaken by this speech, Munderic says If I go out, I will be taken by the king, and he will kill me and my sons, and all the friends that are here with me. What did Argesile answer? : Do not be afraid ; for if you wish to go out, receive my oath, nothing will be done to you, and you will come without danger in the presence of the king. So you have nothing to fear, and you will be near him what you were before. What Munderic went back to : Would to God that I was sure not to be killed ! Then Argesile, with his hands on the holy altars, swore to him that he could go out without fear. After receiving this oath, Munderic first came out of the castle holding Arégésile by the hand ; the people of Argesile looked at them when they saw them coming from afar. So Argesile, according to the signal that was agreed, says : What are you looking at so carefully, O men ! Have you never seen Munderic ? And immediately they rushed on him. But he, understanding the truth, says : I see clearly by these words that you gave to your people the signal of my death, but, I tell you, since you deceived me by a perjury, no one will see you more alive ; and with a spear from his spear, he pierced him. Argesile fell and died. Then Munderic, at the head of his people, drew the sword and made a great carnage of the people, and until he returned the spirit, he did not stop killing all he could reach . When he died, his property was collected from the king's treasury .

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