Thiadsvind - No children?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, October 26, 2018
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Medlands suggests that Theudoald, Mayor of the Palaces of Austrasia & Neustria is a child of Grimoald II the Younger and an unknown mistress, not of his wife, Thiadsvind.

Wikipedia says differently, but with no sources.

Grimoald had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):

a) THEODALD ([707/08]-killed 741). The Liber Historiæ Francorum names "Grimoaldus…filium ex concubina Theudoaldo"[176]. The Annales Metense name "Grimoaldi filium eius parvulum ex concubina nata nomine Theodaldum" when recording his appointment as maior domus for King Dagobert II[177]. He was legitimate according to the Monumenta Epternacensia which names "Theodaldum, filium Grimoaldi…ex Theodesina filia regis Rabodi"[178]. After the death of his father, his grandfather Pépin chose Theodald as his heir although he was still a child. His paternal grandmother appointed him maior domus in Austrasia in 714. The Liber Historiæ Francorum records that "Theudoaldo" was appointed maior domus after "Ragamfredo" fled[179]. He was opposed by his uncle Charles "Martel", but fled after the battle of Compiègne 26 Sep 715[180]. The Annales Alammanici record in 741 that "Theodaldus interfectus est"[181].

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