John Bridges - Bridge father and son??

Started by Private User on Saturday, October 27, 2018
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Private User
10/27/2018 at 9:15 PM

Dea. John Bridge, of Cambridge and Dea. John Bridge, of Cambridge are showing as father and son. But the father's profile has his date of birth as only 2 years earlier. How can this be reconciled?

This site may give some clues:

as well as this book:
Genealogy of the John Bridge family in America, 1632-1924

Private User
10/27/2018 at 9:51 PM
This page seems to indicate that the pages of a carefully researched genealogy of Deacon Bridge which go back 8 or 9 generations are missing. However, it also says that there may be records in the town of Mawlden, England.

My gut feeling is that these two men are not father and son, and that the parents of Deacon John are unknown.

10/28/2018 at 1:03 PM

The Geni tree seems to be based on this garbled tree

I am disconnecting parents

10/28/2018 at 1:18 PM

The wives & children need work also.

Elizabeth Bridges Should be unknown wife For 2nd wife

Careful of the links made on FindAGrave, the narrative however is from Anderson’s Great Migration Project.

I will go into the site on Ancestry to get his children, as complement to the book.

We might need to set up a new unknown wife / mother profile.

10/28/2018 at 1:48 PM
10/28/2018 at 2:01 PM

Anderson says it’s tempting to associate Elizabeth Betts as sister but it’s more likely she was childless & leaving legacies to fellow church members etc.

10/28/2018 at 2:10 PM

Also disconnected Edward Bridge, of Roxbury from unproven parents.

10/28/2018 at 2:19 PM

Did this person even exist ?

Dea. John Bridge, of Cambridge

The bio from seems to mostly cite John of Cambridge, including the statue, death date, and one of his children.

10/28/2018 at 3:10 PM

This database parsed the book source

"Genealogy of the John Bridge Family in America", by William Dawson Bridge.

Private User
10/28/2018 at 4:09 PM

If Dea. John Bridge, of Cambridge did not exist, who is the father of Mary Betts? I'll have to see what I can find on her.

Nice work, as usual! Thanks so much!

10/28/2018 at 8:19 PM

Mary Bridge is Fictional also.

Mixup with Elizabeth Betts, widow of John.


An old genealogy (see images attached to Bridge-134) claims that Elizabeth who married John Betts and came over on same ship with John Bridge was John's sister. Anderson (p 396) disagrees:

"'Sister Betts, named in John's will, was Elizabeth Betts, wife of Goodman John Betts of Cambridge. She left a will, written 13 December 1663 and proved 14 March 1663/4, which named over fifty persons [MPR Case #1659]. John Bridges was a major legatee of this will, receiving her house and land in return for maintaining it during her lifetime and fulfilling many small legacies at her death. Tempting as it might be to assume that 'Sister Betts' had a blood relationship to John Bridges, it is much more likely that the childless Elizabeth was naming her many well-loved friends, neighbors and fellow church members in this will."[2]

10/29/2018 at 3:14 AM

So far I see think Mary Betts should be merged into the other Mary wife, but really need to check more.

10/29/2018 at 1:35 PM


The LNAB of Thomas' wife has not been determined. There are some camps that are sure it was "Raymond." Others cite "Bridge" or "Bridger." It is thought that they were married in England, but no record has been found. It is also possible that they were married in Guilford as they did not keep records before 1644, which is when their first child was born. [29]

1677 - power of attorney from Richard Raymond named him my well beloved brother Thomas Betts of Norwalk (This is why many believe his wife was Mary Raymond. It could possibly refer to his son Thomas, rather, who was, indeed, the brother-in-law of Richard, since he was married to his sister Mary) Salem, Massachusetts.

10/29/2018 at 1:43 PM

Now - this is interesting.

“On 27 March 1665, he was voted another home lot, next to Ralph Keeler's. At this time he resigned his home lot that was next to William Ruscoe to the town.”

Because Ralph Keeler’s wife is thought to have been a Betts

unknown Keeler

I am presuming there must be some of of relationship between Thomas Betts, of Norwalk & “the School dame of New Haven”

Mary Betts

But - no Bridges or Bridgers in sight.

Grace Morris Is the next mystery.

10/29/2018 at 2:01 PM

Grace Morris Married in 1655, which makes her chronology as daughter of Thomas almost impossible. Not to mention she’s not in his will. I’ve disconnected from parents, more proof needed to make the connection.

I also suggest merging the two Mary wives of Thomas Betts into one, consider her maiden name & parents unknown, and link to proposed parents within her “about.” Although the Bridge parents are now looking even more fictional ...

10/29/2018 at 2:38 PM

There is a citation for Grace Bett’s parents

On 20 Nov 1655 Edward married Grace Bett, daughter of Thomas Bett & Mary Bridge, in Boston, MA.9 Born ca 1634. Grace died on 6 Jun 1705 in Roxbury, MA.75

9. Douglas Richardson, “The Heath connection: English origins of Isaac and William Heath of Roxbury, Massachusetts, John Johnson, Edward Morris, and Elizabeth (Morris) Cartwright,” New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., 146 (1992):261-278.

10/29/2018 at 3:03 PM

And going back to supposed father of Deacon John Bridge

The source is the old ancestral File.

No wife listed. I just busted Marjory off her supposed parents.

Children listed:
1. Deacon John of Cambridge
2. Elizabeth Betts (Anderson says no)
3. Edward 1601 - 1683 of Roxbury (Anderson says no)
4. Mary 1606 nothing further
5. Mary 1620 nothing further

Fictional ?

10/29/2018 at 3:10 PM

The Genealogy of the John Bridge Family in America (updated 12.03.11)

Life and Descendants of John Bridge, The Puritan

John Bridge, 1578-1665.

• 1578: Born Braintree/Norwich, Essex, England. English Genealogy prior to 1578 can be found at the bottom of this story.
• 1578-1632: Lived Braintree & Norwich, Essex, England.
• 1590: First wife Elizabeth Wilcox was born; daughter of Robert Wilcox and Elizabeth Stokes.
• 1609: Married Elizabeth Wilcox in Alcester, Warwickshire, England.
• 1615: son Matthew was born about 1615 (see more below).
• 1623: son Thomas birth date is unknown; Christening was Nov 9.
• 1628: daughter Sarah was born; died two years later on May 12, 1630.
• 1632: His first wife Elizabeth Wilcox died
• 1632: moved to New England with the Hooker Company, bring his two son Thomas and Matthew; settled in Cambridge, MA

(Note: I did find the John Bridge of Alcester who married Elizabeth Wilcox, I will post the links to that couple; I don’t know why this earlier couple is supposed to be the same as Deacon John, though).

10/29/2018 at 3:12 PM

English Genealogy, prior to 1578:

John Bridge of Pagelsham dying in 1530 left three sons;
Thomas, Edward and John.

Thomas died in 1560, his will mentions 4 sons:
(1) Matthew Bridge of Chemford, (2) John Bridge of Rayne, (3) William Bridge of Stebbing, (4) Robert Bridge of Shudy Camps.

John Bridge (Cambridge, MA 1578-1665) is believed to be the son of William of Stebbing.

Rev. William Bridge is believed to be the son of Robert of Shudy Camps.

10/29/2018 at 3:16 PM

John Bridges, of Alcester Who married Elizabeth Wilcox was son of Anthony. Which doesn’t fit the pedigree.

10/29/2018 at 6:14 PM

Private User I believe I’ve found the real John Bridges in Collins Peerage

John Bridges, of West-ham, Esq.

Now whether he married a Joan or Margery French I can’t yet say, but if he emigrated to Watertown I’ll eat my hat.

10/29/2018 at 6:46 PM

Here’s the real possible English Ancestry

The History of Augusta, from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time ... Page 811

Private User
10/30/2018 at 8:42 AM

@Erica Howton
Amazing work!
So as far as my line is concerned, no John Bridge(s), Mary or Thomas Betts. Do you think the Pane Joyce Genealogy is a reliable source? I never know for sure what a good source is, other than original VR, census, wills. (And your research!) If you should come across ancestry for Grace, please let me know.

10/30/2018 at 10:39 AM

I was going to ask where exactly your connection was. Grace Betts didn’t make the cut. :(

Payne-Joyce is an excellent compiler, he’s a “go to” staple for Hatte & me. WeRelate is often very good. The point is transparency in citations. I tend to start with “who has done it before” and inspect their sources, and how the primary sources have been interpreted. So for example in Connecticut, if quoting from Savage ... look for Jacobus also. If Jacobus, look for Anderson. If Anderson, look for DNA studies.

The John Bridge book is an impressive effort, well sourced; but as we saw, a couple of differences in a more modern interpretation. So for me, a historian’s eye really helps.

10/30/2018 at 3:03 PM

That’s amazing great work, Linda. Well done.

There’s something teasing at me about Betts & Morris via this extraordinary pioneer

Mary Betts

But ...

Private User
10/30/2018 at 4:09 PM

Could there be a connection with Mary Betts? I know you separated them, but this profile says, "Mary Bigg (birth date unknown), married twice: (1)John Bridger, (2) John Betts circa 1600. John died in maybe, West Peckham, Kent, England." (The first John, I assume.)

So we've got Bridger and Betts together.

And Mary of Hartford's first son was named John, so it seems likely her husband's name was John. Might this fit with the others somehow?

Also, I came across this (as I'm sure you saw or wrote), though it might be far-fetched -
Thomas Betts] married Mary Bridge c. 1633 and had daughter Grace in 1634 in Roxbury. If the dates and wives given on this site are correct, Thomas and Mary must have divorced and Thomas moved to Milford before 1939, leaving Grace in Roxbury with her mother, as that's where it shows here that Grace married and died. Thomas married Mary Redmond in 1643 and had 8 more children in that area. Seven of those are mentioned in his will, as well as the daughter of another daughter. Grace is not mentioned in his will.

You may have already addressed this, but I'm probably confused.

10/31/2018 at 4:50 AM

Yes, I had seen that theorized first wife, divorce, & then leaving Grace out of his will.

Nothing like that makes any sense. Divorces were few, far between and recorded. No divorce record, then it didn’t happen.

10/31/2018 at 5:04 AM

Also, he wasn’t even in America until circa 1638


Thomas was almost certainly in the New World before 1639 when he was mentioned in the will of John Biggs, dated 17 August 1639, as Cousin Betts there [New England]. [6] He was thought to be in Milford, Connecticut in the summer of 1639.

Private User
10/31/2018 at 7:28 AM

I found this book
which was cited on that last wikitree link you sent. That seems to be very extensive research on Thomas Betts, and no Grace.

That link mentioned that there was another Thomas Betts "floating around" at that time who was of similar age to this Thomas. I wonder if that one is Grace's father. If she was born in Roxbury, her parents (whoever they may be) had to have been there! I wish we could find them!

If Pane-Joyce is a reliable source,
maybe Grace's parents did have the names Thomas and Mary Bridge, though not the same people as the ones on Geni. That source had "On 20 Nov 1655 Edward married Grace Bett, daughter of Thomas Bett & Mary Bridge, in Boston, MA." with a footnote for this source:

9. Douglas Richardson, “The Heath connection: English origins of Isaac and William Heath of Roxbury, Massachusetts, John Johnson, Edward Morris, and Elizabeth (Morris) Cartwright,” New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., 146 (1992):261-278.

But maybe that is just the source for the marriage (which I know is on familysearch), and not Grace's parents.

Private User
10/31/2018 at 7:57 AM

So I'm looking at the Roxbury (where Grace was supposedly born) project and I see this guy -
Edward Bridge, of Roxbury
His wife was Mary (unknown). They came here in 1637. One Great Family (I think that was the source) has some of Grace's siblings with the last name of Bridge. Maybe Mary was married to a Betts and had a bunch of kids (including Grace) before she married Edward Bridge, in which case Grace would have had to be born in England.

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